Alright, here we go. I would recommend reading the comments I left for others, too, as there are some lore tidbits I clarify in there to make background information easier. [hr] [quote=@Cyrania] [hider=Heroic Loki] | Character Identity | Loki | Age | 130 ( about human late twenties) | Character Differences | This Loki regularly uses his sword, Laevateinn, in this au. Also, he quite enjoyed being around humans and would sometimes form friendships with a family that would last generations. From that, he ended up caring about human cares and concerns, helping him to both become a hero among humans and to not be haughty when it came to Asgardians that were beneath him in rank. He still does his tricks and enjoys a good prank. He's still closer to his mother than his father, even with knowing that he's adopted. But people could also trust that he would help them if he could, see him as a guardian of the hearth and home who cared for his own. His time under Mojo though has caused his kindness to fuel his rage, vowing that he won't ever stop until Mojo and Thor are taken down for good. | Brief World Background | A basically fully Marvel universe with some Cyrano de Bergerac au elements thrown, a major difference is that while this Loki became a hero, Thor became more and more a villain. His banishment then lead to Asgard's fall. Loki's true biological parentage was known earlier and he use to have a daughter, Cyrania de Bergerac. | Brief Character Background | For a time, Loki had grown to loathe his life. Thor never wanted to spend time with him anymore. Those that were in the know about his true parentage looked down upon him except for their parents, and Odin still always kept his distance. Only his mother and the time they spent together with lessons helped at all, but he could only brace himself for the other shoe to drop. Sometimes, he'd try to spark it with some of his pranks, yet it only would disappoint and her disappointment was hard to bear. On a whim, he ended up visiting Earth in disguise to a small country called France just to get away from it all. Jeers came up though for his choice in disguise from some drunken fools. Before Loki could reveal himself however, he found himself being defended by a man, so full of bravado and daring that it was somehow enduring. He soon quickly came to learn that the man's name was Cyrano de Bergerac and from that day on, Loki would sneak down to Earth to see more of him, eventually causing the two to become friends even if Loki had to swallow the bitterness of the wish that Thor could be more like this man. The man's moments though of sometimes being an extreme idiot helped distract him, causing Loki to secretly intervene in many cases where the man's pride caused him to suffer in silence. Overall though, he was a witty, engaging companion that he could enjoy talking with or simply listening to. Through him, he learned about both the highs of what humans could accomplish, and the lows of what they could suffer or do to each other. His times on Earth then started to come with fresh eyes, looking and seeing individuals where before he wouldn't have cared to. He would walk on to find Cyrano, but couldn't help but do something to leave things better in his wake. Time passed. He intervened more directly to have Cyrano actually marry the love of his life instead of let her stay in mourning for a man she didn't love, but his trips caused him to run into and come to know other people as well. Sometimes, he'd only come as a stranger in the night to aid someone then disappear. Other times, he'd come to know people more directly then come back from time to time. And while there where people weren't grateful or that his help didn't actually end up helping, he still found that he always felt lighter after visiting Earth more often than not. His brother didn't understand it, but he hadn't been willing to understand anything about him for some years now. He wished he could breach the gap between them, but didn't know how anymore. Then tragedy struck. Cyrano was killed by assassins while Loki was away doing other things, causing Roxanne to succumb to grief. All that remained of them now were their few possessions, and a daughter born the day he died, named by her mother Cyrania de Bergerac. After some time in shock, Loki ended up taking the daughter and bringing her to Asgard. He wouldn't fail this one's life like he'd failed her parents. Many protested him bringing a human to Asgard, most of all his brother. But Loki stood firm, with first Frigga's support, then finally Odin's reluctant support much to Loki's surprise. To his even greater astonishment, Odin helped him to awaken the magical powers that were locked within her and grant her a longer life, though with the stern warning that even with that, she wouldn't live forever. He accepted the fact, but still hoped to have many years with her. And so she grew up, lively and so like her father. Loki couldn't help but love her, raising and teaching her everything he could. Frigga and Odin also came to love her, but Thor would not accept her, his hatred growing of her every day. Multiple times, he tried to convince Odin to force Loki to send her back where she belonged, but Odin refused, not wanting to cause unnecessary hurt to Loki like that. Thor though took it as a sign that Odin was growing more senile, far too old for the throne. And so over the years, Thor sought to arrange a rebellion that would finally make him king, also vowing to finally kill off all the Frost Giants once and for all since his father had been so soft as to take one in as his son. When the day came, Thor lead his followers to the palace and sought to overthrow them all. All too quickly though, the revolt was squashed, and Thor was brought in for judgement. Instead of death or imprisonment though, Odin stripped him of his powers and banished him to Earth, also sending the hammer locked with his powers for the one worthy enough to wield them, hoping that his son might become the same type of great man he'd seen Loki come to be. But Thor didn't. Instead, Thor and Mojo met. And in his fury, Thor told Mojo how to conquer Asgard, only asking for the throne in exchange. As it happened though, Loki and Cyrania were both on Earth when the conquest happened, Loki having always sought to bring her to Earth every so often to let her keep a connection to her heritage and to allow her to visit her parents' graves. Neither had no way of knowing anything had happened back home until Loki called to Heimdall for transport back, but received no answer. Soon after, Mojo invaded Earth. Both of them fought as hard as they could, trying to at least get some people to safety, but they were soon overrun. Cyrania was killed, and Loki was captured and imprisoned. For some months now, he's somehow managed to survive the games, feeling his soul drift further and further away with every day that passed, every soul he killed. He can't allow himself to die though. Not until Mojo's reign is ended, and he can be sure Thor received a proper traitor's reward. [/hider] [/quote] The only two real comments/concerns I have here are: 1) Is the age a typo? For a being like Loki, and someone who even in your bio has befriended families for generations, only being 130 years old seems fairly young. 