[@Estylwen] [color=ff6130]"Right...people going missing. Tell me what you know about this weapon. I've never even heard of such a thing."[/color] She said as Takeda punched in on his phone. [color=ff6130]"Who's that?"[/color] Takeda must've called for backup. Multiple people working together on this would make things easier, at least. One stranger in her place was already unusual, though. [color=ff6130]"Anyway, what does this weapon have to do with me? You can't just talk to the authorities about it? There has to be someone else out there who's at least somewhat more equipped to go after something like that. I need to know everything you know, or I can't help you."[/color] Ellie told him bluntly, she didn't expect he was hiding anything, but at the end of the day, he was a total stranger in the apartment of a metaphysical human's apartment in the dead of night. She had spent the past couple of decades helping people with her powers, but she always at least had [i]some[/i] idea as to what she was getting herself into on these cold, quiet nights in the city of Tenebrae. Robberies, stick-ups, organized criminal machinations to move against the good people of the city, you name it, she's seen it and dealt with it. All without being caught just yet by the authorities who should've been doing their jobs from the start, which she always seemed to do better herself since high school. Sometimes she had to run from the police just to make it through the day, other times her job as a mechanic only a short walk away from where she and Takeda were now served as the barest fraction of a cover-up to keep her hidden. Vigilantes are loved by the people who protect them, and vilified by the ones who should've done the protecting to begin with. Ellie has been well accustomed to working behind the backs of the government and the city for the better of its people; The police aren't trained to handle the things she handles, so she handles them instead. Villains who kidnap innocents and escape by flying with wings, fire-breathing gas station robbers who just needed money for their sick children, homeless meta kids in underground fighting rings. Tenebrae's cops don't know how to deal with those things, how do you imprison someone who can melt a cell door? You don't. More often than not, Ellie simply roughs them up beyond belief, sometimes she convinces them to see things differently, and surrender for a chance at a better life. There have, of course, been instances where she had to get blood on her hands. It's not something she's particularly proud of, but it's the truth. Coming from that kind of life makes you have a bit of respect for that kind of person. A bit of time passed, and while Takeda got into a more thorough background on this "Meta Weapon" he knew about, a car pulled up on the ground below, and minutes after came the sounds some someone yelling. “Ah! Don’t kill me, please!” Then Silence. It was past midnight. Who'd be doing that? It jarred Ellie a little, naturally, but when someone actually opened the door, a woman stood there with a bag of food, looking about as unamused as could me. "Food delivery." What? [color=ff6130]"Takeda. Who's this?"[/color] This was about as much company as she'd be willing to put up with this late at night, was this woman another vigilante? Hell, maybe this is all some kind of B-movie spy gig going on like in Fast and Furious. Any second, one of these two would probably flash a badge or something. Wouldn't that be amusing...Thankfully, no one in the entire building was awake right now, which was surprising after this woman just scared the life out of some poor bastard just trying to make a check. She seemed to have a rather...professional, serious vibe to her. Definitely Ellie's type. Doesn't mean they're getting along just yet though, surely. [color=ff6130]"Uh, who're you?"[/color]