Luna drove the tip of her oar into the ice, cracking it and bringing her spin to a stop so she could watch as her attack was joined by two others, two raging swarms of light. Hornets and butterflies and sharks all sped after the same prey, cutting off the aliens options of escape. At least, that was what she thought. Like lots of clever prey species he had a burrow he could slip down into for safety. Luna sighed as she watched her [color=00aeef]Greenland Shark[/color] hit the edge of the aliens hole and launched into the air, being scattered apart by its own rotation into a harmless splash. The butterflies are the only ones that kept hunting, but as her eye caught movement outside the cube she saw that only a few reached the alien before it closed up the tunnel it had created and started sprinting off toward the city. She let herself drop back down, scratching her head. "So, I guess we win huh?" She said. The alien had run off, that was definitely a sign you were winning even if it didn't feel like it. Maybe it was because she hadn't gotten the proper punch up she wanted, or that they'd gone four on one with the thing, but there was a lack of catharsis to the fight that was starting to eat away at her relaxed state of mind as Yuri dropped the cube. At least one of them was as unsatisfied with things as she was. Hang Guy stripping off his top earned him a pair of raised eyebrows, but dramatic transformation sent a wide smile across her face. A werewolf. Like, an actual werewolf! The newly christened Werewolf Guy set his nose to the ground, picking up the scent of the alien, before howling and taking off down the road after it. The hunt wasn't over yet! Luna sprinted, not after the wolf and the alien, but across the road to the gas station parking lot. There was only one vehicle left there since the evacuation and it didn't take a genius to figure out who it's owner was. A motor scooter painted navy blue, a duffel bag sticking up out of the attached sidecar. On the side of the sidecar the words "Wave Body" were printed in black under a depiction of a cartoon dolphin mid jump. The dolphin had its fin extended, giving anyone who passed it on the road an entirely anatomically incorrect thumbs up. She leaped, clearing the sidecar and landing right on the seat before turning the key and putting the pedal to the metal. She turned out of the parking lot, zoomed between the robots legs, and set off after the alien and Werewolf Guy. With how fast the alien was moving she wasn't sure she would be able to catch up, but that didn't really matter. She was caught up in the current now, and she would only sap her strength fighting against it. It was like her Guru had said: when you're caught in a current like this the only thing to do was relax your body and let it carry you to where it terminates. Whether that was an island paradise or a barren rock surrounded by sharks, trust in the Wavebreaker Style to see you through safely. It actually surprised her when she spotted them running along the road, but as she got closer she saw that Werewolf Guy had clamped his jaws around the aliens hand. No wonder she had caught up. Though the aliens' gorilla-like body was undoubtedly strong, the Werewolf Guy was wrenching and tearing and jerking him around. It threw off his running form, not to mention the fact that he practically had to drag the giant wolf as he went. That would slow anyone down. She spun her oar up, holding it up and facing the broad side forward as she approached. As she did a glossy sheen of water began to cover the paddle, her chi grabbing and knitting together the moisture in the air into a thin glove of water for it. It wasn't a lot, but it began to spin all the same like before. A weaker version of [color=00aeef]Sailfish[/color]. She didn't have time to gather more before she was pulling up beside him. "Hey!" She shouted at the alien. "Remember me? We met in the cube? I'd still really like to get your name." The alien's only answer was to lash out with its sign pole, an attack that was met with her oar. The two weapons clashed, the muscles on Luna's arms bulging with the strain, but this time with the two on relatively equal footing there was no clear winner. The two broke off, Luna's oar coming for the aliens helmet, but he spun his own pole up to block her swing again before sliding his sign pole down the shaft of her oar towards her. Luna was forced the retreat to get out of the way, breaking slightly to slip out of range but was still only saved from a braining by a well timed wrench by Werewolf guy pulling the alien aside just enough so that the pole only scraped the tip of her nose. She couldn't do this only one hand free. Luna kicked off her sandals, letting them bounce away behind her. She kept one foot on the accelerator and brought the up onto the steering wheel, gripping the brake plunger with her toes getting two hands on her weapon she steered back towards him. "[color=00aeef]Wavebreaker Style: Swordfish![/color]" She said, striking at the monster with a series of swings and thrusts. The alien, to its credit, did its best with one arm and a gothic horror monster doing its best to disrupt its offence. It blocked or deflected one out of every three attacks Luna threw its way, always striking the shaft of the oar to avoid its weapon being eaten through by the water saw on the oars end that opened up a new scar on his body every time it struck. It was a losing battle though, and the alien knew it. Luna was having the time of her life, finally getting the kind of insane clash of weapons she had been dreaming of since the fight began, but to the Alien she was only an annoying and dangerous obstruction that had to be dealt with. It cared nothing for the fight itself, so it changed tactics. Deflecting one last strike it banished its weapon end summoned up a [url=]new sign[/url] that it presented to Luna. It took her a moment to process, but in that moment she found herself flying through the air carried forward only by her previous momentum. The scooter was nowhere to be found. [b]All Motor Vehicles[/b] had been [b]Prohibited[/b]. Her duffle bag fell to the road, flipping end over end as it struck the asphalt and fell behind them in a morbid preview of what was about to happen to her. She was not dressed to deal with road rash, and so in a hail Mary effort she swung her Oar down at the road. The oar pushed her just enough, but she was forced to drop it as she wrapped both her arms around the aliens neck and held on tight. She locked her legs around the aliens torso and started punching him in the side of the helmet, doing almost nothing damage wise but really making an annoyance of herself.