Jasper stepped away from the two to let Violet tend to Kite who winced and sputtered with mild annoyance from how she dabbed and wiped at him. Already pacing into the clearing and then turning once they reached the somewhat overgrown path, they patiently waited for the two to air their inquiries. With another clicking blink, they brought a hand to the top of their head and changed directions to search the bushes near where their head was retrieved. [color=00a99d]"Short answers, first, as I insist we walk and talk,"[/color] they commented, brushing debris from a hat they retrieved, planting it on their head and then slipping their left hand along their side. [color=00746b]"Ah. I see..."[/color] they softly mused, the tone considerably less...mechanical. Looking over themselves as they returned to the path, they gestured with one in the direction of where it wound off into the woods. [color=00a99d]"My attempts at a...metaphore...as I assume, by your care for...Kite...that you are, how The Lord Madam says, 'Holding. The. String'."[/color] Forgoing the mimicry and raising their hands of offer air quotes to accentuate each of the three words. Returning their hands behind their back and carefully walking backwards with measured steps, [color=00a99d]"A belief is that a message is intending to be sent, and it is not uncommon for Valket to first seek one they can rely on,"[/color] Jasper's eyes shift to Walker, [color=00a99d]"-and second, one that can protect the first. As this is not The Spire, please do not be alarmed by the diminished efficacy of your Kite. This is not their world."[/color] Jasper then lowered their head, slightly in consideration before simply speaking, [color=00a99d]"I serve Masters Jasper Lanes and Adelaide Harper. I am confident they are safe, and so I am choosing to use their names, freely...no...my name is [i]not[/i] Jasper Lanes. I am using his-is..am using his name as...a -a..."[/color] their eyelids flutter sporadically for a moment before a pause. After a few seconds, they concluded, [color=00746b]"I intend to fairly represent those whom I serve, and I understand this does not answer your question. As such, I will elaborate on the [i]meaning[/i] of your question."[/color] Their eyelids shifted down to don a seemingly apologetic expression, [color=00a99d]"The Lord Madam...[i]Kaath[/i]...while she is well deserving of her accompanying titles and accolades, medals and what prestige she refuses to show..."[/color] Jasper then takes a moment to mimic the sound of an exasperated breath before sighing, [color=00746b]"Nobless obliege,"[/color] and then resuming, [color=00a99d]"...has had...[i]uncommon[/i]...experiences many within our ranks do not understand. Unfortunately, she has chosen to be highly reclusive, and it would be unfair of me to assert unfounded theories. I would suggest asking Kaath, directly, were I not concerned her reactions would be less than cordial."[/color] Lifting their hands to idly pick debris and loose strings from their heavy-looking fabric that covered a slim form-fitting armor of sorts, seemingly for dramatic effect as they soon commented, [color=00a99d]"No. I do not share in, nor condone Kaath's distain."[/color] With the first block addressed, the crew had found themselves traversing a rather leisurely hike down the gentle slope the path snaked off through. The sounds of the forest had long since resumed, giving a serene backdrop to the walk. Assorted wildlife flitted and mingled in the canopy and branches; long-legged short-tailed squirrels, things that looked like woodpeckers but somewhere around the size of a turkey would swoop down and scramble along the bark on bat-like fore-claws and talons as they pried and beat into the flesh of these twisting maple-leaved willows. Their vines, clad in the somewhat familiar leaves, gently lowered from between the boughs, some of their leaves crumpled like a fist. Other time, one could nearly watch the slow process of the vines rolling up on themselves and gently climbing up the branches to seek out the light from above. All the while, the sounds of a babbling brook some distance to the right rumbled on, a percussion to the alien birdsongs and chirping insects. [color=00a99d]"You are wholly entitled to refer to yourselves however you wish,"[/color] Jasper once more began after a few minutes of a pause, folding their fingers behind their back as they took a few leisurely paced steps, turning on their heels in somewhat dancing steps as they appeared to admire the surroundings. [color=00a99d]"The Lord Madam, my [i]associate[/i] has offered me references to entities from her world who would draw power from the formal identities of their prey. While we are uncertain if such creatures have made it into this space, between, I do not share my associate's experiences. Therefore, I cannot accurately ascertain the immediate necessity of choosing to protect your name. As I do not have a capability to assert my will upon others, I cannot prevent you from choosing to go by your true name..."[/color] Jasper explained, mostly looking to Walker while speaking. If it weren't for how unmoving their features were, the slight turn and nodding of their head could be construed as a wry smirk of acknowledgement that glinted across their pleasant, solid smile as they coyly added, [color=00746b]"...unless we are already playing the game, [i]Captain[/i] Walker~"[/color] Their tone once again gained the unhollow hue of a more 'human' personality behind its voice, teasing, knowing, and playing along, a click of a wink and all. [color=00a99d]"The [i]goon[/i] who had been watching us was likely one of Buncha's Crew. They were too small to be a part of Cart-Dragger's,"[/color] he commented in a reassuring tone. [color=00a99d]"Kedvin Buncha, and his...'Buncha Boys'...are thought of as...poachers?[/color][color=0076a3] Candied words offa'uman's boot-lickin lips, stealin 'oll ah feckin proper good men. Yeh? Ya getn 'em'oll drunk'n teach'n t'b'shoits![/color][color=00a99d]"[/color] Jasper continued to explain before launching into another echo of Kaath who sounded a bit intoxicated, herself, but no less passionate about her stance on this Kedvin fellow, [color=00a99d]"[/color][color=0076a3]Y'can't jus'steal bread loik that, ah? Spook'n 'oll manner'a people doin honest-loik werk; fekkin noifs'n bows, loik- wh..why y'starin' at me loik that? Yer not recordin' are--!?[/color][color=00a99d]"[/color] The voice cut off, Jasper chiming back in to add, [color=00a99d]"Malcontentious extortionist ne'er-do-wells, I've come to understand. Cart-Dragger and their beasts would seek to eat and kill whatever they find, they are simple detriments to business. Buncha, however, is more of a parasite, taking credit for others' work." [/color] Finally the path came to the bank of the now widening river, cemented cobblestone and brick holding foundation poles for a sturdy wooden bridge seemingly designed to take carts laden with goods and the beasts to pull them. A solid six meters wide, it rode over another thirty meters of rocky cropping. Seemingly constructed towards the beginning of the mouth to whatever body of water the river flowed into, defiant trees rose from tiny land masses in the process of erosion. In a way, the location was built with long-broken and repaired aesthetics until simply left to wear away over what could have been hundreds of years. Still the quality of the bridge wasn't in question, seeming somewhat new, as if refurbished or completely rebuilt for a myriad reasons.