2) All of the bits about Mojo planning with Thor, invading Asgard, and conquering Earth I'll have to ask be removed. This is my fault for not clarifying before, but none of these proposals need to mention the character's abduction or the events leading to them. There's a very specific way Mojo finds his targets, and the abduction itself takes place during the course of a normal day for the character - whether that be while they're asleep, while they're distracted in a conflict, weakened from a fight, or whatever else. The details of what happened for your character specifically will be worked out between us if you're accepted. The only consistent is that all of these characters would have woken up as prisoners, been tortured and experimented on, and forced to compete in various death games. So, if you want to swap out Mojo for someone else that conquered Asgard and Earth, feel free to do so. [hr] [quote=@Cybermaxx] Gonna work on that secondary character concept in a bit. Got a few other games I owe posts to. [hider=A man without a country] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]| Character Identity |[/b] Steve Rogers, [b]AKA[/b] Nomad [b]| Age |[/b] 40 [b]| Character Differences |[/b] The primary difference between this version of Steve Rogers and most others is what he's experienced. His life has been characterized by a constant, unwinnable battle against fascism, and that has shaped his worldview considerably. Steve still holds true to all his beliefs about liberty, equality and justice- but he finds his faith in man waning. Can his country ever truly get better? Can they really overcome this dark period of their history, or are they forever damned to ignorance and hate? In his lowest moments Rogers oft thinks the answer no, and wonders if he might put the shield down and live out the rest of his days in peace with the woman he loves. The heavy guilt and sense of responsibility keeps him from pulling the trigger, but its always there, gnawing at the back of his mind. In terms of power levels Nomad is a few steps above peak human. He's able to perform incredible feats of speed and strength, and seems remarkably able to shrug off punishment, but he's not going toe to toe with the big boys anytime soon. Much of his strength lies less in physical might and more in quick, tactical thinking and decades of leadership experience under his belt. He's led both a military unit and partisans to great success back on earth, and he'll bring it to bear out here as well. [b]| Brief World Background |[/b] Steve comes from a world trapped under the jackboot of the [i]Großgermanisches Reich.[/i] His timeline diverged at the Battle of Dunkirk, where the evacuation attempts were halted by HYDRA built super weapons, and the British Expeditionary Force was completely and utterly destroyed. This defeat laid the groundwork for Operation Sea Lion: the German army landed along the southern beaches of Great Britain and began their push toward London, only for FDR to unilaterally declare war on the Axis Powers- without the approval of congress and against the Neutrality Acts he had signed himself just a few years earlier. The American intervention in the United Kingdom saw the first deployment of Captain America, the one and only successful subject of Project: Rebirth and the [i]singular[/i] superhuman in that timeline. His presence was celebrated by the men on the ground, as well as by the civilian population of the United Kingdom, yet he was oddly controversial back home. Many powerful people opposed the war, and they saw Captain America as an easy target for their propaganda: soon half the rags in the U.S were claiming the man behind the shield was a secret communist, or that his unnatural abilities were the creation of 'Jewish science.' Of particular controversy were the men he chose for the Howling Commandos, including a number of black and Japanese soldiers in a time where segregation was still army policy. Instead of opening up the western front in the Mediterranean and North Africa as advised by the British, the less experienced American command staff opted to go with Operation Sledgehammer: an ill-advised invasion of the Cotentin Peninsula in Northern France, where the Germans would have numerical superiority. Major General Walker Price, a young and inexperienced leader, lost nearly half his entire division after pressing ahead into German lines and getting himself surrounded; the only reason his unit survived at all was due to the timely arrival of Captain America and a commandeered armored column, who held open the line long enough for a full rout back to the coast. Price was stripped of his command and shipped back to the States. Angry, humiliated, and heart beating with a desire for revenge, Price was the perfect candidate for what came next... A coalition of businessmen, politicians and other officials formed a plot to unseat Franklin Roosevelt as president and end hostilities with the Axis powers. Their reasons were their own: ranging from those who wanted to reverse Roosevelt's economic policies to full-blown Nazi sympathizers. This plot had all the money and manpower it needed, but they wanted someone with the charisma, reputation and pull to ensure their plans would succeed, and Walker Price was that man. Since coming home he'd waged his own war in the press against Captain America and the U.S government, blaming them for the failure at Cotentin- and making allusions to unknown persons who were sabotaging the war effort to ensure the fighting went on longer for the sake of their own profits and power. He was all too happy to join in on this coup. Walker arrived in Washington, D.C with a veritable army of demonstrators, many of them armed former veterans or soldiers who had abandoned their posts to join in the march; also among their number were anti-war protesters, fascists and Nazi sympathizers, and a slew of other folk who took issue with the current administration. Undercover HYDRA agents assured that the gathering was large, the presence of American fascists was undersold by the papers, and agitated against capitol police and the national guard wherever possible. What followed was several weeks of protesting and rioting, running street battles between all manner of factions and the government, and the eventual arrest of the president- ending with Major General Price instituting martial law across the nation. An armistice was signed with the Axis powers, and America was drowned in civil unrest. The country was divided sharply on the events of that year. There was widespread violence along all sorts of lines: political, racial religious. Insurrections against the new government popped up across the nation but were quickly stomped out. These acts were used as justification for an extension of military rule, and the violence was blamed on communist agitators. Its been twenty years since the war ended in an Axis victory: the Greater German Reich is a bloated slave empire suffering under the weight of constant civil strife and international