[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210324/c514e8101f58f889421092edb63edaa1.png[/img][/center][right][sub]April 9th - After School[/sub][/right][hr] Best chicken sandwich from a konbini, huh? Noriaki had sounded way too confident in that for the subject at hand. What about chicken from an establishment that had some meager smidgeon of pride in their cuisine? It was a step up from corndogs at least, but as Daigo stared at the row of crispy filets in the heated display, he couldn't say it looked particularly amazing. Maybe it'd suffice in a hurry, but during a mundane day with literally thousands of superior options all around them, it was nothing special. Getting something else was tempting, but convenience store yakitori or instant soba would probably taste even worse with the knowledge he could get the real thing two blocks down. Then again, even something as mundane as a KFC would probably oust famichiki any day. [color=ff9933]"[i]Itadakimasu[/i]..."[/color] He mumbled halfheartedly as his eyes shifted between the two purchased items in his hands. Daigo had no qualms with curry bread; it was simple and hard to mess up. But stuffing low-quality poultry that had probably been sitting out long enough to turn the meat into desiccated shards in the middle seemed like a good way to both make a mess and ruin perfectly good curry. It was nice that [i]someone[/i] had acknowledged his insight in the culinary arts, but Kazuyoshi asking his 'expert' opinion at this point was basically a slap in the face. He couldn't have done that ten minutes ago when they passed by the best karaage in town? It was too late to even whine about that, now that they all had food in their hands. With no other options, Daigo took a bite of the famichiki. It certainly wasn't as dry as he'd expected, though the ginger wagered most of the moisture came from grease rather than truly juicy meat. Likewise, the texture wasn't superb but it was less of a travesty than the redhead had anticipated. He definitely saw the appeal of the bread to soak up some of that grease, though. After the first bite, Daigo tore the bread in his other hand open with his teeth and forced the slab of meat inside the curry-filled pocket as best he could. It did solve the dryness issue a bit, but the boy didn't see how the culinary creation in his hands was an improvement over eating the curry bread on its own and foregoing the chicken entirely. Still, the second bite was a definite improvement over the first, if only because the curry drowned out the other flavors. He could certainly see how an unrefined palate would confuse that for decent chicken. [color=ff9933]"FamilyMart certainly has more [i]visual[/i] appeal in their food, at least externally,"[/color] Daigo mused as he swept his eyes over the display, [color=ff9933]"and in terms of ingredient quality, I think they're about the same."[/color] He swore he saw advertisements about higher quality food they were trying to market, but Daigo had never really paid them much mind. A konbini was for prepackaged crap or food that one would have to actively try to mess up, not 'freshly' made chicken. Still, from his limited knowledge of their respective menus, he had to say he'd enjoyed Lawson's karaage more than whatever the thing in his hand was. [color=ff9933]"I assume you guys are only talking about flavor, though."[/color] Like the uncultured animals they were. [color=ff9933]"Neither one's great, but if I [i]had[/i] to pick one, I gotta say Lawson's. Sorry Hoshino-kun."[/color] The ginger shrugged at the conclusion of his longwinded critique. Hopefully that would satisfy Asakura enough to stop glaring at him, because even though Daigo was determined to die on his hill of konbini chicken tasting like crap, the pressure was there regardless. [hr][@Wxer][@Asura]