[center][h1][color=92278f]ALICIA MONTEUSE[/color][/h1] [hider=ALICIA MONTEUSE] [b]”Welcome dear Alice, what is your given name?”[/b] Actually it’s [i]Alicia[/i] but close. And no, I do not go by ‘Alice’ for short. [b]”Forgive my impoliteness but pray tell, what is your age”?[/b] Rather strangely specific but I am twenty-five. As of last Saturday. [b]”Well, quite a charming appearance you have!”[/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/r3Lb8f9/32-B5-EBF9-DC76-4676-A799-24889993-F528.jpg[/img] And the weirdness continues. But yes it is. 💅🏼 [hr] [b]”How did you arrive to our Wonderland?”[/b] So I was in the garden behind the estate when I noticed a rather bizarre looking hole behind the hedges that I had never seen before. I was walking closer to inspect it and afterwards would probably have gone to tell the gardener to fill it. It felt like something tripped me and I went hurtling forward and down I went into a deep pit. And now here I am. [hr] [b]”What is it like? In your world? Tell me about your past.”[/b] Um… okay. I’ll tell you what I can. But I’m not a humanist, geographer, or sociologist. There’s countries… and the oceans… the sky. Cities as far as you can see, billions of people, towering buildings and grand architecture. It’s rather… grand, I guess. Monumental. Beyond one’s simple imagination. As for me personally now that I can tell you all about. And I will. My father Richard Monteuse is a Wall Street investor and a stock market player. He owns several factories out west as well and a cruise line. But we’re talking about me of course… My past? Nothing remarkable really. My father sent me to college preparatory school when I was fourteen and before that I was just a kid. Prep school wasn’t so bad aside from not really finding much of a place. At eighteen after graduating I decided that college was not for me and - despite my fathers’ original protest - I made it clear what I wanted to do. Nowadays I’m studying into fashion and hope to create my own clothing line and start a chain of boutiques one day. My hobbies are fashion designing, painting, singing, and networking. I was doing self portraits as young as twelve and took classes in singing with a high rate tutor when I was seventeen. I also enjoy yoga, reading poetry, and writing short pieces regarding humane rights violations and the tragic cancer that is poverty in third world countries. I’m currently single after my unappreciative boyfriend and I broke up not too long back. Actually just to clarify; I broke up with him. He was a leech and didn’t take any notice of the effort I put into our relationship or into helping him succeed. Nothing seemed to be enough for him. See, this is why you don’t date lower middle class-… anyway… That’s really it. I’m a humble young woman looking to break away and take life by the reigns. An inspiring artist and entrepreneur working for my meal ticket like everyone else. I may have been raised in a luxury but I’m an adult now making my own decisions. I’ve never really had many friends now that I think about it. But that’s a symptom of the jealous masses and their toxic envy, even among the more elite. In truth all I’ve ever really needed was myself and my pursuits. [hr] [b]”Anything else you care to share, dear Alice?”[/b] It’s [i]Alicia[/i]. And not really. Other than the fact that I might actually hang around here for a while. At first all I wanted to do was leave but now I wouldn’t mind exploring a bit as this is certainly a… quirky little domain. I might could draw some inspiration from here actually. [color=fff200]MADNESS[/color] [/hider] [/center]