Ill just put the character here for now. [b]Character Sheet:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Tagnan Equil [b]Species:[/b] Gui’ lek [b]Age:[/b] 32 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Short in stature with some messy hair that only seem to be get a basic wash regime. Tagnans posture is more of that of prey ready to bounce. Which is quite opposite to the deep intelligent eyes that seem to look through everything they gaze upon. And a very calm face that seldom expresses much but pondering and questions. [b]Assignment:[/b] Medical researcher and ships doctor assistant. [b]Equipment:[/b] when outside his lab he carries a small scanning computer, chemical sampling kit and a field medicine bag. Alongside some small spades, knifes and scissors for plants and the like. And always a bag of snacks. Always… [b]Skills:[/b] Medicine, treatment, basic surgeon, zero G EVA, Nano technology, chemistry. [b]Cybernetics/Genetics:[/b] Extra organ that helps produce stem cells for increased regeneration. Alongside cybernetics for improved protection against cancerous development in the body. Most Gui’lek also chose to have a brain implant for mental access to networks and improved work efficiency. [b]Education:[/b] Medical science PhD, Biological engineering PhD [b]Personality:[/b] A bit self-absorbed and weak on the small talk Tagnan is at least a good listener when needed and when he figures he should just shut up for a while. Awkward around weapons or violence he prefers to attempt to talk it out or maybe run for the hills. A bit fussy in hectic situations, his only good trait for emergencies is that he is good at taking orders and focusing on his tasks. [b]Biography:[/b] Tagnan is a fresh graduate of two PhD’s and an eager explorer to fund his research and gathering of field experience to build up his reputation. He comes from a loving little family of scientists and doctors. And the occasional black sheep engineer. Which pretty much set his career for him as he grew up. Diving in as a nerd into the studies he has remained a single to date and a somewhat lackluster social skill that he might now develop better being stuck on a ship with a crew for a longer period. Since well not much tends to happen in space during these voyages. [hider=Species] [b]Gui’lek:[/b] The Gui’lek are a smaller humanoid species with six fingers. No hair except on the head and red skin. Along this they have a nose more akin to cats and dogs while a third eye is open in the forehead. And a life span that reaches about 200 years of age though they tend to mature fast. Over time as genetic engineering has developed their looks have begun to vary in both size, intelligence, looks and even strength. Which has increased their lifespan and survivability in the harsh environment of their home planet that has had some rather unfortunate events ruin the climate. [/hider]