[hider=Tonta] [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/71n8HUR.png[/img] [i][sub][h3]And she, Drakhoreya though she be, killed them all. [b]Devoured[/b] them all.[/h3][/sub][/i][/centre] [b]Name:[/b] Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut. Also: [i]'Tonta,' 'Nino,' 'Tuts.'[/i] [b]Aliases:[/b] The Drakhoreya [[i]lit.[/i] The Drakhorey Mother]; The Drakhoreyka [[i]lit.[/i] The Drakhorey Devourer] [b]Domain:[/b] Life. [indent][i]Life Defined.[/i] To be alive is to be ensouled - all that has a soul or spirit is alive, and all that is bereft of such is not. Life allows for the well-observed condition distinguishing things like animals and plants from inorganic matter or natural phenomena - this includes the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity, and continual change preceding 'death'. Though having a soul will not necessitate the manifestation of physical life, physical life is not possible without a soul. Since life, thus defined, is intrinsically ethereal, it can exist without being tied to physical matter - spirits, ghosts, and other immaterial entities are entirely valid life forms. Such things are not [i]ensouled[/i], they [i]are[/i] soul. We therefore find that death - true death that is - only occurs with the destruction of the soul; the ebb and flow of physical life is peripheral. As all souls are by nature sapient, even those of non-sapient creatures, direct spiritual communication with souls is entirely possible for those learned in such magicks. [i]The Power of Life.[/i] The powers of this Life Domain enable the god in question to freely create or nourish things that have the quality of life, unlimited in this regard by anything short of its imagination. Power over Life also includes the capacity to deny a creature of life or to strip a particular place of it - this is a simple process of desouling a particular entity or place. Life is different from health; something can be alive but in extremely poor physical health. However, the presence of souls is also critical for life and may prevent ailments caused by a lack of soul - if the winds lose their souls then they may stop blowing, if the water loses its souls it may stop flowing or being beneficial to other life forms, if plants lose their souls they may wilt and die, and similarly when sentient species lose their souls. Thus, with the ability to regulate, communicate with, and control souls, this Life Domain enables one to create new, and nourish existing, life forms.[/indent] [b]Alignment:[/b] [url=http://easydamus.com/chaoticneutral.html]Chaotic Neutral[/url]. [b]Myth:[/b] [indent]Centuries after the fact, when Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut finally arrived to kill him, Hylsek Adech was to recall with greater lucidity than ever before how the terrible race of drakhorey and their progenitor came into the world. Everything was coming to an end around then and (even though Hylsek Adech had then not yet been birthed) he knew that Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut had come in a great fit of inexplicable rage - as though she had been torn away from something very important and now sought to loose her wrath on the distraction that entrapped her. Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut was, therefore, followed very shortly by one hundred thousand burning meteors that lit up the darkening heavens of Galbar's fragment; it was an act of cosmic creation willed at the moment of Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut's own genesis. One could say that she was created creating. Perhaps it was the way Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut was then screaming (for she came screaming), or perhaps it was the inexplicable fury in the great sonance, but it was in that moment of their inception that Hylsek Adech and his drakhorey kin realised - with as great a lucidity as only Hylsek Adech was to experience again many centuries later - that Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut was the only thing in the world they would know to fear. As the drakhorey broke free of the burning meteors, and as they came into being out of those hurtling isles of magma, the underworlder critters who had risen with rapacious hunger to glut themselves on the soft, yielding meat of the overworlders allowed themselves a pause and a heavenward gaze. They looked at the sky as they had enviously glanced of the overworld in prior times when it was denied them. And if they had not heard the scream of Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut, the goddess whose genesis was occurring before them in the heavens, then they most certainly heard the clawing and growling and hungering of her sky-born terrors who even now lacerated the face of the sky on their earthward passage to feast upon the horrorsome underworlders. Hylsek Adech, spreading his blazing wings and swinging his rock-hewn skull - which even now ran with veins of magma to the three smouldering embers of his eyes - had been the most impatient and most excited of them all, and so he was the first of the drakhorey to descend and sear the surface of the world with a flame that was less flame and more hammer. He hammered the earth unrelentingly, he forged it anew with the ash of overworlder and underworlder alike. He wiped the slate clean. There was to be no reward, of course. The drakhorey had known there would not be one from the moment they heard Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut's scream, and so they were not so much [i]saving the world[/i] as [i]trying to run away[/i] - from her. Even then the drakhorey had known to run away, and even then they had known it to be a vain endeavour. Hylsek Adech had been the first of them, however, and so Hyatonta-Ekninot-Mahtut had done him the honour - in her own twisted way - of leaving him for the very last.