pressure, Spain and Italy have formed a political bloc in opposition to the Reich and its puppet states, and the Co-Prosperity Sphere seeks to oust its former allies and their colonies from the eastern hemisphere. The United States has developed its own strand of fascism, characterized by a faux democracy, intense racial segregation, and the merging of business, church and state into one, cumbersome behemoth. They collaborate openly with the Reich, and ‘National Socialist’ is as common a political identity as Democrat or Republican. [b]| Brief Character Background |[/b] Much of Steve Rogers' history remains unaltered: he was just a kid from Brooklyn who wanted to make a difference. After a dozen failed attempts at enlisting in the U.S Army he was picked as a candidate for Project: Rebirth, America's super soldier program. Doctor Erskine's serum was successful in transforming Rogers into Captain America, the first superhuman in mankind's history. Erskine's death at the hands of HYDRA assassins would ensure Steve was the [i]only[/i] superhuman as well. Handed a shield made of rare, vibration-absorbing metal and an appropriately patriotic costume, Rogers would begin his training: both as America's greatest soldier and its poster boy. Then he was off to Europe to fight the Nazis with his own handpicked team, starting with the liberation of the United Kingdom where he met the love of his life. His role as Captain America proved far more complicated than he'd expected it to be, receiving just as much hate as he did admiration. A frightening number of Americans didn't see him as the symbol of justice and liberty that Rogers had been told he'd be- they saw him as a radical, a tool of warmongers, and even a race traitor. But Steve always believed in people. Always had hope that his country's flaws could be overcome. Most people were, in his mind, fundamentally decent. When he finally came home from the front, however, Rogers was met with a starkly different nation from the one he'd left. He and his fellow veterans were spat on, assaulted. Called all sorts of nasty things. Segregation had intensified, there was widespread sectarian violence, and hatred and bigotry was everywhere he looked. It disheartened him, but he wasn't a man to give up when things got difficult. He resolved to do his part to fix his country: interviews, rallies, and peaceful demonstrations; get connected with other influential folks who believed in the dream. Things only got worse. It wasn't long before he was denounced as a dissident, stripped of his rank, and declared a 'person of interest' in unspecific criminal activity. HYDRA agents helped federal agents track Rogers, his friends, and even those he loved. Anyone who wasn't willing to give him up got prison time or worse. Again and again his faith was tested as he was forced to go underground, to continue his activities under a different name. It'd become obvious that this was a war he couldn't win with ballots and speeches, but bullets. He would lead a prominent resistance organization for the next fifteen years as [b]Nomad[/b], the man without a country. Every single day would see his hope for change tested, would show him evidence that all he did was for naught; it was as if the universe conspired to tell him mankind was fundamentally anything but good. A few days ago things did finally change, though not for the better, but certainly for the stranger. Little green men descended from the sky and took him unawares from his home in the Appalachian mountains, dragging Nomad up into their UFO and transporting him to a place far, far away. It was a bewildering experience, to be sure, and part of him wondered if he'd just finally snapped- or was he actually in [i]space[/i]? [/hider] [/quote] Not really any comments/concerns for this one, aside from the same bit about how he was abducted - assuming that the final paragraph was to be taken literally. Mostly just curiosities like does he wield a triangular or circular shield and did he and Peggy actually have a life together considering he didn't die? But the latter can obviously be revealed in the IC. [hr] [quote=@Potemking] I've been lurking for a bit, but decided to toss in an idea of mine based off the Crisis In A Half Shell crossover comic from 2019. There's some cool stuff in the works already, so I could understand if I end up not getting in, but I gotta at least give it a shot. [Hider=Batman In A Half Shell][Center][img][/img][/Center] [h2][b]| Character Identity |[/b][/h2] Bruce Wayne, The Batman [h2][b]| Age |[/b][/h2] 24 [h2][b]| Character Differences |[/b][/h2] This is a Bruce Wayne raised with four little green brothers and taught in the art of ninjutsu by Master Splinter. He is not the stern, overly serious or darker man most would know, and isn't driven by his parents' death but instead is more openly hurt from the whole event, despite his attempts to repress old pain from his old life. In general, he is much more lighthearted, though a bit of a hardass when it comes to his brothers' safety. He's surprisingly sociable, with enough wit to crack a one-liner in the opposite direction one might expect him to, but can get rowdy and also put on quite the act of intimidation when necessary. He's almost entirely embraced family and teamwork, his stubbornness to do something alone simply coming from his desire to protect his brothers. Bruce lacks the sheer experience of his counterparts, still learning about himself and improving in his abilities. He also lacks resources he's had as a billionaire playboy in other universes, instead tinkering with Donatello to make whatever the group needs. Bruce retains his appreciation for life and dislikes killing, but doesn't share the same absolute moral code and hatred for criminals of Bruce Wayne's that witnessed their families die to a mugger. [h2][b]| Brief World Background |[/b][/h2] Bruce's Earth is highly based off the merged world from the Crisis In A Half Shell crossover comic, many characters from Batman and TMNT being fused together. Such as Splinter and Alfred, and Joker and the Shedder forming the Laughing Man, terror and leader of the Smile Clan. Members being individuals such as Killer Croc and Clayface, fused with Bebop and Rocksteady respectively, and Harley Quinn fused with Karai. Rather than being a merged world created by Krang, this is it's own specific universe where Bruce truly was raised by Splinter, and the criminal actions of the Smile Clan have spread across the city of Gotham where it was up to Batman and the Turtles to bring justice. Though it's a long a chaotic battle that seems nowhere near it's completion, and given the circumstances, it'll probably be staying that way for a long while. [h2][b]| Brief Character Background |[/b][/h2] At a young age, Bruce Wayne had just emerged from a pet store having been bought four small pet turtles, before witnessing his parents end up in a tragic accident involving a speeding truck. Not only losing his parents in the accident, but witnessing his new pets along with a rat be covered in a mysterious ooze, mutating them into more humanoid beings. The rat, introducing himself as Splinter, took in the