[h2]Jeremiah Beltrán Carlos[/h2] Jeremiah woke up, at about the same time he normally did. Or, rather, he was barely nudged by the pitiful whinge of the alarm in his cell, and it took him a couple of minutes to actually realise he was conscious, and another few to come fully awake; a few more seconds to recognise he was late up, and maybe a couple more seconds after that to understand that something was not right about the situation, given that the guards weren't on his arse for sleeping in. Speaking of which, were they gonna come around any time soon? As if tempting them to, he decided to do some pullups instead of following the schedule... and after five minutes and his sixth set, they were still absent. And speaking of which, his cell door was open, too, wasn't it? '[i]¿Qué diablos está pasando?[/i]' he asked himself, finally moving toward the door and pushing it. Sure enough, it swung on its hinges, allowing him out into the corridor. Looking around... the lights were flicking between their usual white colour and the red they used when low on power. Air vents sounded nasty as hell... anything else? Shit, probably, but he'd go for that when he felt like it. 'Ay, anyone else up yet?' he yelled out, trying to get at least a few people's attentions. There were others in this building, right? He knew he'd wanted to bang some of them for a while, but... well. If he was the last one in, that just meant he had the run of the place. Heh... what a shithole to be left alone in. Seriously though, the lack of staff was creepy as shit.