[center][h3][u][b]Was Designed To Be Tough, Not Fast.[/b][/u][/h3][/center] Despite their best efforts, the xeno was a persistent and slippery one. Realizing that he was cornered, it opted to avoid any further confrontation and decided that getting past us is the priority. Utilizing how the young Yuheng agent entered the fight was quite creative of the creature but now that it was dashing away and growing more distant by the second, one thing was made apparent. It won't be able to catch up with the hostile before it could reach Coral City proper. Someone else needed to stop or intercept Sign Master before he could inflict any harm to the civilian populace or infrastructure. With the energy cells depleted on the Hornet missiles, they promptly fell out of the air and plonked down onto the pavement. Slowly turning into a molten slag. A fail-safe to prevent the missiles to be reverse engineered by the wrong hands. Grizzly-1's AI reported the incident back to FDN facility in Coral City and a request for redeployment. The request was quickly approved by Titus and the mech promptly deactivated itself for preparation. Back in the FDN facility, a room the size of a football field contained a [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/covers/images/002/619/950/large/anuoraj-shelke-teleporter-2.jpg?1463728054]massive machine[/url] that roared to life as it accumulated the necessary energy required to recall the mech via displacing the space around it and replacing it with another space located within the machine. In other words, this football field sized machine was a teleporter. Titus' greatest achievement and his greatest failure...but that was a story for another time. The recall of the massive mech would take at least ten minutes, and another ten to redeploy it on field. More than ample time for Sign Master to wreak havoc on the city. Thus the limitation of the FDN stuck out like a sore thumb. It was severely incapable of the deploying multiple assets on field in rapid succession, leaving it near incapable of dealing with multiple attacks. Regardless, Grizzly-1 would be temporarily neutralized and it was up to Gou, Yuri, and Luna to catch up and slay Sign Master. Or perhaps another defender of Earth would be able intercept the metallic monster?