grief-stricken Bruce Wayne and the four turtles, the group of five retreating into the sewers to find a home. With Splinter's help, Bruce named these four turtles: Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael. Rather than pets, he grew up with these four turtles as his younger brothers, and with Splinter as a father and mentor in ninjutsu. Bruce excelled, showing talent and potential as he showed himself as an above-and-beyond talent, using his intelligence to make up for the difference in strength between himself and the turtles. While they all loved each other, there was a sort of triple rivalry between Bruce, Leo, and Raph. Leo wanted to lead, Raph didn't want a leader, and Bruce was just doing what he thought needed to be done and therefor would cause them both to budge if necessary. In the end, it was surprising that Splinter scolded that both Raph [i]and[/i] Bruce were too brutal and eager to lead, even if they had good intentions. So the leadership position ended up in Leonardo's hands, though the three came to trust one another's opinions a lot more over time despite some conflicts still arising. As Bruce grew, he became more and more curious about human society in general. He had a tendency to wander around above ground, a leisure his brothers didn't have to the same extent-- And saw the good and bad the streets had to offer. The bad having more of an effect, as Bruce occasionally encountered someone in danger, lending them his talents. After awhile, Bruce began to take this more seriously, crafting an alias for himself to bring terror into the thugs on the street. Based on a traumatic situation with bats in his youth in the sewers not long after his parent's death, he became Batman. Something Mikey in particular noted as edgy, but he brushed this off to embrace his own unique identity that made him feel comparable to the uniqueness of his brothers. Bruce began to realize the more serious and dark schemes in the shadows of their city, his brothers didn't hesitate to rise up and fight with him to foil the crimes of the assortment of powerful criminals attempting to turn the city into their own. All of these criminals linking to one source: The Smile Clan, and it's leader, the Laughing Man. Who, despite the brothers best efforts, are still causing trouble to this day. Despite their multiple conflicts, no real resolution seems possible. Though Bruce personally does not want to stop until he can bring the Laughing Man to justice. It seems Bruce is cursed to lose family in one way or another, and this ended up being in the form of an abduction. He was on one of his late-night prowls, or as Donny called it, 'brooding after losing too many times at video games'. He'd been eyeing a mugger in an alley, who was threatening a woman with a knife. Through a presence Bruce had no chance of detecting, he was rendered unconscious from an attack by an unidentified individual behind him. And by the time he woke up, his situation was much worse than he ever could have anticipated. At least he'd been geared up before he ended up dragged into this situation, but he only had two priorities upon realizing the weight of everything around him: Survive, and get back to his family. And over the last few months, that's exactly what he's been focusing on. Bruce has had to push aside his morals just for a hope of survival, and it's all for the sake of his loved ones. Though as he's fought, against psychopaths and persons of reason alike pinned in a situation like him, Bruce has gained a growing conviction to somehow end this once and for all. For the sake of every living being that has had to fall in this horrific world. [/Hider] [/quote] A very interesting concept, especially since I'm not familiar with that particular comic. You kept the attack/abduction vague, so actually, I'm not going to ask you to remove that part. I am curious, though, what sort of gear does this Bruce even have and utilize? Without his money and resources, what tools and weaponry can I expect from this Bats? [hr] [quote=@RainforestGiant] [hider= Victor Creed - Sabretooth]| Character Identity | Colonel Victor Creed US Army 'Sabretooth' | Age | 220 | Character Differences | Col. Creed is a good guy. Different life choices, different experiences growing up. Made a wish on a shooting star. Chalk it up to what you will, Creed is one of the good guys. He served the Union in the Civil War, worked as an Indian scout after that for the US Cavalry. Served in the First Special Services Force in WWII the 'Devil's Brigade' and he was one of the Devil's own. Creed took part in the Italian Campaign and was there at the Fall of Berlin. He worked with Captain America and was there for the tickertape parade Cap missed. Since then he has been on the side of the Angels, always doing what was right and keeping a tight leash on his temper. | Brief World Background | Mutants are still second class citizens but still citizens. They might not have gotten to ride in the back of the bus even but they were still citizens and Americans other nations were not so enlightened as the America and Canada but in America they were accepted. After WWI, they won the right to vote in all 48 states and after WWII they were simply another group of Americans. There was a European Brotherhood of Mutants but they simply never formed in the US as there was little discrimination after Roosevelt's redlining ended Mutants could live, work, and go where they pleased. In addition, any superpowered mutant, (as opposed to those poor sods with deformities but no power) could practically write their own ticket. Private, public, the military, Hollywood, live entertainment, Mutants found themselves in demand in a good way. The main 'Freak Towns' now called 'Mutant Districts' are found in most cities and even a few out of the way places. New York, LA, and Seattle all have large Mutant communities. Florida is home to many aging mutants. | Brief Character Background | Victor Creed is a Countryborn Metis born sometime in the late Seventeen hundreds in either Canada or the Northern US (borders were rather uncertain at that time). He grew up a strong healthy young man with his best friend and half-brother James Howlett. He roamed the plains hunting buffalo, and living the life of an active man. In the 1860's he and his half brother volunteered as cavalrymen in the US Civil War. It was the largest and worst conflict they found themselves until that time. They had both discovered they were Mutants long before that and while they new they were not indestructible, they new they could make a difference. Victor remained in the military in different branches under different names usually to avoid questions about his age and whether or not a man nearly a century old should serve (no matter how youthful he looked). In WWII he was a lieutenant in the First Special Services Force a joint Canadian/American unit given the nickname, 'the Devil's Brigade' by their German foes, that was trained not only as paratroops and unconventional warfare but for guerilla action and special tasks. The unit was mixed Native American and white from both sides of the border as well as mutants it was