Aliyah stared at the empty space for a moment, then looked around. Somehow - magically - no one else seemed to notice that a large black man had suddenly vanished. Well, that confirmed it. Far be it from her to ignore the warnings of a Loa. Particularly one that filled out a pair of dress pants like that. Dammit. Her aunts were right, she needed to start dating again. So. Giselle was being attacked. She was defended by her own musical thoughts. She thought about music constantly, so that's no small thing. But eventually it would break through. Aliyah had to stop it, and soon. She absently sipped her drink, then flinched. Somehow her rum-and-coke had become a rum-and-rum, with a splash of rum. Really GOOD rum, better than the club ever served. She sipped it again, respectfully. The Baron would probably frown on someone who wasted good booze. Did Giselle even know she was being attacked? Like most of the fea, and the fae-adjacent, she could be flighty. Well, it was a good thing she had a friend with the last name of Schilling. Aliyah dug through her handbag and came up with a handful of silver dimes. No good conjure woman left home without a few. On a cocktail napkin she scrawled out part of Psalm 7 in King James English, "O LORD my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me ..." The Schillings were no longer Christian but respected the power of the traditions. Ordering a shot of local whiskey she spilled three drops across the napkin before wrapping it around the dimes. That was the nice thing about hoodoo. You could use local ingredients. Now she just needed a bag to contain it. She wove her way through the crowded club until she reached the bar. The bartender was Janice, a pneumatic brunette who was probably a were. She seemed to be able to smell just how drunk her customers were. [color=92278f]"Janice, Grunge Night was last week, wasn't it? You have any flannel shirts in lost-and-found that no one has claimed?"[/color] With an expressive eyeroll, Janice can out with an armload of fabric. Aliyah wasn't sure why all of the old hoodoo medicine workers used red flannel. Maybe it was all they had. Regardless, it was what she used for hoodoo talismans. A few rips and a bit of quick stitching from her mending kit gave her a flannel bag. In went the dimes and napkin. She sewed it closed and gave it an experimental shake. It *clinked* lightly, which was perfect. It wasn't a great talisman, but it would hold for a few days until the silver dimes tarnished completely. That would buy Giselle some time while Aliyah investigated the "Black Maaaaajic." Now to catch Giselle after she finished her set. [hider=Summary]Aliyah makes a talisman to protect Giselle. She'll give it to Giselle after the show. I'll write that scene tomorrow if nothing else happens.[/hider]