[@tokkiya] The old man shifted uncomfortable but frustrated. Jones was an active man despite his years and he chafed at being confined even when it was necessary. In that sense there was something of the Wolf to him, despising a cage. "Ah its no worse than some hunting accidents I've had," the old man groused. One of the many bags of fluid draining into his IV is morphine, so his judgement on this point is suspect. "The vamps were over confident, playing with me," he grinned in satisfaction, another trait he shared with wolves. "Don't guess they will make that mistake again but..." Jones trailed off as the lights of the hospital flickered out for a moment. back up generators came online with a whine and machines began to wail in protests at the interruption. Hospital doors, magnetically held open, swung shut into their fire door configurations. The back up lights weren't quite enough to keep the place fully illuminated an nurses began to walk rapidly to check on patients in serious conditions, making sure back up power and batteries was taking up the slack. The nurse who had been outside the room when Anders arrived walked purposely back down the hallway. "Sir, I'm afraid I'm going to need to ask you to leave, we ha..." she started visibly at something behind Anders. He turned to find an empty window. "Some was there, outside the window," the nurse stammered, caught between nervousness and embarrassment, the were after all five floors up. [hider=Synopsis] Lights go out, something is up... [/hider]