one of the first units to actively recruit mutants for their abilities. The unit served in every major conflict and as unconventional warfare ever since. Victor Creed was promoted to Colonel and commander of the 1st Battalion called the 'Devil's Own'. Creed was informally known as the 'Old Man' or 'the Devil' by the troops. Anyone but a member of the Brigade or a vet risked bodily harm by the fiercely loyal 'Devil's Own' for using their nickname for Creed. Many mutants served in the Unit with honor and it was one of the most decorated units for its size in the US military. At the time of his abduction, Victor had undergone several modifications to better serve his nation. He had his bones and claws bonded with Adamantium, his strength has been enhanced and he can lift several tons. His lifelong history of combat and his hobby of martial arts has served him well in Mojo's 'Survivor' game. Creed was in his quarters in Somalia sleeping when he simply vanished. Since then he has fought in Mojo's arena and against Mojo outside the arena doing his best to keep the spirits of his fellow captives up and to keep an eye out for a chance to escape. [/hider] [/quote] I like that the world this Victor hails from his one where mutants, at least those who are marketable, can have meaningful and even lucrative careers. Will make for a startling contrast if accepted and he encounters worlds where that is not the case. The bit about fighting Mojo outside of the arena and keeping the spirits of his fellow captives up, though, doesn't work. Aside from any death matches where he would be put head-to-head with other gladiator slaves, he wouldn't ever see the other abductees or even know how many exist. Each prisoner is kept completely isolated until they are brought out for a game, there is zero chance to fraternize. And the only knowledge they have about Mojo is his name and his position as absolute ruler of that world - they never saw him. [hr] [quote=@BangoSkank] [hider=Jonah Hex / Weapon Hex] [center][img][/img][/center] [color=moccasin]| Character Identity |[/color] Jonah Hex, Weapon Hex [color=darkgoldenrod]| Age |[/color] Older Than Dirt [color=saddlebrown]| Character Differences |[/color] Jonah Hex lived once long ago during the Civil War of the United States. Raised in the South he may well have ended up fighting for the Confederacy were it not for the positive influence of his father, Woodson Hex. Fleeing the war (and potential charges regarding the sudden disappearance of his wife) himself Woodson took his son with him and exchanged him in New Mexico for safe passage through tribal lands. Raised there among the tribe until as a young man he got into a violent confrontation with the natural born son of his adoptive father, the Chieftain of the tribe. Exiled from the tribe he went on to live a long rough life in the Wild West as a bounty hunter and all around rough customer. His story departs here from his traditional treatment in D.C. Comics. After a hard brutal life he found a swift violent end and his body became a curiosity for some time before being acquired by a government run private museum of just such curiosities as well as any usable biological material. As the world developed and the United States government became aware of and involved in superhumans, mutants, and in time the supernatural several government operations opened up. Some operating officially and openly but many operating under more than one level of cover. One such program, the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Development, came into possession of Hex's body and one of their number with a particular affinity for speaking with the deceased talked him back from the abyss. Classified as a Weapon for some time, perhaps correctly, Jonah Hex walks again. Now officially designated as Weapon Hex he came to become a major part of the B.P.R.D. in this reality. Largely filling in the large mean bastard with a big gun role that Hellboy plays in most realities. He is dispatched to help solve mysteries and put down threats of a supernatural and particularly dangerous nature. As part of B.P.R.D.'s weaponizing Hex now has a substantial healing factor and as a consequence of his long visit in the lands of the dead he now has a connection to the underworld. A sixth sense essentially. Beyond that he is simply a large, mean, sharp shooting, dirty fighting, hard drinking son of a bitch. [color=indianred]| Brief World Background |[/color] The world Jonah Hex/Weapon Hex comes from is a more violent and more magical iteration of the DC and Marvel Worlds. One without the big hitters that could likely solve many of the problems quickly. Without a Superman or his rogue's gallery the government had to, or chose to, get more involved in matters. Some agencies monitor the superheroes of the world, others monitor the more mundane but still perfectly sinister machinations of the unpowered criminals that litter the world, the B.P.R.D. keeps an eye out for the magical, spiritual and just generally freaky happenings. At times the B.P.R.D. comes in to conflict with the spheres of other existing heroes. Daredevil and The Hand, The X-Men and their stranger foes, and often with many of the more street level heroes when B.P.R.D. is called in and collateral damage occurs. [color=navajowhite]| Brief Character Background |[/color] Dispatched on just another mission Hex found himself inside a decades old parking structure which had been torn down and bulldozed twelve years ago investigating an anomaly. Strange happenings but that was par for the course. Hackles raised, massive revolver loaded up and ready for bear, he moved slowly up the levels of the parking structure. Winds blowing up small dirt devils despite the parking structures immaculate keeping. Top to bottom, parking spots, security booth, all four stairwells, nothing supernatural. Nothing amiss. Except a moment later the sky changed colors and he was all at once in an entirely new world. Some powerful mojo at work. [/hider] [hider=Old Patch] [img][/img] | Character Identity | Old Patch, once Wolverine, once Logan, once just normal Patch, once James Howlett. | Age | Old As Dirt | Character Differences | This is a version of Wolverine that lost just a little too much of his give a fuck. Or at least lost it in regard to the people that he is generally most known as having it for. Having found out enough about his past prior to joining the X-Men and the manipulations of Professor Xavier, both in regard to himself and in regard to the other X-Men and students in the Xavier Institute, Wolverine left the United States and Canada behind and returned to one of the few places he believed he could find some manner of peace and be free of their continued attentions. Madripoor. In time he rose in the ranks there, eventually becoming near to synonymous with the small island nation. A crime lord of a sort, but popular in both High Town and Low Town. Often more popular than the actual elected leadership. Old Patch leveraged his recognizability and reputation to elevate the island nation and avoid annexation or war. Warding off China, HYDRA, Magneto, and the United States alike. As much good as