[quote=@Shadow Dragon] *He sucks in a breath, and the device sizzles, then pops, bits of metal showering your shoulder* That's cheating. Besides, bringing more of your friends would actually make my job easier. Then I wouldn't have to hunt them down one by one. *He looks at King* Can't I just kill him then bring him back to life? That would be much easier. [/quote] *a voice echoes out from thru the cosmos* ???:Oh, would it? *suddenly, you feel a force squeeze upon your heart, forcing it to stop. It feels much like an ethereal hand crushing it between its fingers* King: you aren't alone, Vice? Vice: I'd be stupid to fight someone as powerful as you without keeping my friends close. At least now I stand a chance at surviving. Truth is, they knew you were here the moment you stepped foot into my dimension. Funny thing, how technology works. King: I didnt take you for the inttelect type. Vice: I'm not, more of a brawler. But just beating things up doesnt always work. I'm a little light on the knowledge department, but I'm not an idiot. King:.... Reveal yourself, Hekrom. Hekrom: *my voice echoes out again* I was waiting for you. You fell into my trap. You can't escape. This entire dimension is my playground. Our original target seems to have dissapeared, but you're just as dangerous, from what Shinji had told us. King: *chuckles darkly* Oh, Shinji. That unfortunate soul? How pathetic. You were smart to heed his warning, though. *both you and King feel an immense pressure, as if your very beign was being forcefully compressed into a tiny pinpoint* Vice: finally! Took you forever, loser. *coccoons you both in a flame hotter than any known sun, torrentially turning around you*