Sobki took initiative with Chad and led him to part of the roulette wheel to sit beside him, and thus take up a spot so no unlucky ghoul would end up stuck there. As there were sixteen segments, it was easy enough for each player to pick one to sit on and leave one panel as a gap between them so they could clearly see when the bottle went between two players. Barrel offered his empty Frankensteiniken's bottle to use for the game and set it on the small platform in the middle of the wheel where his drums usually sat. He then got a glass of cider, some snacks, and took a panel on Chad's other side. If he tried to move, Barrel would [i]insist[/i] he stay put. Once the blond boy was situated, Barrel arranged his snacks on the panel next to him, but away from Chad. Lock lead Lillith to take their seats next, though he gave an admirable glance to Sobki on the way. His body felt a bit warm, but Lock attributed it to excitement more than the punch he had. He had Lillith sit by Barrel solely to break up the pattern of boys. It would also allow Agatha to sit somewhat across from Barrel, which he was sure she'd appreciate - and would amuse the shit out of the rest of the group. Once situated, Lock crossed the spare panel to nuzzle against Lillith. His tail twitched with excitment. Shock waited for Agatha to take her seat so she could strategically place herself behind her. It wouldn't do to risk the other witch getting even a hint to her powers. She casually pulled herself up on the small stand with the skeleton sticking out of it to get a good view of the game. She also made sure she could see the bottle so she knew where to direct it for the ultimate trouble. When Carver suggested Carmilla hang out with her, Shock gave Carmilla a devious grin and even patted the (admittedly small, which in and of itself was an insult, as there was no way Carmilla would fit) space beside her on the concrete platform. The younger vampiress's sudden change of mind sent her into a bout of wicked laughter. "You're risking [i]Chud[/i] over me?" she said sweetly. Shock took a sip of her pumpkin lager. "I'm [i]offended[/i]," she continued, though without a single iota of seriousness. "[i]Surely[/i] I'm better company!" That got her brothers to laugh too. Shock [i]did[/i] take pride in being the worst monster in town. She waited for Carmilla to take her seat between Agatha and Carver, before she spoke up again. "Since I'm not playing," Shock said, "I'll save us all some time and pick who gets first spin." She took a drink of her lager as she pretended to think, then looked around the circle. "And I think..." She looked to Sobki, solely to get a few hopes up, then Lillith for a bit of discomfort, as she was taken, then Barrel to rile Agatha up a bit, before cycling back to Chad, "...our little [i]party crasher[/i] can go first." The tone in her voice and evil smirk on her lips said all it needed to: [i]I want to watch every one of you[/i] suffer. Shock waited for Chad to take his spin. The first time, she didn't have to do anything, as it landed back on him on its own. But on his second attempt, Shock waited for the bottle to start slowing down. As all eyes were horrifically glued to the bottle in anticipation and not her, she was a little less subtle than usual as she carefully directed the bottle to slow down with the threat of landing on Carmilla, barely inch its way to Agatha, then finally clearly land between Agatha and Carmilla, and thus spared them both from Chad's lips.