he has done for Madripoor he has his thumb in near to every illicit practice, with some obvious exceptions. Madripoor is a loosely policed nation, but venturing into the wrong business or sticking to safe businesses but deciding you did not really need to cut a piece off for Old Patch would quickly result in a visit from a small familiar figure. He's the best there is at what he does, and what he does is rule Madripoor with an iron fist. An iron fist with knives sticking out of it. | Brief World Background | This world is mostly the same as the 616 primary canon world of Marvel mixed with a little bit of DC. Captain America exists alongside Superman, one representing the interests of the United States and one representing the interests of the planet. Batman exists in Gotham while Xavier exists nearby in New York. The world is a bit darker, more reflective of 90s DC or Ultimate setting Marvel, but largely the same. Wolverine's absence in the X-Men setting has led to Cyclops having to work harder to lead and Storm stepping in to serve as his counter. The youths of the setting have had to grow up quicker. Some have ventured to Madripoor to seek guidance from the old canuckle head but many are disillusioned to find how well he has come to fit the role he chose for himself there. | Brief Character Background | Logan has lived a long life and suffered a lot of loss as a result. Enough that his mind began to shield itself from the loss by erasing difficult memories. Fighting in war after war, seeing the more mundane every day violence any man might see in such a long life, Yukio, Silver Fox, Jean Grey, Xavier's betrayal. He moved to get away from all of it as he so often did. This time instead of running away to lick his wounds before trudging back in once more he found a purpose and a home. Not a particularly nice one, but one where he fit in. A competent fighter, a keen mind. Knives in his hands, metal on his bones. Heals a lot, hard to kill. Alcoholic but can barely get drunk. The perfect politician, the perfect crime lord, but I'm repeating myself. Less prone to rage and violence, but more discerning with it's use. Harder, meaner, more of a leader. [/hider] I like both of them. I'd be happy to RP either depending on which seems to fit in better with the setting. Wolverine has a more easily written for personality. Hex is usually kinda just a hard fighting big man with a big gun, which kinda works. [/quote] In regards to Hex, all I'm curious about is if he's utilizing Hellboy's classic weapon of choice. Am I understanding correctly with Patch that he had completely turned his back on the superhero lifestyle, and has been playing Madripoor mob boss, and nothing else, for however many years? Is he more cruel in this reality due to his ruling a criminal nation, or? [hr] [quote=@Bounce] The kids are [url=]not[/url] all right. [hider=Primary Concept: Dami-Spawn] [center][img][/img] [url=]- [i]tt[/i] -[/url][/center] [color=silver][b]| [color=red]Character Identity[/color] |[/b] [indent]"Six" / [i]Damian al Ghul[/i] (clone) / Spawn[/indent] [b]| [color=red]Age[/color] |[/b] [indent]6 months at time of death (physically 10)[/indent] [b]| [color=red]Character Differences[/color] |[/b] [indent]This character is one of the failed clones of Damian Wayne that were introduced as a plot device in [i]Batman & Robin[/i] and subsequently [i]Death of the Family[/i] and [i]Robin, Son of Batman[/i]. From that origin as a genesis, the basic plot of Todd McFarlane's [i]Spawn[/i] provides the evolution of the character. Thus, this is a DC-Image Comics hybrid concept.[/indent] [b]| [color=red]Brief World Background[/color] |[/b] [indent]Inspired by [i]Spawn/Batman[/i] and [i]Batman/Spawn: War Devil[/i], Six hails from a variant of the [i]Young Justice[/i] universe in which both Batman and Spawn co-exist (in Gotham and New York respectively). All the events of [i]Young Justice, Young Justice: Invasion[/i], and [i]Young Justice: Outsiders[/i] form the significant events of 2010-2019, with Six being an addition to the Outsiders' line-up in this universe.[/indent] [b]| [color=red]Brief Character Background[/color] |[/b] [indent]In total, Six lived for six months and believed it to have been ten years. Implanted with artificial memories, the clone underwent a grueling physical and mental conditioning program. He was wielded as a weapon and a tool by [b]Mother[/b], the only name by which he knew the woman Talia al Ghul. In return, she was stern and direct in her tasking of him, admonishing each mistake and tolerating no failure. At the time of his termination, Six was brought to Gotham City as a sniper on a League contract that was seen as an ideal training scenario, the murder of the son of a media mogul named Adam Grant -- a boy who was the same age as Six. When the clone hesitated on the trigger, he was rewarded by a bullet through the neck that had been fired by Talia al Ghul herself. Disposed of in a dumpster, the killing was ruled as gang-related, the case closed, and the body buried with a nameless headstone outside of Gotham. Six descended into Hell, where he found himself in the midst of a war. The Lord of the Seventh Circle, Mammon, coveted the power and position of Malebolgia and wanted a champion of his own bid for supremacy. Their bargain struck, Six was returned to the world with no memories of his life or his time in Hell. Wandering Metropolis' Suicide Slum, Six stumbled into being a vigilante through mere coincidence or circumstance, before finding a mentor in the form of Father Daniel De Paulo. A priest he would later learn went by a different name: Deathangel. Six's activities in Metropolis eventually attracted the attention of the Justice League and the Team, which eventually led to conflict against Deathangel that introduced a different perspective on the role of heroes or vigilantism to the hellspawn. Though struggling against his League training and infernal nature, Six worked alongside the other young heroes of the Outsiders following the meta-human trafficking crisis. It was during a mission to track a shipment of weapons that the hellspawn found himself taken captive. He awoke to find his symbiote removed and his body powerless. Except for the games. He had his suit and powers for the games. Because that's what people wanted. They cheered for blood. It was an attitude that Six knew well. And if the only choice given him was to do or die, Six knows he has his self-awareness and free will on the line for when his counter ticks down to zero and he returns to hell. So he will fight. And he will keep on fighting. And, if he survives long enough, the last head he'll take will be whoever is responsible for this...[/indent] [b]| [color=red]Notes[/color] |[/b] [indent]- Six's symbiote is C'thu of the 9th House of K, or K-9 C'Thu. - As necroplasm is denser than human tissue, Six weighs around 200 pounds. - As Six is the hellspawn of Mammon, [i]greed[/i] and [i]avarice[/i] are the sins that Six is most closely attuned toward. - Owing to the manner of his death, Six has a permanent wound in the form of a bullet entry wound at the base of his throat and back of the neck. As his body is composed of necroplasm, and thus supernatural in origin, this does not affect his ability to speak or move.