[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210320/c91c9f3bad6bc267bd08427484f4c949.png[/img] [hr]| April 9th, 2018 | Hintori Highschool - Archery Club |[@Hero]| [hr] [/center] [indent] Following the archery club captain to the lockers, Yori intently eyed Anzu's hands as her senpai fiddled with the lock. She muttered the combination under her breath multiple times as if committing the numbers to memory, only stopping when she spoke directly to the other girl. [color=c4df9b]"You'd think getting composite bows on top of the wooden ones we already have would be redundant and cut into the budget even deeper, but the advisors must not think so."[/color] With a roll of her eyes, whether that be at the lack of forethought from those in charge of funding or at Anzu's insistence at keeping morale high among the new members, Yori's hand hovered over each of the bows until reaching the furthest to the left. Ordered by height, she had managed to pull out one the largest of the bows they had in stock, sporting two feet and then some over the diminutive sophomore. [color=c4df9b]"If the newbies can't handle little issues like a lack of funding, they clearly don't have the nerve needed to do well in this club anyway,"[/color] Yori expressed, just before she exhaled from the force needed to string her bow. Though the bending of the wooden limbs looked like they were dangerously close to snapping, the green-hared girl didn't even hesitate as she looped and tied the bowstring on the side she hadn't done it for yet. [color=c4df9b]"But ignoring them for a moment, what did you mean by 'Tyrant'? I don't think I've ever heard about that moniker before."[/color] With a hefty sigh and a look of pride at her now strung bow, Yori shouldered the longbow as she looked toward her senpai, eyes alight with something that wasn't mere curiosity. [/indent]