[hr] [centre][url=https://fontmeme.com/art-deco-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210427/01bc6ef61962ce13a2616c74770e23ca.png[/img][/url][/centre] [hr] Oh god. This feels like hell. I now know why that Red Haired woman wanted me to train with her every 3 days in that blasted gym. Pole Vaulting, Close Combat Fighting and all that stuff. This climb feels incredibly treacherous even with the powers gifted to me. I don't even want to think about what happens if I climb without my gifted powers. "Ah, c'est la merde. J'arrive à Boston et puis je besoin montée la montagne?" I complained to myself. "The TSA is bad enough, why can't I spend my first days here discovering Boston huh? At least experience some of the American culture for myself." [color=maroon]"Oh c'mon, you've been to Mali and Afghanistan, can you really complain about all this cold?"[/color] A Red Haired woman said, floating just right besides me as I slowly climb the mountain. [color=maroon]"I'm know that you've been contemplating climbing Mont Blanc for a while now, just interpret this as a test run before the actual event.[/color] "Seriously?" I asked. "I was working in my café before suddenly you came here and asked me to come to America. No explanations, no nothing, and you're really insistent about it. 'Bah oui' I said, flying all the way from my town to Boston, and [i]then[/i] I have to take an Autobus from Boston to some Small Town, before finally we're here. Just what are you hiding from me Scathach?" [color=maroon]"Wait. Someone's here, you know what to do."[/color] I quickly nodded and activated my powers, completely making me invisible, my footsteps already gave it away, but should a would be attacker noticed it, I can pounce on them and make short work should I need to. There is a commotion nearby, a fight of sorts. "Hmmm, qu'est-ce que c'est..." I muttered, peering from a rock outcropping that I've hid myself into." There is a bird like creature attacking some girl, before some other woman attacked it with a bow and seemed to kill it. "Other Communicators perhaps?" [color=maroon]"Oh... is that, seems like it, a Communicator of Abnoba and Ryujin by the looks of it. Don't worry, I don't think they'll attack you, definitely not Abnoba's Communicator. Just depower and say hello."[/color] The woman said, sitting on top of the rock outcropping, motioning me to reveal myself. Depowering my invisibility, I walked out of the rock outcropping, waving my hands to the two women that seemed to dispatch the monster. "Bonjour, vous êtes une Communicatrice non?" [color=maroon]"Not in French! They're not French!!"[/color] The figure accompanying me screamed, shaking her head. [@Angel of Red] [@Hitman]