[hr][hr][indent] The door on the far side wall opened, the sound of a few clicks punctuated with the last one signaling that whoever was coming through had missed the receiver of the phone a few times. Once he finished, the man stepped out and held the door, likely to prevent it from just slamming against the hinges. He was generally unremarkable with a mess of black hair and dark eyes blankly staring ahead, albeit he was definitely on the paler side. Unlike Maki, he wore a black polo and slacks, a nametag pinned to his left lapel reading the name [color=mediumpurple]Yamada Taro[/color] with a capitalized 'MANAGER' sitting underneath. Right before the door closed, the phone rang again. Taro took a step backward to pick the phone up, only to place it back where it was before fully stepping out again. He approached Maki with a few papers in hand, though he noticed the trio of kids gathered around. [color=mediumpurple]"Welcome,"[/color] He gave them a brief greeting before focusing on Maki. [color=mediumpurple]"Jirou won't be coming in anytime soon, said he ended up somewhere bad and ended up getting shot in the leg. If you want the extra hours, they're yours. But I'm going to need an extra pair of hands or two in the meantime,"[/color] He stated as he let himself out of the cashier's area. He placed down a 'help wanted' advertisement on the counter, smoothing it out. [color=mediumpurple]"I'd prefer a full-timer, but it'll probably be easier with more bodies,"[/color] He mused out loud, hand scratching his neck and revealing the tip of what looked like a tattoo as he scratched, though once he stopped, it was easily hidden by his collar. [/indent][hr][sub][right][@Asura][@WXer][@Scribe of Thoth][@psych0pomp][/right][/sub][hr][indent]Sora smiled sheepishly at Oka's comment, albeit he wisely chose to stow his gear away to avoid distractions. He chose to listen as she spoke, though before he could contribute, the last member they waited for arrived. He perked up considerably at Oka's introduction of him, bowing his head to Emi. [color=dodgerblue]"Ah...nice to meet you,"[/color] He stated, moving to stand, though he saw that was pointless as he noticed that there was an empty seat across from him. [color=salmon]"Sit wherever, Ueno-san. This is just a casual meeting for us to touch base,"[/color] Sakuya stated as she pulled the seat next to hers back. [color=salmon]"I was just saying that the Vice Principal has asked that we assist with the rise in delinquency and briefly touched on budgetary changes. They're significant enough that the club leaders are aware that there are going to be some unwanted changes."[/color] Taking a page filled with braille, she slid it over to Emi. [color=salmon]"It's precisely around forty percent across the board. We do have the option of shifting some from lesser needed clubs and those that don't have enough members that'll probably end up disqualified, but this is what it looks like for now,"[/color] She explained, looking at her own notes. [color=salmon]"It's not too surprising considering how expensive the renovations were, but I mistakenly assumed that it wouldn't be [i]this[/i] much."[/color] [color=dodgerblue]"Forty percent? That's a lot,"[/color] Sora said, surprised. [color=dodgerblue]"Mmm...it could just be that we're just unlucky this year?"[/color][/indent][hr][sub][right][@Obscene Symphony][@Entityx][/right][/sub][hr][indent] Anzu let out a giggle of agreement--she was glad to see she wasn't the only one that had seen the new bows as redundant. She did, however, lose a little bit of her smile at Yori's comment. While it was a little comforting to see not too much had changed, she was all too aware of how much she chafed with the other members. However, Yori's question completely flipped a switch in Anzu, the older girl openly rolling her eyes. [color=dodgerblue]"I'm actually a little shocked she's only infamous in our grade. All the third years know that Hinotori's Tyrant is Nakano Sakuya,"[/color] Anzu huffed. [color=dodgerblue]"I've had the misfortune of being in the same class as that bossy know-it-all three years straight--she was always our class leader and now she's the council president. Unlike Natsuhime-san, she's completely rigid and [i]never[/i] compromises. She used to clash a lot with uh..."[/color] She trailed off, trying to remember. [color=dodgerblue]"...with...ugh, I don't remember who,"[/color] She shook her head, but returned to her angry rant right away. [color=dodgerblue]"Anyway, it doesn't matter. Giving someone who's so obviously power-hungry a position of power is a terrible mistake, and if I can't convince her to cut us some slack, we'll probably be in trouble."[/color][/indent][hr][sub][right][@RiverMaiden][/right][/sub][hr][hr]