[color=DC143C][b][h1][center]The False Moon[/center][/h1][/b][/color] [color=8B008B]Fear, that sweet, delicious, emotion. Flesh of mortals made sweet by its touch, a bountiful music to the goddess’ ears. A delicious feast that could fill her gullet with its delectable taste.[/color] Yet, the world was healing, the terror and fear brought on by that great chaos had begun to die down, it wasn’t a lot, and it was slow, but Alzria could still feel it within her. This would not do, the mortals needed to feel that fear in their hearts, that unending terror that keeps them awake and plagued by nightmares, a perfect feast for Alzria and her cohorts. As such, she needed to create something to counter this loss, and as she gazed around high in her mountain home, she got an idea. High above the surface, Alzria could see that strange moon flying over head, her nature as a goddess allowing her to see the magic flowing into it. Seeing the object pass its orbit above the world formed an idea in the back of Alzria’s mind, why not create her own moon? Something that could sit within the sky, a reminder of fear and nightmares, or better yet, one that those mortals would never be certain where it would be, yes, that would work. She unfurled her wings, the broken bones creaking and cracking as they formed into shape. And with the sound of rushing air below, she rocketed up into the air, high above the broken shard of the world, beyond the remnant sky and the disk of light, she entered into that empty void. It was quite serene in a way, just vastness all around, pure and utter blackness. But, she could not just sit and rest here, she had work to do. She went further, beyond the immediate void, towards the great belt of asteroids beyond, these would be perfect specimens. Landing upon a cluster of them, she began her work, fusing together the space rocks together into a round rocky orb about slightly bigger than the already existing moon. This would be the perfect host for her plan. She slammed her foot upon the moon, a small crack forming upon the surface, from it emerged countless flesh-like vines, rapidly crawling across the surface of the rock. Wherever they touched, the rock transformed into a strange fleshy mass, which only grew throughout the entire moon. Within the craters, the vines took root and from them grew growths of flesh and bone, twisted knots, beating thumps, and rotting bone. From the flesh came a purple glow, giving the moon its own light within the sky. With the form down, She just needed the effects. A moon of flesh, plant, and bone was good and all, but it needed more. She filled the host with her power, within its light, her children, the Nightmares and Monsters of the world, would gain strength and those who would worship her could call upon more power to bring about fear and terror. Of course, those [color=8B008B]delicious[/color] mortals could not just look up and see her lovely work, she would disguise it, to just look like a normal moon, and to many others it would remain as such, but, to those who starred upon the moon and let fear overtake them, they would get to see the true form of their moon, oh how beautiful that will be, when their minds shatter and break, such delicious minds they will be. Lastly, she would not give it some normal orbit, no, that would be no fun, instead, why not just have it randomly appear at points in the sky? Yes, now that would be fun. With her work done, she sent the moon towards the shard with a snap of her fingers, vanishing in an instant, teleporting towards the shard to take up its first position within the sky. Content in the knowledge there was more to keep fear within the hearts of mortals, Alzria flew back towards the shard and her home of the sanctuary. [hr] Upon arriving back, Alzria came upon the Azrath leader: Valix, leading some of his people in constructing a few buildings nearby the sanctuary’s mountain. He looked upwards to see Alzria descend and waved up towards her. [color=ADFF2F]”Ah! Alzria! A pleasure to see you again!”[/color] The goddess slowly descended, coming to a soft stop upon the valley floor. [color=C71585]”And it is a pleasure to see you again Valix, I see you and you people are building something.” [/color] He nodded [color=ADFF2F]”Why yes, just a few basic living quarters for the time being, sleeping next to the residents of the Sanctuary can be tough.”[/color] [color=C71585]”Oh really?”[/color] she cooed, coming close to the skeletal leader, [color=C71585]”I'm sure not all of its residents are that bad.”[/color] [color=ADFF2F]”Hmmm”[/color] he mused, staring off towards his workers before turning back to Alzria [color=ADFF2F]”I suppose not all of them are bad.”[/color] Alzria nodded [color=c71585]”Good answer,”[/color] she began to turn to leave, before adding one last comment, [color=c71585]”I'm sure you won’t mind staying inside just a bit longer.”[/color] she unfurled her wings and took off towards the sanctuary. Valix turned, just in time to see his workers knocked off their feet by the force of the blast, sendings stones and wood tumbling. He sighed and shook his head, though, she was right, a few more nights wouldn’t be such a bad thing. [hider=summary] We come back upon Alzria, concerned about the loss of fear as the world heals itself once more(something which she admittingly has helped with) and so, she gets the idea to create an object in the sky to keep fear going, inspired by the Siphon that Exo made. She heads off into space, grabs some asteroids together and smooshes them into a single moon, which she then turns into the [color=DC143C]False Moon[/color] a horrifying mass of flesh, bone, and plant meant to cause all sorts of problem on the shard. She then returns home and flirts with Valix some more, even going so far as to slightly sabotage his effort to build some houses for his people to live in to keep him living in the sanctuary for a time. Valix is annoyed but doesn’t mind too much. [/hider] [hider=MA Summary] 1 MA: Create the [color=DC143C]False Moon[/color] description is as follows. A moon like object, made up of a former asteroid that's transformed into a nightmarish creation by Alzria herself, seemingly made up of a strange flesh-plant fusion material, crisscrossed by vein like branches, craters dot its surface filled with fleshy growths and bone-like constructions. The moon itself gives off a pale purple glow which can reach the surface of the shard when it appears close to it, bathing certain areas in its glows. It also does not have a standard orbit, instead the moon teleports around the void surrounding the shard, appearing at random places, though it will never appear in the path of something or extremely close to the Shard, going no farther than the Siphon’s closest orbit, it shifts location every few weeks(or the equal time IC). To mortals the False Moon at first looks like a normal moon, but as one stares at it they begin to feel a sense of unease about it, sitting at the back of their mind. It is here where the experiences for mortals will be different: for most, those who have managed to steel themselves to fear and the unease of the moon and look away or who bear it no mind will continue to see it as such, a moon sitting within the sky, though oddly moving around. Those who have not steeled their mind, who have suffered the fear and terror brought upon by the Nightmares and find themselves unable to look away, will witness the moon transform into its fleshy-plant like true form, that person is now cursed, their sanity shall slip from them more and more, and nightmares will follow them forever follow them, sensing the mark of the False Moon upon them. On the other hand, those of Alzria’s flock, such as nightmares or monsters created by her, will find their power amplified and enhanced by the Moon’s light. Nightmares appear more frequently and can manifest easier, monsters grow stronger, and her followers can perform stronger magics associated with Alzria. These effects are not massive though but are still considerable enough to give these beings an edge over others, though boons from other gods could easily level the playing field, and these effects are temporary, only appearing where the moon is shining its light. [/hider]