[@Crusader Lord] [color=silver]“Ah, excellent, wonderful!”[/color] He laughed. [color=silver]“I think we’ll get along just fine, you and I!”[/color] So she’d step past the threshold. A large crystal left at the place where she had stood in front of the engraving. Perhaps left there so someone could find her? Such an action seemed like it might have proven useless, though. The moment she would step into the hallway, there was the feeling of something shifting again. The grinding of stone this time, too. A quick look behind her - and she’d discover the hallway behind her had simply vanished. Rather, it was as though it was never there at all. Just an impossibly smooth wall...seemed like going back the way she came may not be an option, now. [color=silver]““You want to learn about me, alright then. Just keep walking. I’ve already got something in mind.”[/color] And so Leannah would be urged to move forward. Despite the seeming expansiveness of the labyrinth, it also seemed...fairly small? Or linear. The more she moved, the more it seemed she had less and less of a choice on where to go. A distinct feeling that the Labyrinth was moving around her as she walked, perhaps. Regardless of the oddness of this space, she’d eventually find herself in a large room. [color=silver]“I’ve devised a series of...chambers, if you will.”[/color] He’d speak up again [color=silver]“Each chamber relates to me, in some fashion! If your a clever little fur coat, you’ll be able to put two and two together. At the end, if you’ll able to recite each room and what each room means - I’ll let you ask a single question, whatever question it is...and I will answer it truthfully and completely. Or, I shall give you information on something you want. Whichever you want.”[/color] By now the first of the chambers seemingly have come into view. [color=silver]“I’ll leave a few hints behind, of course. No fun if you don’t have any clue at all! But I won’t be helping at all from here, only watching. Ta-ta, I have some tea to get to.”[/color] And then Leannah was alone. The terms of the little game had been set, then. Each chamber was supposed to be related to the Illuminator in some way then...but what exactly did that mean? The room she was currently in seemed simple enough. An operating table had been situated in the center of the room. A small note in messy writing had been left upon the table. [center][i]”Knowledge was birthed by The moons demand, but it was knowledge stolen.”[/i][/center] Taking a further look around the room would reveal a few things. There were various offshoots to the room, with a few more rooms within. Around what seemed to be the door at the top of some stairs on a raised platform were four slots for some round spheres. The rooms seemed to extend to the North, East, West, and...South? Wait hadn’t she come from that way? Seemed she was now trapped in this little room, but she had more places to investigate now. [hr] Nobbu, the Fox, and a Traveler [@VitaVitaAR][@PKMNB0Y][@PaulHaynek] [hr] “...Hm. Boy.” The deer would address Nicholas as it would watch Nobunaga and Misaki depart. “If you truly wish to antagonize these followers of this god - then the hunters within the village may be where you wish to start.” It would say simply, before turning back towards the forest. “I will return tomorrow, to this grove, and should the wind tell of the village’s cooperation, then I shall grace it with my presence...but for now, I must take my leave. The winds grow restless to the south...” And with that, the Deer would return to the forest, eventually vanishing among the trees and leaving nearly no trace of it behind. Only a cool, refreshing breeze. The fawn would follow Misaki for a little ways out of the grove, cautiously trailing along behind her. Eventually though, they would once more reach the edge of the forest and the deer would pause at the treeline, watching the two leave, not following Misaki beyond the edge of the forest, and soon they would find themselves back in the village. The sun was well on its way sinking on the horizon. Seemed like there had been a small commotion over where Mie was, but looked like it had been resolved fairly swiftly. So the pair would make their way back to Enli’s longhouse, and would quickly be welcomed in. The older man seemed in a bit brighter spirits since the last they had seen him, and the scrolls from before seemed to now be scattered across the floor in front of the shelves. “Oh! You two, you’re back.” He’d greet them in a friendly manner. “I have to say, I feel like I’m ten years younger at the moment. Another fellow arrived in the village recently...Donovan, I think his name was? He went to visit lady Mie, but I believe he may be able to help the two of you in this endeavor.” He offered them a small smile. “That aside, how goes things? I’ve been scrutinizing these scrolls a bit more than I have in the past.” [hr] The Roma Mob [@ERode][@Pyromania99] [hr] “O-oh...uhm...s-sorry, I think I’d rather go to the smithy...” Leuca said a bit hesitantly. “Uhm...I-I