[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/G9xaVXn.png[/img] [color=000000][u][b]Location[/b][/u][/color] 💀 The Sanctuary. 💀 The Kitchen. [color=000000][u][b]Interactions[/b][/u][/color] 💀 [@Mistress Dizzy] 💀 [@canaryrose] 💀 [@Crimson Flame] 💀 [@FunnyGuy] [/center] [hr] Alisa, the machine. Seeing this girl put into perspective how others viewed Casper, that being with discomfort. Much like him, she had been created, an android designed to serve another’s purpose. They held that in common. However, for Casper, this girl was more alien than any being, any entity across the multiverse with actual life, or death for that matter, running through them. [color=FFE4C4]”Hey..,”[/color] the boy returned. Alisa was polite, not unlike what one would have expected from an artificial life-form designed to emulate biological existence. Casper’s discomfort was not birthed from her behavior, however, it was rooted in her being. Alisa had no soul, no essence, or any variation thereof. For Casper, it was like staring into a void, one bereft of everything that encapsulated the life spectrum. She was neither living, nor was she dead. In truth, it was difficult for a creature like the Wraithborn to consider Alisa anything more than a machine on par with the fridge keeping that soda between his claws cold. An unfair judgement, of course, and one he would never openly confess to, but a position hailing from his very nature as a being standing between life and death. [color=FFE4C4]”It’s nice to meet you..,”[/color] a lie, though one difficult to deduce. Casper’s apathetic expression, his phantasmal eyes, and equally ghostly voice would make it nigh impossible to pinpoint his intentions. This was unlike Zach who made himself known with a bombastic entrance. Despite the magician’s frustration, however, Casper was thankful for the intrusion. He could shift his attention towards something else. [i]Someone else[/i]. [color=FFE4C4]”Logomany is quite difficult, Viktor..,”[/color] the Wraithborn pitched in. Was it to defend Zach? Hardly. That boy was loud and brash enough to stand up for himself. Rather, Casper was more interested in explaining the nature of this puzzle. [color=FFE4C4]”Zach’s aggression aside..,”[/color] he continued, [color=FFE4C4]”speaking a word, much less a sentence backwards in the midst of battle requires a level of wits only achieved through rigorous practice..,”[/color] the necromantic entity finished. The apathetic sound of his voice was, of course, constant. Could Casper even feel anger? Could he be offended, annoyed, or otherwise disgruntled? Of course, claiming anything else would have been a lie. However, the level of apathy present within the pale-skinned boy was impressive. Perhaps this was the reason why Coal had not gotten under his skin, yet. “Holy shit, that was a whole sentence! Well done, kid!” The spirit flew onto Casper’s head, and hopped excitedly in place. “Magic gets this little shit to pop open like a balloon.” It wasn’t wrong. The Wraithborn adored discussing magic, and the many philosophical questions accompanying this mystic flow. Why wouldn’t he? Casper [i]was[/i] magic, after all, and despite being unable to use any other form of spellcasting than his very own, the concept was of great interest. He was well-read on various forms of the art, not only due to a pursuit of knowledge, but equally so for combat purposes. Knowing your enemy, some would call it, which segwayed quite perfectly into Zach’s next display. Where Casper was nigh impossible to provoke, Zach was far too easy to taunt, which resulted in spectacular displays like this. Things that left him winded, and tired. Things that could get him killed in a dangerous situation. Though the Wraithborn was going to offer Zach a word of comfort, or an attempt at the feat, something else caught his spiritual friend’s attention. “Oh, you scared her off, as well,” Coal shook his head, turning to Casper. A dark brow rose as the Wraithborn’s eyes followed Kassy’s steps, her withdrawal. It was ironic how flawed these heroes were. All of them. Asocial, stubborn, anxious, temperamental, or dying for attention. None of them were different from the very people they were aiming to protect. Did the Justice League start like this? Lowering his gaze, claws tightened around Casper’s soda bottle. He was not one for crowds either, but he had made Zatanna a promise, one echoed with his mother. The Wraithborn was going to make this work, somehow, but in doing that, was he supposed to follow Kassandra? What did people with actual social skills do in a situation like this? Casper’s instinct was to leave her to the Atalntean’s own devices. She withdrew for a reason, after all, and she left following Casper’s interaction. If anyone was to console Kassy with a K, it likely should not have been the undead monstrosity who may very well have scared her off, adding truth to Coal’s words. “You haven’t even used your magic yet, Dead Boy, and you’ve already freaked out half the cast.” [color=FFE4C4]”Mmh..,”[/color] the Wraithborn frowned softly, raising his flask for another sip.