[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjcyLjc0NzQ3NC5Sa0ZEU1V4SlZGa2dRam9nVkVoRklGTlVRVkpVLjA/panfleta-stencil.extra-bold.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr] For every day that Facility B had had subjects in its walls, the Chromatic security wards were awoken at precisely 0800 hours by a simple piercing alarm. Every day apart from today, that was. The first alarm went off in the halls of the Red block at the assigned time, but there were no bootfalls as armed staff made their way into the halls in preperation for the newly arisen subjects. In fact, there were no noises from the staff at all. Then, two minutes later, Yellow and Blue subjects were awoken simultaneously, the alarm warbling slightly; something which again had never been heard once in all the years that Facility B had been running for. Another minute and a half would pass, and then Purple ward's alarm would finally arise from its slumber, offering only a few pitiful mewls before quieting down again. Once it had stopped making noise, the other three joined it in its silence, leaving the facility deathly quiet. It was undeniably eerie. The cameras, which normally held an unblinking red light sat unpowered and silent, unmoving and unwatching. Everything was still and silent apart from the subjects. The canteen was empty- the kitchen abandoned by its normally masked staff, but the security protocols that held the subjects in place certainly had not lifted. Every door, every barrier was slammed down, with only the recreational areas open and avaliable. Power fluttered, off and on, the lights switching between their fully powered white flouresence and their low-powered red illumination. The air vents choked and juddered, and the water pumps were evidently fritzing as well; water fountains occasionally letting a comfortable jet out, and equally occasionally providing but a small dribble. It seemed that, for now, the lunatics were in charge of the asylum.