[/indent] [b]Personality:[/b] Just wants to have a bit o' fun, really. Extraordinarily affable and amiable, quite social and gets along with pretty much anyone - rarely anything can get her riled up or truly insult her, though she may well pretend it has if the whimsy takes her. No dispute is ever truly personal - [i]'don't get riled up, it's just a bit o' fun.'[/i] Her personability aside, she is otherwise quite unpredictable and fickle - she is just as likely to be casually cruel and capricious as she is to be generous and giving. She is not by nature kind or 'good'; any 'good' she does stems primarily from her own whimsy and pursuit of pleasure. Something truly more powerful than her may well terrify her - her nonchalance and fun-loving attitude is greatly derived from her firm conviction that there's nothing out there that can pose her any harm or threat, or that can truly limit her. Attempts to threaten or limit her may stir her interest and she may play along for the fun of it, but should it become apparent that she is not quite as in control - that some entity is able to toy with her as easily as she toys with the world - then things become a whole lot less fun for her. [b]Goals:[/b] Being a Life god, she will naturally want to create life and watch the world bloom. She will look down on any attempts by others to create life that is not tied to souls and may well launch a crusade against [i]'such sacrilege!'[/i] if the whimsy takes her. She will also, for no clear or logical reason, take to possessing random humans, who will go on living without realising they are the hosts of a god. She will actively fight and ally and plot and scheme with others for the fun of it, and will stop the moment it bores her - no alliance or contract is sacred as far as she is concerned. [b]Appearance:[/b] [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/b867zJE.png[/img][/centre] [indent][i]Base Form.[/i] Tonta has two primary base forms. The first is a wraith-like black and grey form boasting a bark face akin to a primitive wooden mask with two dark holes for eyes. This form is immediately corporeal and ethereal, or transitions between both states so seamlessly that it appears to be the case. Different parts of her may be corporeal while others are simultaneously ethereal. This form is broadly humanoid. See an image [url=https://i.imgur.com/i2Pvw2f.jpg]here[/url]. The second is broadly humanoid, easily mistaken for a human or an elf were it not for the innumerable serpentine appendages that emerge from below her cloak and appear to be, to all extents and purposes, extensions of herself. See image above. But clothed. -.- IN DRAGON LIMB THINGS. Beyond these, Tonta, being a Life goddess, will also appear to humans in the form of various life forms - she may manifest as an ant in one place, a rock in another, a puddle elsewhere, and a member of any sapient species at yet another, to play tricks on or otherwise test individuals and groups for her sporting pleasure. [i]True Form.[/i] Tonta's true form is that of a great shifting spirit, female and humanoid in shape. In its [url=https://64.media.tumblr.com/55d5f5293c23ab4be6b511ffecda16cf/b31f772be85c4674-ee/s1280x1920/eccc4a0b39261b37c87a8bae5b2b0c8976726eb7.jpg]benign aspect[/url] it causes life across the world to bloom and does no damage to any living thing that gazes upon it or is otherwise in its radius - rather the opposite. In its [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/312a4076-0146-4a17-aee6-7b5427596024/damqfsw-4e42f4e5-0efd-4052-98ce-472760370b06.jpg/v1/fill/w_1024,h_822,q_75,strp/moon_by_nemo_soda_damqfsw-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD04MjIiLCJwYXRoIjoiXC9mXC8zMTJhNDA3Ni0wMTQ2LTRhMTctYWVlNi03YjU0Mjc1OTYwMjRcL2RhbXFmc3ctNGU0MmY0ZTUtMGVmZC00MDUyLTk4Y2UtNDcyNzYwMzcwYjA2LmpwZyIsIndpZHRoIjoiPD0xMDI0In1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.mbUfZUC9kDJAls8CHtnM6erGiQgAnS9rgpyBAW_8TUo]malign aspect[/url] her true form saps souls - and so life - from all things across the world, but the most terrible effect is on everything within her range of perception. The [i]Drakhoreya[/i] form is a lesser version of her malign aspect, which takes on the form of [url=https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/598203c2-03ac-44ae-9d1c-46b57e0681f2/d78qiza-747cc68f-3084-45ef-9879-44d906156e29.jpg/v1/fill/w_900,h_1200,q_75,strp/volcano_dragon_by_gaudibuendia_d78qiza-fullview.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3siaGVpZ2h0IjoiPD0xMjAwIiwicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNTk4MjAzYzItMDNhYy00NGFlLTlkMWMtNDZiNTdlMDY4MWYyXC9kNzhxaXphLTc0N2NjNjhmLTMwODQtNDVlZi05ODc5LTQ0ZDkwNjE1NmUyOS5qcGciLCJ3aWR0aCI6Ijw9OTAwIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmltYWdlLm9wZXJhdGlvbnMiXX0.KnMPv3JDu02rdMh4H4uy5MyZNGdn1UTbJVEENVZB7GA]a great ethereal, vaporous drakhorey[/url]. This is Tonta's inceptual form and gives off a world-altering scream that births drakhorey.[/indent] [b]Musical Theme:[/b] [indent][url=https://youtu.be/a45mRBaoLP8]We're just gonna have a bitta fun, [i]my dearest[/i].[/url] [url=https://youtu.be/4BV4oWmhAyI]Or rather, [i]I[/i] will.[/url][/indent][/hider]