[center][h1][color=ed1c24]SCARLET SHADOW 红色阴影[/color][/h1][/center] The cold rain was doing little to improve the master thief’s mood, which said a lot in itself as she actually liked rain. Beside being a good cover, she found it wistful and romantic in itself. Yet also a bliss, something - a part of nature - to be enjoyed. But not at this moment. When the elevator peaked at the roof and the door opened she kept her place, arms crossed as the trio approached. As begrudgingly impressed as she was at the two towering brutes, the smaller man carried something in itself that was rather noticeable. Scarlet Shadow had of course met far more impressive men than he, but still she found herself guessing this to be “Astra”. Though the lab coat was very curious and she wondered just what sort of outfit this was. Annoyingly, her guess was wrong. [i]Another lackey…[/i] [i]A rough night? That is putting it rather lightly.[/i] Her hidden mouth remained closed, her green eyes like piercing daggers. The umbrella was a welcome courtesy but the thief kept her senses on edge. Her eyes trained on the smaller man in the white coat, her peripheral vision remaining keen and preceptive of the brutes accompanying him. The briefcase lead to a creeping angst in the thief’s stomach, which climaxed in a pitted tingling when she clicked it open and saw the diadem. Not saying a word she relented to the smile behind her own mask which showed slightly by the wrinkling in the corner of her slanted eyes. This faded slightly when she noticed the blue envelope and flip phone in the case. The man must have seen her slight suspicion and annunciated to her about the job she had originally been promised. The flip phone undoubtedly was for them to give her the go ahead. She imagined there to be more inside the envelope and told herself she would look at it first thing after fencing this priceless treasure. Snapping the briefcase shut and taking a step back she looked at the man in the coat. She had no questions. She was tired, wet, and wanted to sleep. “Tell your boss to contact me. As you’ve said I’ve had a rough night and all I want now is some pad Thai and shuteye. At his leisure of course as I have no current work anyway. Which he should be grateful of.” Ending with a sharp tone she strutted away, briefcase at her side. The last thing her hosts seeing was her leaping over the balcony edge.