[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjg4LmRjMDBkYi5VbVZ1WldVZ1FtVnNiR1Z5YjNObC4x/great-vibes.regular.png[/img] [hr][@psych0pomp][hr][/center] [color=92278f]"Why, I shall take that as a compliment,"[/color] the madamoiselle returned to the Deacon, watching as he volunteered to stride ahead. She was, of course, quite fine with that, no 'ladies first' in these woods. [color=92278f]"Indeed,"[/color] she responded with a nod to the other man. [color=92278f]"Ah, my apologies, mister, but I'm afraid."[/color] She gestured to her clothing as if to indicate that taking another man's arm would be inappropriate. Her mind ticked to try to put together what she knew of the little enigma that was Mister Violet. The tracks and the muddiness of his shoes implied that he had been striding through the forest, but if he had he'd not been forthcoming with that information. That, to her, suggested that he was hiding something, and that made her slightly uncomfortable. Perhaps it was only sensible, after all, it was a masquerade ball, but just in case she hurried her stride up a little, so that if needed Deacon Grey wouldn't have far to move to assist her.