[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/81IEtdI.png[/img] [/center] [hr] Dana awoke just in time for dinner, and, having worked up quite an appetite, the cheerful girl eagerly set about piling her tray with food the moment she entered the cafeteria. Her characteristic energy having been fully restored, she listened intently as her fellow newly-minted Ars Magi described their experiences. As the conversation went on, it seemed as though Dana’s team had not been alone in having to face an “unforeseen” threat. In one particularly extreme case, the “surprise Void” had even managed to blast a hole in the side of the team’s observation tower. Dana thought that was pretty crazy, but it was Penny who voiced a concern about a possible ulterior motive behind the sheer number of “accidents” that had occurred during the various tests. A bit on the naive side to consider such potentially sinister conspiracy theories herself, Dana simply stared in wide eyed surprise at what her bespectacled roommate had suggested. [color=Gold]“Woah… Ya really think they might’ve [i]planned[/i] this?”[/color] she whispered, clearly shocked by the implications of that train of thought. [color=Gold]“That’s kinda dark, Penny,”[/color] she added, before brightening as a grin spread across her face. [color=Gold]“Still, no matter what the case, I’m sure we’ve got nothin’ to worry about as long as you're on our side!”[/color] Giggling, she wrapped an arm around her lightning-wielding friend and gave her a playful squeeze. [color=Gold]“You were totally AMAZING out there, Penny! Even Magical Maid Altea couldn’t hold a candle to the kinda power [i]you[/i] were throwin’ around! It was really somethin’ else! You guys think so too, right?!”[/color] she asked the rest of the team, her eyes shining with excitement.