know I’m here to learn from them, but...I’d also like erm, a proper weapon...” There seemed like she had a few more reservations about that, but she wouldn’t voice them unless pressed. The group would end up splitting. Augusta headed to the large tower, with Isidore and Leuca heading towards what seemed to be a smithy. The earthy, savor smells of nearby cookhouses and gathering houses would be tempting to be sure. Leuca would end up scrunching her nose up in a mildly uncomfortable manner though, as though she wasn’t quite fond of them. Most of the grey and pale skinned elves paid them no heed as they approached, though Leuca got a few odd looks, and the building itself was just a bit less fantastical looking than others, though that was saying little. It was built in a more traditional style, with stone work and masonry rather than the plants. Perhaps a fire hazard otherwise? Didn’t stop a large mushroom from intertwining itself around the building's chimney and claiming it as its roost. Its roots spread across the surface, until they pierced the cavern floor beneath, anchoring it in place. Upon entering he was greeted with a warm air, the clanging of hammers and what was very clearly the front of a store. The interior was rather simple. Works of shadow elf craftsmanship hung on the walls, mostly seeming to favor simple arming swords of various makes, as well as armors of the lighter sorts. A few shields were seen, though they seemed to have some manner of dust suggesting not being well maintained or perhaps not popular. No ranged weapons, but perhaps that was to be expected. Bows and arrows didn’t seem like a good idea in underground areas. “...a human huh. And a Sirithen. You’re the most interesting thing that’s walked in here in years.” A rather tired, bored sounding voice would greet Isidore. [url=https://i.imgur.com/8XOr69f.png]A young looking Shadow Elf was leaning against[/url] against a counter, wearing a simple dress and looking like she’d really rather be anywhere else but her current location. A yawn. “Make it quick so I can get back to staring at the ceiling sooner.” Behind the counter was a large open area, separated only by a thin wall likely to help block out most of the noise from the storefront. A rather bulky dark skinned male was hammering away at metal. “U-uhm...oh these blades are all so different than ours...” Leuca would say, taking a look around the weapons. “That right huh. I heard Sirithen weapons tend to be more for power, eh.” She’d comment idly at Leuca’s comment. “Mhm...well, that or spears...swords like these are mostly for beginners to familiarize themselves with.” Leuca would still look around the finely crafted blades, as though perhaps she wanted something. [hr] Augusta would meanwhile find herself heading towards the tower - unlike Isidore, now that she was alone she could feel quite a number of gazes on her. Many of the Shadow Elves seemed perhaps, a bit too interested in her...but at least, for now, no one did anything or attempted to approach. The tower itself was quite the grand sight indeed. Vegetation grew around it, intertwining and seemingly engulfing the tower in various places, no doubt having been hollowed out in places to allow for people to live or move about within. It extended all the way into the ceiling above, though how far up it went was a question in and of itself. The entrance was a set of large double wooden doors, though she would be stopped at the entrance. [url=https://i.imgur.com/G4LLves.png] A shadow elf wearing simple armor with a red blade hanging from her hip[/url] would give Augusta a mildly irritated glance, rather rudely making a move to stand in front of her. “Dunno what you’re here for, Sirithen, but this towers’ got nothing special for you. Get lost before you end up being turned into a toad.” “...hm? Did I hear that right? A Sirithen of all things?” Before the rather irritable guard could say anything else, a voice from within the tower interjected. The wooden doors would open, and a rather…[url=https://i.imgur.com/LBQMag0.jpg]loosely dressed elf would step into the street.[/url] A bit shorter than Augusta, with violet eyes and long white hair and the typical grey skin of the Shadow Elves. Violet eyes studied Augusta for a moment before a small smile crept slowly across her lips. “...Let her in if she wants.” “E-eh?! Seriously? This milk-skin?!” “You heard me. Unless you want to be on the receiving end of an unpleasant experiment, let her in.” If Augusta desired, she’d be allowed in with no problems after the words from this Elf, whoever she was. The interior was a far cry from what it appeared outside - or perhaps it looked to be exactly as one would expect. The interior was well lit in cool colors, illuminated by lanterns with blue flame and bioluminescence from plants growing within. Plush luxurious carpets covered the floor, the walls covered in vegetation, walls crammed full of shelves full of magical and alchemical apparatus’. Oddly, there did not seem to be ways to move