Victor growled and rolled his shoulder, wincing abit, the pain starting to seep through his determination and unconscious mental armour against pain. He looked about, and made to reach for one of the tomahawks that are usually on his forearms. He snarled at himself when he came up empty on them, he hadn't been allowed to take them into the country, and they were currently stored at the airport. He had been a little jealous when he has seen the shovel his girlfriend had produced. Right now the welcome feel of one of the semi-ceremonial weapons would be very very nice in his hands. He turned then gave Natalie a tap, "Line, high watch..." Falling into military protocol, asking her to stay beside him and watch up high. He started to walk, scanning ahead and behind them carefully, "Chemicals...right I remember now. They had delivery systems too didn't they? Long range rockets and various other methods. Damn it...would they use it here?" He pressed his back to a corner, peeking around it, and only seeing civilians fleeing from the fighting. He listened carefully, and could hear the short, pop of police issue pistols ahead and behind them. As well as the staccato bursts of the automatic fire the terrorists were using. He smiled, "Sounds like the local police are making a showing. Maybe we ought to try and link up with a group of the-" He was cut off as ahead and to their right, the direction of a police precinct in fact, there was an explosion, debris and flame billowing down the street. He blinked, then started running, "Shit! Their hitting law enforcement locations! If they do that, they'll cut off the cities first line of defense! Come on, I know there's another one nearby. We need to get there before what ever bomb is there goes off, get the local going." He tore down the street trusting Natalie to follow him. He tore into a side street, narrow, with blind corners leading into alleys and alcoves. As he ran, he saw terrorists peek out of alcoves, they were surprised to see him, Victor was running on rage and training. The first terrorist to try and step in his way got shouldered back hard, Victor stepped over him, leaving him to Natalie to finish. The next terrorist, got a foot planted to her jaw. Something snapped and she fell, the next Victor took his legs out with a blurt from his rifle. He kept moving. A fourth raised his rifle. Victor grabbed a rusted wrench from some repairman's lost kit, and with a spin and a flick of his wrist, the tool sailed over, spinning like a saw, and took his square in the face, there was blood, no telling if he'd get up. Victor kept on moving, tackling the last man, crushing him but leaving him alive for Natalie again to finish off. They didn't have the time to stick around and make it professional, they needed to move, he reached the next street just a few second ahead of his girlfriend, he turned and pointed down the street the next police station in sight. That's when Victor saw it, a rusted up old panel truck, there ought to be no reason for it to be there. It was parked right across the street from the station. He looked to Natalie, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" He ran the rest of the distance to the truck, grabbed the opening handle, and turned, pushing the back panel up and looking inside. He gaped as he looked at the sheer amount of explosives within. Police were calling to them asking what they were doing and that they should get clear of the danger zone. Victor only looked through the myraid of explosives, "I...I think I can disarm it...I need something sharp...a knife...I need a knife..." One of the officers joined them, hearing Victor's words, seeing the contents of the truck and instantly offered the big man a pocket knife. the giant climbed in, "Okay...Creator watch over me...." He picked his way into the truck, looking for the detonator... He stopped half way in though, taking a big gulp, then started to back out...we need to evac...I might be able to defuse it...but we don't know how long there is left on the detonator...we need to get out of here." He turned to the cop who joined them, "Radio your co-workers, tell them to get out of the building as fast as they can, using side entrances and back entrances, and not to come out into the front street." He jumped out of the truck, "Half a block away, grab everything you can, rifles, shotgun, ammo, flash bombs anything, you're going to need it." He went to Natalie, looking her in the eyes, "We need to move hun...and fast..." He grabbed her hand and started to book it down the street, away from the bomb, but towards the fighting.