[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 1: 3/10 Word Count: 461 Location: Al Mamoon Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 4/10[/center] Jesse tensed up a little, crossing her arms and straightening her back against the wall. [i](Shit. Did I really just get clocked by some random kid? I'm not that much of a weirdo, am I?)[/i] [i](...)[/i] [i](Don't answer that.)[/i] Jesse watched the travelling group go into the museum. Creepy scientist guy was also someone on her radar. Really, though, she couldn't know until someone made a move. If she thought every strange looking person could be a suspect, then she'd never get anywhere. All she knew was this museum was the perfect place for this phantom thief, whoever they were, to strike. Hopefully she'd be able to sense the Object of Power, or Polaris would be able to point her in the right direction. Things like that were tricky, though. Polaris could only see so much, and what she could act upon was made even less apparent to Jesse. The group of people walked into the museum itself. Jesse was beginning to wonder if that was a good or bad idea. According to her research, bypassing walls was not an issue for this paracriminal. She figured trying to prevent the theft itself was pointless. Unfortunately, such an option was lost to her when the guard shut the gate. At capacity. Polaris, however, indicated the group of strangers that entered the museum. A light blue kaleidoscope of glass formed around one in particular's head. Now that she thought about it...something about them was strange, too. Jesse couldn't exactly put her finger on it. Did they have something to do with the Resonance problem? Someone had to know something, right? From what she had gathered so far, everyone chose to stay away from the ruined city in the North. Which was reasonable. But those well-dressed humans were also different from everyone else she had seen thus far. They would require further study, too. [i](One problem at a time. Let's just kill time until something interesting happens. If you have any clues though, I'd love to hear them.)[/i] Jesse squinted up at a building across the street. [i](Maybe it would be better if we got a vantage point?)[/i] Jesse pushed off the wall she was leaning against and walked across the street. Once she was to the building, she made an effort to find a way ontop of the roof. Jesse wasn't a parkour expert, but she had a good sense of balance and was athletic. Hopefully in all the hustle and bustle of Al Mamoon nobody would bother her. [i]"Hup-"[/i] She pulled herself onto the one storey building and crouched down. She tried to see over the wall and also tried to follow the group of kids, that painter, and that weird old guy with her eyes.