Gaia rolled her eyes at Lily's explanation for the capture, her tail swayed before she gave a soft huff. "They frequency Bombed my ears, I think they need more than a telling off." She said with a rumble before she yawned slightly, "I'm sure they've forwarded the notes they have on me here, I know that Vampire Bastard gave the original notes of my creation." She stood from the table and looked around the room, walking to the weights as easily lifted one of the 10kg dumbells. Rose nodded to Lily's words, she was telling the truth, obviously. Why would the agency lie about anything with her? She had been there for a while, but sure she had changed into what she was now so of course they would need to make sure she was safe to work with. She looked over towards the cake once more before she looked to Steph for a bit. Steph frowned at Lily's words, she didn't believe it but she nodded once. "Alright." She said as she crossed her arms, "I shouldn't really complain, you did give us large, personalized rooms, as well as a recreational center." She admitted, dropping her arms to her sides. "And so far you haven't done anything against our rights or harmed anyone we care about." Her mind went to Benjamin, she hoped he was okay. Her mind trailed off to Harriet; where was she? Was she okay? She gave a visible shudder and looked to the ground where she stood.