upwards. Surely this entire tower wasn’t reserved for this entire room. “Rare that your kind venture down here. Most think us as, ah, undesirables. Now...why don’t we start with names, my fair skinned cousin. Don’t worry, no one will harm you here, unless I tell them too...or I want too, of course.” Of course, she could choose not to follow and this exchange would never happen, but maybe it was safest to not wander too much, though perhaps judging from this ones demeanor she may not be entirely safe here, either. Octavia would curiously peek out from behind Augusta's legs. [hider=Goddess Note] Name: Rhullphana Varoeth Race: Shadow Elf (Urutha) Physical Attributes: ??? Magic Attributes: ??? Weakness: The Shadow Elves', unlike their above ground dwelling cousins, possess a far greater capacity for magic. However, they also tend to lack great physical strength or stamina. Abilities: ???? Special Attributes: Path of the Sage This one has begun walking the path to becoming a Sage, following in the footsteps of the first sage. One of the subterranean Shadow Elves, the youngest and often enigmatic people of Gloomhollow. Friendly to all but their cousins the Sirithen due to many years of conflict and a difference in beliefs. Her name is ------. She is amused. Something is preventing you from knowing more information. [/hider] Send Feet Pics [@Cu Chulainn][@Guy0fV4lor] [hr] Mie raised an eyebrow, tail swishing thoughtfully behind her. “So...you wish to work for me, is that it? In return for protection and a bit of knowledge.” She pondered. “Truthfully, I don’t really need any more of these...I needed one for a...special order, but...” The fox smiled. “If you wish to make a trade deal, by all means then. I can always find uses for these. Though, I’ll have you do a few more...managerial tasks, in return I’ll allow you to stay here. Should be a few extra beds around here in some tents-” Mie’s ears perked up, her nose scrunching lightly as she would sniff the air, head turning towards the tent wall. A small commotion from outside. “Lady Mie!” A worker came running in. “The Kamaitachi is enraged. The forest might have-” “Its not the forest.” She quickly cut him off. “Nothing would quite so easily scare one of them.” She would turn back towards malphas. “We can discuss more details later if you want, but for now, you may take rest in my tent for me to return. I need to see what is going on out there. Just let Ayumi know you’re there or she might think you’re a thief.” Of course, Malphas could see what was going on, too or head for MIe’s tent. It wouldn’t be hard to find if he asked some Oni. She would then take the flower from Malphas and leave, supposing he’d let her have it - not that he was in any position to refuse giving it to her. A few Oni were eyeing him with suspicion. He could also choose to follow her, if he desired. The commotion outside, was Donovan’s struggle against the weasel-like beast that was currently attempting to gnaw his face off. He reacted fast, his goddess given strength and body holding fast against the creature's weight. He put his weight on his back foot, gathered power in his fist… There was a muffled impact. The sound of something breaking as Donovan’s fist slammed into the Kamaitachi’s jaw. It gave a shrill, pained wail as it was knocked off balance, its weight being suddenly redirected and its body quickly rolling over onto the ground. It thrashed, rolling a few times - but it was stunned long enough for a few Oni workers to attempt lassoing the beast with strands of rope. One was tossed arounds its neck. Another was wrapped around its tail, while a small group would toss a net over it. “Eeek?!” A sudden shout from the dwarf would perhaps draw Donovan’s attention. “G-get yer hands off me!” “Hmm, hold on, looking for something~” A quick glance would leave Donovan discovering that his dwarvish acquaintance was being accosted by Mie in a rather comical fashion. “Hmm...nope, nope...not it...” “I dunno what in the name of the stoneblight yer doing, but get-off-!” The dwarf attempted to pull Mie off her, but the fox was surprisingly sturdy apparently. “Geh, why are you so-bweh!” “There we are~” Mie would pull something out of one of the Dwarfs bags. A small sack of some sort of, foul smelling organic material covered in some orange substance. “You wanna tell me what this is? Because its making my animals a bit agitated.” “That? Its a bait we use to lure away those blasted centipedes in the mountain!” “These centipedes wouldn’t happen to be kin to an Elder beast would they?” “Aye, they are!” “Haaa...well, that explains this.” Mie tossed the sack to one of the Oni. “Put this in my tent would you? I don’t want any more of the Kamaitachi getting agitated.” She turned to Donovan. “You and that dwarf should come with me. These things are kin to an Elder Beast that live on one of the mountains in Chagawa. I need to check you both for injuries.” “I’m not goin’ anywhere with you! I’ve been manhandled twice! Twice! In the span of an hour! You surface dwellers are crazy!”