The freezing air burned Rahne's throat with each gasp of air as she ran, fighting her way through the crowd of screaming citizens, fleeing in the opposite direction she was heading. The cold burned her lungs, and her diaphragm shuddered, but she fought back every urge to cough. She needed whatever oxygen she could get, and she needed to move fast. Her hand clenched the hilt of sword, to the point her knuckles were white and the air stung her skin and the fibers beneath. "Go!" She wheezed as she yelled, her hand pointing behind her. "Go! Follow the sentinels! Get out of the town! Go!" They likely didn't hear her, but she didn't think of that, nor did she care. They were going in the right direction. All she had to do was bring up the rear, and keep them safe, however many she could. "Keep running!" She called out to the people in the back of the crowd. "Bolt, bolt! Get yer' asses outta-" She almost didn't see it. A shard of ice the size of a dagger flying towards her, right for her face. It was a good thing she wasn't thinking. Nearly by pure reflex, she raised her sword, smashing the dagger of ice as her steel came into contact with it. The shards of ice from the shatter that made contact with her froze the skin on her arm almost instantly, burning to the touch and made her hiss in pain, but she did not stop moving, nor did she slow down. A mage of Brila, about thirty feet from her location, scowled. He was on his own, but it normally only took one. A mage was a rare find, and one capable of using Ever Frost was even rarer. The magic was special, one that required a contract. It could freeze its target instantly, trapping whatever was unfortunate enough to be caught in a state between life and death, unware of everything around you, but keeping you awake. There was less than two-hundred of them in the city, but that was all they needed to start, if not finish. The mage threw another dagger of ice at Rahne, but Rahne performed the same feat a second time, causing the mage to scowl. This time, he would need something bigger. But before he could prepare such an attack, the woman did something he did not expect. She threw her sword at him. At first he wasn't worried; the odds of the blade landing right, not to mention the time it would take to hit him, he should be fine. But the blade was moving much faster than he thought. It caught him by surprise, but it was too late. The hilt of the blade hit him in the eye, forcing him to cry out in pain as he abandoned his attack, gasping the now bleeding organ. Rahne took this opportunity to redouble her efforts, putting all her energy into her legs. She ran faster than before, for just a bit, but it was enough for her to close the gap. She leaped forward, fist raised and arm pulling back, and, once she was close enough, sent her fist flying into the mage's face, knocking him to the ground. With no hesitation, she grabbed her sword, and buried its blade into his chest, taking his life quickly, and then she fell to her knees, exhausted. She propped herself up with her sword, gasping desperately for air. She just needed a few moments, and then she could be on the move again, but sadly she didn't have that. She could hear the footsteps approach her, and they weren't running. She looked up in time to see another mage with enough frost looking from his hands to obscure his legs from the knees down. "You did good, lass, but this is it for ya." No more words were spoken. With a swing of his arm, a ball of frost, nearly as big as a medium-sized shield came right for Rahne. Again, on instinct, she tried to pull her sword free, but it was stuck in the body beneath her, and she tried to dive to the side, but her legs wouldn't listen to her. She was stuck, and it looked like it might be over for her.