[/indent][/color] [center][img][/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Secondary Concept: Female Representation] [center][img][/img] [url=]character theme[/url][/center] [b]| [color=yellow]Character Identity[/color] |[/b] [indent]Katherine Margaret "Katie" Power / Energizer[/indent] [b]| [color=yellow]Age[/color] |[/b] [indent]10 years[/indent] [b]| [color=yellow]Character Differences[/color] |[/b] [indent]This is what it says on the tin. For the sake of consistency, the events of the 2000 mini-series are excluded. Instead, this character history represents [i]Power Pack[/i] (vol 1) #1 through #84, associated tie-ins (X-Men, X-Factor, Fantastic Four) as well as the Holiday Special, but diverges at that point.[/indent] [b]| [color=yellow]Brief World Background[/color] |[/b] [indent]No reinvention here. A universe closely matching that of the mainstream or 616 Marvel universe, with the exception of the events of the 2000 Power Pack mini-series. Power Pack, reviled by the public for the common belief that they were mutants, battled Kurse alongside the Avengers, Apocalypse alongside X-Factor, faced Inferno alongside the New Mutants, as well as minor adventures with Cloak and Dagger, as well as the Punisher.[/indent] [b]| [color=yellow]Brief Character Background[/color] |[/b] [indent]Most 10 year old girls are not four years into a superhero career. Katie Power is not most 10 year olds. At the age of six, she fell victim to an alien attack on her family's home when the Zy'nx arrived to kidnap her scientist father. A Kymellian observed the invasion and was compelled to intervene to save the girl's life, becoming mortally wounded in the process. Passing a measure of his power to Katie and her three siblings, the Kymellian urged to children to save their parents as he died, leaving Katie in possession of destructive energy powers. After the successful rescue of their parents and the defeat of the Zy'nx (Snarks, as the children called them), the siblings formed the superhero team Power Pack. Often mistaken for mutants, as Power Pack they would wrestle with otherworldly demons, fight alongside the Avengers, witness the massacre of the Morlocks, and face the Four Horsemen of Apocalypse in addition to coping with growing up, maintaining their identities apart from their parents or teacher's notice, and dealing with regular lives as school children. Katie, in particular, was shaped as a child by a defining moment where she had to choose between using her powers against Famine or intervening to save the life of Jean Grey. Katie made her choice, which resulted in the death of Famine. This experience made Katie, the youngest member of Power Pack, the most conscious of the consequences of their powers and actions. After several adventures as Power Pack and the subsequent sharing of their identities as such with their parents, the children adventure less in an effort to have a more normal life. Alex, her eldest brother, went on to be part of both the New Warriors and Future Foundation. Julie, the second oldest, became disenfranchised and joined a support group known as Excelsior. Jack remained friends with Franklin Richard, while Katie would sometimes embark on solo outings. This caused her to receive a recruitment offer from the prospective Great Lakes Avengers, though she ultimately turned it down. When a call for help came out from the Future Foundation, Power Pack answered the call. Their first outing as a team in years. When that mission had finished, however, the children had once more gone their different ways in life, with only Jack noticing when Katie just went [i]missing[/i] one day. Teleported to an alien world, Katie found herself used for some sort of gladiatorial entertainment, pitted in life or death battles where her destructive powers would be on full display despite her gentle nature. Most often, this takes the form of the battle triggering her body's limit and the resulting explosion providing a fireworks finale that is as dazzling as it is deadly.[/indent] [b]| [color=yellow]Notes[/color] |[/b] [indent]- As an energy-based character, Katie's power is very physics based (like the rest of Power Pack, being divided into gravity, density, velocity, and energy manipulation power sets). She generates energy by disintegrating and breaking down matter, with the freed atomic bonds being the source of her energy. This means she derives more energy from solid matter than she does gas. This can include the ground beneath her when she's not mindful about controlling her powers and can inflict horrific burns on an opponent similar to contact with an acid. Similar to the character of Bishop, she can also absorb directed energy strikes, though this will trigger her body limitation ([i]see note below[/i]) more rapidly than through the disintegration method. - Her ability to store energy in her body is finite and becomes physically painful for her as it scales, until she explodes like a bomb. - As in canon, Katie's costume exists in an alternate dimension known as [i]Elsewhere[/i], where it is maintained by beings known as the Elsewhere Tailors. The pockets serve as a mechanism for passing correspondence to the tailors, allowing Katie to request changes or alterations to the costume. - The words "costume on" summon the suit from Elsewhere, while anything she is wearing is teleported to Elsewhere. The tailors have been known to launder and repair the clothes.[/indent] [center][img][/img][/center][/hider] [hider=Back-Up: Dial B for Beast Boy] [center][img][/img] [url=]character theme[/url][/center] [b]| [color=lime]Character Identity[/color] |[/b] [indent]Garfield Mark Logan / Beast Boy[/indent] [b]| [color=lime]Age[/color] |[/b] [indent]12 years[/indent] [b]| [color=lime]Character Differences[/color] |[/b] [indent]This is the Young Justice incarnation of the character, having received his shapeshifting powers through a blood transfusion with Miss Martian. In terms of placement, the notion is that Garfield is arriving just before the start of Young Justice: Invasion (YJ Season 2).[/indent] [b]| [color=lime]Brief World Background[/color] |[/b] [indent]The universe and continuity of [i]Young Justice[/i], being a fictional version of Earth in the year 2015 that is populated by DC characters exclusively. Other than the fictional events inserted by the events of Young Justice Season 1, no changes of significance here.