“NO, I’M SO CLOSE!” Freyr pleaded, struggling in Nirann’s vice-like grip. “YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” She didn’t have time to say exactly [i]how[/i] close she was to a breakthrough, because the transit station activated and her avatar was atomised. [hr]”I’m going inside, check everyone is out. Not convinced we’re getting through. Transit out, i’ll be right behind you.” 595 announced over comms. Using the rig’s spin to her advantage, she dropped onto the underside of the rig’s upper outside deck. Holding onto the metal mesh flooring, she swung round so the upside-down bulkhead door was in front of her. Just like on the monkey bars, 595 grabbed onto the mesh again and maneuvered herself over to the door. She hit the door release with her foot as the rig began righting again; it was speeding up. She swung herself inside and fell onto one of the walls, then to the floor. 595 quickly stood up and her magnetic soles activated. She moved through the airlock into the common room. Loose furniture and supplies crashed around as the rig careered towards the ground. Alarms and red flashing lights assaulted the senses. Several of the wall panels were sparking violently. 595 deflected a chair and studied the floor. A mobile transit station had been set up in here. “Anyone here?” 595 called, in person and via the team channel. She moved quickly through the gangway towards the bridge. It was empty as well, with another temporary transit station recharging from a recent use. The central console was mostly dead, with most extraneous functionality having been damaged. “Dr Lang! It’s me.” The Agent called over the ruckus. No response again, just the shaking from the outer hull and clanking of loose articles inside. Suddenly, one small workspace lit up green for success. 595 saw [UPLINK SUCCESSFUL] and moved over to it. Not all of what she saw made sense, but she understood enough to realise this was important. And it hadn’t been touched yet. Resting a finger on the holo, 595 downloaded as much as she could and stored it securely. Once she was satisfied, the Agent pulled out her sidearm and emptied a dozen shots into the command console. Sparks burst out all over the room. 595 wasted no time moving to the ‘Captain’s Panel’ by the cockpit door next. She could see through the windows there that the ground was alarmingly close. 595 quickly pulled a physical access stick from one of her pockets and plugged it into the panel. She keyed in a separate string manually, then activated the self-destruct sequence. Holstering her pistol, 595 moved into the transit station field and prepared to exfil.