Even Vreta had to admit that his facade had grown rather thin by this point. For someone who was meant to be a diplomat, he had done fairly well diving off of a cliff in pursuit of a falling vehicle, weaving between falling debris while outrunning a giant worm. At this point, his excuse of being a former soldier was mostly just for official records. The unspoken truth was likely known between them, though it would have to remain unspoken. “I think our peoples have very…different responses to near-death experiences.” Vreta remarked as he stepped into the Agent’s room, ignoring the armor entirely as he approached her. “I know not everyone is satisfied with how the mission went, but for what it’s worth, I am glad we were able to get everyone out alive this time. And I feel we still learned a great deal. I’ve already given my people my best report of my experiences, but, and I’m not sure about you, there is still some of it that I am trying to make sense of. I was going to suggest that it might help to talk through some of it.” Vreta crossed his arms, staring ahead at nothing in particular for a few moments. “I remember being in that darkened room. I was…excited. The most exciting day of my life, really. As much as I tried to avoid it, I couldn’t help but to be a bit anxious. I didn’t show it, though, except for maybe a bit of sweat on my brow. But I stopped thinking about all of that as soon as the Director-General started talking. It was my time, and I was ready.” Vreta finally looked more directly towards 595. “I remember all of that as clearly as if it had [i]actually[/i] happened to me.”