[img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/833478380904906772/837090804794130432/sammy.png[/img] Samantha Goldhill snorted awake, a thin line of drool connecting her lip to the bed sheets. Somehow, her pillow had ended up on the ground. The sheets of her bed were a mess- she hadn't made them in a while. Her dirty blonde hair was a mess, frazzled up in places and hanging down in loose strands. Blearily she squinted, trying to figure out whether or not she truly existed. She did. Was she...already in her clothes? She glanced down. Yeah. At some point she had managed to pull on a loose white crop top and a high-waisted skirt of similar color that came down to her knees. The crop top hung over the waistband of her skirt. There were some sand-color leggings tucked into high socks. Oh, yeah, it was fashion statement o'clock. Did Sammy just put her clothes on in the wrong order? That was for her to forget, and for you to never find out. Topping it all off with some sneakers. The entire outfit smelled like wood. [color=fff79a]"Yeah, dude. I am...so up right now. You don't even know." [/color] Sammy lied, voice deep and tired. She ran a hand down her face. Untangling herself from her bedsheet nightmare, the highschooler clambered to her feet. Squinting, she turned the face of her digital alarm clock to face her. It was past seven thirty, already. Why did she have to get up today? Oh, school. Right. She reached up and touched her hair. It was...wet? Just a little. Memories came to her slowly. She had gotten up at about 5:30 AM, taken a shower, ate some breakfast, and then accidentally fallen back asleep. Oops. As Sammy thought about this, she realised her eyes had already closed and she was laying back down on her bed. Slapping herself lightly on the side of the face she disconnected from the matress and glanced around the room. It was..a mess. Thankfully Andromeda stayed out of here. It was one thing if her bedroom back home was mess. She had hoped to keep this place in better shape. It was also bare, undecorated, not a lot of personality of charm in it. There was a framed selfie of her and her dad on the nightstand. That was about it. Resting in a pile on the floor was a very large and baggy black jacket with white outlines. Kneeling over she appreciated the symbol over the front pocket. It both looked like a bunny rabbit and the sign of the horns. Smiling, bags under her eyes, she shouldered it. She reached into the lower pocket and found the familiar stained steel of her lighter. This was the part where she mentioned she was casually able to create fire out of her finger tips. Sammy had accepted this newfound reality without question. She always knew she was magical. She rolled the lighter between her fingers for a few moments and stared at her beside drawer. It was going to be a long day. She'd need a pick-me-up later. She pulled it open and pulled out her half-used pack of plain packaged cigarettes. Carefully she tucked them in her other pocket, and there would her hands stay for the rest of the day. Also, her cellphone. Sammy grabbed it and placed it next to the cigarettes. It was a tiny, amber colored flip phone. The kind that flung themselves open and clapped themsleves shut. Apparently she had gotten a text, but...she didn't feel like reading it. She turned her flip phone off completely and placed it in her pocket for safe keeping. The blonde girl, shoulders slumped, eyebrows perpetually a little confused, shuffled out of their shared fancy suite and into the hallway. She raised a hand in greeting towards her suitemate, Andromeda. [color=fff79a]"Hey, hey. How's it hangin'?"[/color] She stuffed her hands back in her jacket pockets. She trailed behind Romi as they walked to class. [color=fff79a]"So. We gonna like, do the thing? With the ghosts and all that? You really think they'll, like, pick up the phone or whatever? If I was a ghost, I'd just wanna chill out in the afterlife forever withouttabuncha meatbags trying to disturb my eternal slumber, y'know."[/color] Sammy yawned. [color=fff79a]"But, hey. It should be fun. Ghosts are cool. I wonder if they have bad sleep schedules, so that's why they only come out at night. Like me."[/color] Sammy mused, her dark green eyes perpetually half-lidded. This was her default sate of being.