[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/dHRmLjQwLjg0N2Q3ZC5UblZ0WW1WeUlERTAuMA,,/sedgwick-co.regular.png[/img][/center][hr] Fourteen listened intently to the others. There were a variety of motivations his compatriots held: money, vengeance, safety, knowledge, charity, freedom, independence. Fourteen sympathized with none of them, but nonetheless listened and agreed they were justifiable desires. There was one within the group who asked something strange of the queen, a woman with black hair and pointed ears. As a matter of fact, Fourteen hadn’t even remembered her appearing, though he was quite distracted in the fight. Unlike the others, she wanted Exusia to help the land below. Fourteen had never considered this angle- the world below just seemed too hostile and too chaotic to help, and Tabitha seemed to share that feeling. He wondered if the city even [i]could][/i] help Deadwood, or if figuring out the purpose of the Calamity would allow them to change anything. Fourteen had wandered a long time and seen a lot of suffering- nothing short of burning Deadwood to the ground and rebuilding seemed sensible. The queen spoke, and Fourteen listened. She made a reasonable demand- find some glyph-covered stones, record their information, report back. Some of the party seemed intimidated, but not Fourteen- he felt exhilarated, more than he could ever remember being. Now, he had a direction, a single task to accomplish, and that fit into his mind like a gear clicking into place. It didn’t matter that the places Tabitha wanted them to go were dangerous- Fourteen would complete the task and if he died along the way so be it. Life meant nothing without purpose. [b]”I accept,”[/b] Fourteen said, remaining on one knee with his head bowed. [b]"I shall do whatever is necessary to accomplish this task."[/b]