[hr][center][h1][color=f7941d]Port Algec[/color][/h1][h3][color=f26522]Launch Tower[/color][/h3] [color=a187be]Tyr Fin[/color], Everin Skye, Gabriel Seth, Deryk Orgs, support personnel [/center][sub][@CMDR Adamantium][@Crosswire][/sub] [hr] [color=a187be]"Our numbers will be sufficient, I've divided the members appropriately for each vessel and the observing team. It's uncommon for there to be more than a handful of dolls which are the biggest threat before the canners, with the rough size of each ship we don't expect many mobile suits initially. We're hopeful, especially about that freighter you're concerned about. We'll have each team approach, and allow those in the open ship and the freighter to enter first in case of any contact with dolls or busts. MY only concern for your people is to act quickly once the canners are spotted and return to the rockets. The faster you can leave the area the easier time we have to engage the enemy. They're more accustomed to travelling through the debris field after all, we need all the concentration we can get. Until we meet the canners you're free to search the ships appropriately with a focus on swiftness. Am I understood?"[/color]