[center][img]https://images-ext-2.discordapp.net/external/t_Vh_bCFIduE0YhNZqUtcFzHf7tICce1Nu1PmLZeTYA/https/media.discordapp.net/attachments/546056855978377216/823258399663194172/dfrgthyujhyrgtef.png[/img] Level 5: 24/50 Location: The Bottomless Sea Surface Word Count: 777 Points Gained: 2 -3 EXP New EXP Balance--- Level 5 : 23/50 -3 from Friend Heart [/center] As she went, she realised she was putting herself in a vulnerable position. She hadn't even thought about that! Fortunately her teammates had her back. Instinctually her cat tail coiled inward, nervous at the idea of getting snapped up by a giant eel. If it wasn't for the other Seekers, she'd have been in an even worse spot then Bella was. Good thing they had her back. The Atomos was also saved by Link and his cool magic abilities. A bead of nervous sweat dripped down her forehead as she realised that. Growling, she pulled her fingers out from between the teeth of the eel, briefly placing her index finger in her mouth. Ouch. Stupid thing was stronger than her. Bella suggested just smacking it really hard, like it was a TV that wasn't working. Nodding, Sakura knitted her fingers together to form a singular heavy fist. Time for the Otoshi, or Sakura Drop. She raised her arms over her head. [color=f49ac2][u]"Ichi, ni,-san!"[/u][/color] Each syllable was a forceful exhalation of air as she slammed her fists onto the eel's head. Three hammer blows in quick succession, creating the opening Bella needed. When she was told to jump, she jumped. Sakura had been on the receiving end of Bella's rail cannon once before. She didn't need to be told twice. Sakura leaned off to the side and kicked off the tentacle. She flipped in the air and landed gracefully on her feet. They were being covered by Rika and the others. But she still didn't want Bella falling head first into the water. Hopefully if she could halt Bella's charge with an uppercut, she could prevent her from getting soaked with a catch. Especially since she just got that new sundress. The street fighter reached her hands out to catch her friend. Sakura's legs sank into the water as her harness dispersed the impact. That way Bella wouldn't feel it as bad. Bella was bigger than her and that tail was heavy, but Sakura felt confident she could manage it. If Bella fell underwater and got snatched by a fish, that'd be no good. [color=f49ac2]"Careful!"[/color] She said, guiding Bella back to her feet. Sakura rolled her shoulders briefly. Her eyes naturally drifted back to the epic battle unfolding. The big purple guy was looking much better, which made Sakura feel happy. He was, understandably, very upset. But even then it seemed like that little girl monster couldn't help but antagonize everyone in the world. The big purle monster was bit by an eel and he once again got embroiled in this conflict. Sakura was more than happy to just leave now and let those two get back to sorting it out. It looked like the big guy could probably win if he wasn't being blasted by cannons and...hadokens. Bowser-san, however, was taking a very aggressive approach. Sakura wasn't sure what he was planning. Tentalus' presence was both helpful and unhelpful, but hey, at least he wasn't dead, right? Nobody deserved to have their eyes ripped out and used as projectiles. That was definitely against the Geneva Conventions. But she wasn't sure what to do. Sure, she could, hypothetically, scale that mountain. If she had two hours and a bag of trail mix. Bowser was at some points flying up the wall, had massive claws and...literally turned into a cat. What a bizarre set of powers Bowser had. Could he do that in the video game? Maybe he was from Super Mario Brothers 25 or something. All she knew was that helping Bowser directly was out of the question. He was well out of her range. Especially since if one of those nasty green fireballs missed, they'd probably blow her up as she was trying to climb up. So, she'd have to just support him from the ground. [color=f49ac2]"I'll help protect you, Bella."[/color] Sakura said, lifting her legs from the water as fast as she could. [color=f49ac2]"Use that tail of yours to help out Bowser-san!"[/color] With that Sakura took a fighting stance. She'd follow Bella wherever she decided to go. She began rattling off some cannon fire to blow up some evil fish that were nearby. If any of the evil tentacle eels tried to bite any of her friends, she would intercept. She was defending the artillery brigade, as it were. [color=f49ac2]"[i]Geralt-san! Rika-san! [/i]We should stick together!"[/color] She said, trying to gather up the Atomos crew that jumped out. Excluding Bowser, of course. [color=f49ac2]"You guys should shoot whatever tries to get King Bowser!"[/color] Sakura's primary focus was defending Bella so she could do her thing without being interrupted. [center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 1: 4/10 Word Count: 348 Location: Al Mamoon, outside the museum Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 5/10[/center] Jesse Faden blinked in surprise as she noticed what the old man just did. That seemed like an Object of Power to her. It was that quiet?! No wonder nobody had caught him yet! He could mess with the fabric of reality right under everyone's noses. If what she remembered from previous crime scenes was correct, then that door wasn't moving anywhere any time soon. They would be welded in place, impossibly difficult to move. [i](Shit! He's inside. Will he come out the same way he came in? Doubt it.)[/i] She mused. She ignored the odd looks she got, descending back down from the rooftops. She figured he would...she didn't know what she thought. Her mind felt all messed up for reasons she couldn't understand. The exasperation at her repeated failure to catch this guy didn't help, either. Jesse jumped, rolling the disperse the impact and going into a fast jog. She approached the two guards. "Jesse Faden, FBC." She said. She reached into her jacket pocket, pulled her wallet out, and showed her ID badge. Was there such a thing as federal jurisdiction while in a different dimension? Probably not. But maybe it would lend some authority to her presence. [i](All I know is, I've never gotten to say that before. I think I sounded pretty cool.)[/i] "The museum is being robbed." She simply, looking between the two masked figures. Hard to read. They were also very kooky looking guards. But hey, she wasn't going to judge. Jesse had worked security before- so she could relate to these guys. Ideally they would leave the fighting to her. This paracriminal was well above their paygrade. "That crime spree that's been going around has come to the museum. We're looking for an older white human male in a labcoat. He's sealed the front doors shut." She explained quickly and efficiently. "Are there any alternative entrances into the building? Backdoor, breakable windows, roof access?" Jesse asked. If so, she would follow them to it and try to get inside. If not, she would have to figure something else out.