[/indent] [b]| [color=lime]Brief Character Background[/color] |[/b] [indent]The son of former actress-turned-veterinarian and activist Marie Logan, Garfield grew up on an animal sanctuary in the nation of Qurac. When Garfield was 8 years old, conflict broke out between Qurac and Bialya and the sanctuary was caught between the two armies. A team composed of Superboy (Connor Kent), Miss Martian (Megan Morse), Robin (Dick Grayson), Kid Flash (Wally West), and Aqualad (Khaldur) were present when the sanctuary homestead was struck, with Garfield's life being saved by intervention from Miss Martian. As a result of that transfusion of White Martian blood, Garfield's eye turned green. Over the next year, the rest of him turned green as well, with Garfield discovering that he had the ability to shapeshift himself into animal forms. After an accident took the life of Marie Logan, Garfield was taken in by Miss Martian as her adoptive brother. This both helped Garfield to cope with the trauma of being orphaned and also an experienced mentor to guide him through the changes he was now capable of. As Garfield started to get a little older, that training started to include greater freedoms and the ability to accompany Miss Martian or other heroes for minor assignments or missions. It was during one of those low priority, low-risk missions that Garfield disappeared. Transported to an alien world, Garfield found himself powerless in captivity. Kept as a prisoner, waiting his turn for some kind of gladiatorial games...[/indent] [center][img][/img] [url=]alternate theme[/url][/center][/hider] [/quote] I've already spoken to you in regards to Spawn, and with Beast Boy it's all straightforward so I have no concerns there. I am confused, though, about Katie's timeline. Started at six, currently ten, but the Power Pack hasn't had missions together for years? [hr] [quote=@Nib] Here's what I have for my character concept. Feel free to give any feedback, especially if any of the descriptions are too brief. [hider= Pete] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]| Character Identity |[/b] Pete Grayson (Dark Web) [b]| Age |[/b] 27 [b]| Character Differences |[/b] The main difference with Pete is he’s an amalgam of Peter Parker and Dick Grayson. As such he possesses the acrobatic and martial training of Dick and the powers of Peter but a blend of their quippy yet sometimes struggling to not go total dark personalities. [b]| Brief World Background |[/b] Pete’s world is almost identical to the Amalgam DC/Marvel crossover world except this one didn’t come about by two gods smashing the universes together. This world has always been this way, so the characters were just born these amalgam versions. His mentor and adoptive father is Anthony Wayne, a combination of Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark. He made a [url=]power suit[/url] similar to both Iron Man’s suit and the Batman Beyond suit and is called Iron Bat or most often just The Bat. Anthony’s main enemy is [url=]The Jester[/url], a combination of The Joker and Green Goblin. Most of the other entities from the Amalgam verse exist in Pete’s world without much difference. [b]| Brief Character Background |[/b] Pete was born to circus folk. His parents were acrobats and partial owners of the circus itself. As far as money goes, the circus had little to none, and no bank in its right mind would approve a loan to keep the “business” afloat, so they turned to loan sharks in Gotham City; loan sharks employed by one Mr. Carmine Fisk. As these things go, when the circus couldn’t pay the loan back, the sharks came in. They started with basic scare tactics, breaking and damaging tents and other equipment the circus needed. When that didn’t seem to work, they came after the people. Pete’s parents were killed by Fisk’s men in front of the other performers. When the cops came asking questions, no one would talk except for Pete. After he gave his testimony, the police placed him in witness protection in New York with a nice elderly couple, “Uncle” Ben and “Aunt” May. This arrangement didn’t last long before more of Fisk’s men tracked him down and killed Ben and May. Despite not really being related to them, Pete had grown attached to them, so losing them was like losing family all over again. He was at school when they were killed, so the police were able to find him before the hit men could and relocate him. After this he was taken in and adopted by the billionaire tech genius, Anthony Wayne. He eventually found out Anthony was the hero called the Iron Bat, and in the process snooped around in his lab where he developed his suits and gadgets. In Anthony’s lab, Pete was exposed to a radioactive spider and over time developed powers. From that point on, he trained and operated as the Bat’s sidekick, first called Sling or sometimes Spider-Boy. Eventually, Pete struck out on his own and became his own hero, Dark Web. Prior to being abducted and taken to fight in the death battles, Pete recently helped Anthony in a fight against the Jester. The fight had been a diversion, as The Jester released a fighter bonded to a red symbiote. Anthony had a symbiote sealed up and had been studying it. Neither he nor Pete knew about others slinking around. The symbiote fighter, calling himself Hood, seemed to know every one of their moves and have something personal against the pair. After a hard fought battle, they managed to bring Jester down and put him away and then subdue Hood and his symbiote. Before anything could be learned about him, Pete was ambushed and captured. He woke up in the death battles. At first he refused to kill and almost died several times, until he started hearing a voice and feeling overwhelming urges to kill his opponents. With no other option available to him if he wanted to survive he gave in to the black ooze symbiote that had attached itself to him in the fight with Hood and the Jester. [/hider] [/quote] I respect the courage for going full-on Amalgam. No one else has before in any of the previous renditions. Something else I should clarify here, though, is this: there are two general types of death games Mojo forces his prisoners to compete in. The first are gladiatorial matches between a selected pair or group of the enslaved fighters he's captured. In these matches, you only live if all other fighters are killed, so going without killing would be almost impossible unless you are freshly abducted or solely were forced to compete in the next type of death game. Which are the literal games; deadly gambits and challenges full of twisted traps, murderous automatons, and sadistic, tortuous puzzles. These games are typically done solo, so don't involve any forced killing, but are often psychologically designed to break down the competitors - if they don't break physically and perish, first. With that new knowledge in mind, you may want to revise the final paragraph just slightly. I'm happy to work with you and anyone else in designing traps and challenges specifically for your characters that you can mention in character. [hr] And that's all for now. Nothing really problematic or concerning, honestly. I will say there are quite a few martial-based characters submitted thus far, though, so just keep in mind they're at least partially competing with one another. It's unlikely I accept three or more characters that fit the same archetypes - such as peak human brawler/martial artist with leadership skills. Overlap is more than fine, but I'll definitely be avoiding stacking the team with too-similar characters. So just a friendly reminder that you can submit additional proposals if you would like in order to give yourself the most chances to be accepted. Either way, some really interesting submissions so far. Looking forward to seeing more; especially from those who have already displayed interest.