[center][h3][color=FFE4E1]Arira - Goddess of Cycles[/color][/h3] [h2]Rise of the Brynlic[/h2] [i]A collab by [@Zinita] and [@Crusader Lord][/i] [/center] [hr] When the Coilbrywen arrived in this world, they quickly noticed their group was too big to be sustained by the deadlands under the eternal night. While their supplies from the dimension they previously inhabited would help for some time, soon they would need to scavenge for food, and as such it was decided that they would split up in three bands of numbers more fit to survive of the little the wastelands could provide. Realta the Lucky’s group so far hadn’t had, quite ironically, a lot of luck. At least it seemed the world was slowly becoming more fit for them to live with a day-night cycle and gente rains, but the lack of forests was disencouraging. They did find a swamp, but it just wasn’t the type of land fit for them, while their hooves-like feet were good for hills and forests, in the mud they were too short and immobile to be useful, so the group merely gathered what they could and continued their nomadic journey in search of good lands. “But a thousand days have passed since!” said Brynn, finishing another chapter of her chronicle of the group’s adventure. Realta was not pleased at all with the smug tone. But what could she do? Brynn was one of the last who truly believed in her. The youngest Elder of the three bands they had formed, a young adult at the prime age of 50. “Please add a note saying the days were moving really fast. Otherwise it's just unfair, it has been three days since we stopped here to gather water, and we just stopped.” “If you double my rations I will'' Brynn joked. “Okay okay. Don’t get pouty.” as she finished adding the note to the paper, a far more grumpy Coilbrywen approached them, saying the jars had been enchanted, fixed and filled with water, it was time to continue their journey. The young elder sighed, grabbing her things and setting off again. She took the lead which was typically left to the scouts, something she was before she became a leader. It was during that time that she got her surname, famously surviving encounters with forty six deadly creatures out of pure luck. They never realized that her propensity to almost becoming dinner was because she was really, really clumsy, and shy, shy enough she couldn’t turn them down when they made her leader. “Yeesh.” Brynn shook her head. “That was a cold look back there, you better get that luck working Realta, or they will demote you for sure.” “People need to stop thinking my luck is outright magic, I can’t just make it so a verdant field just shows up as soon as we are past these rocky hills. Though if they pick someone else as elder, fine, it's shameful but better than this. I think even having been lunch to one of those monsters would have been better than this.” They continued their short trip, soon moving past the rocks that blocked their view of the horizon, as they skillfully climbed up a hill. When they caught a glimpse of the other side, they gasped in unison. It was a large, verdant field, further still they could see rolling hills, forests and a great lake with no human village in sight. It was paradise. Brynn whistled and laughed. “Welp. You did it! Quite amazing. Now you are basically an elder for life.” the chronicle keeper laughed, the mood of the others had also immediately shifted, it was only Realta who was having mixed feelings over the prospect of at least one more century of leadership in her future. The small furry humanoids quickly moved to the fields with newfound energy, setting up a small camp and starting to scout the area for things fit to transform and domesticate and places that could be good to settle. [hr] Far away, deep into the woods and farther beyond even the rolling hills and smaller forests and such, a certain goddess was hovering over the treetops as she zoomed over it using divine power. It had been her first task, before anything else, to observe these lands after the rejuvenation of this region into something...and a short rest. The freshwater inland sea was something of note, and the rivers as well as one great lake to the north would provide plenty of water and space. The generic wildlife seemed to enjoy it, and the cordgrass and cardinal bushes seemed to work well where they had been specially placed. The trees were alive, birds sang, and all seemed to be well in order for the most part. She would have to work on her people at the Paradise, as well as fill the land with things to thrive alongside them and make the region a real ‘home’ as it were. ...However, it seemed [i]something[/i] or [b]some-things[/b] had wandered in already! That much her divine senses could tell from afar. They didn’t seem to be from this Shard of Creation at the least, maybe a creation of another deity? No, they didn’t seem that either. Hmmm. Still, neither did they seem to be hostile or trying to tear up the place. In that vein the goddess would take pause in the air, looking off in the direction of the interlopers, before letting out a sigh and zooming away in their direction. [hr] The Coilbrywen had made a little clearing in the middle of the field where they were now sharing resources, discussing plans, and overall just enjoying that sweet, sweet feeling of hope the fields had given them. The golden age of carelessness however was quickly brought to an end as from their place in the small hill they could hear a loud noise, trees shaking and a whirlwind trail of leaves. Realta stood still, looking up at the incoming creature in a passive stance, all others were either hiding behind her to use her as a human shield or scurrying off, hiding into burrows and fallen logs. The elder however knew that it was not worth running, that thing was clearly very powerful, likely divine, so she simply adjusted her blue hair and long furry ears to make herself more presentable to whatever was coming in the chance it wasn’t set on murdering them. And indeed, the Coilbrywen would not have to wait long for whatever was approaching them to arrive. Descending down slowly upon them, after she stopped in the air over the correct spot, was another humanoid being. Her skin was impeccably fair, softer and smoother than silk and without blemish. Her hair was long and tan, or perhaps a very fair blonde, and even her grey-blue eyes seemed to shine with a beautiful countenance about her. Golden ornaments of beyond-mortal make clung to her body all around, and she was wearing a beautiful light blue gown. Even a crown of leaves and berries sat atop her head, as if to mark her as having authority of some kind, though her mouth seemed to be twisted into an inquisitive look. As she landed on the ground before Realta, Arira took a distinct pause and gave a brief glance around the area before looking back at the elder before her. Then the moment of realization and reflection came. [color=FFE4E1]“Ah. My sincerest apologies, little ones, I seem to hath frightened you a good bit with mine arrival indeed.”[/color] she said in a gentle and soft tone, before giving a very light yet humble bow, [color=FFE4E1]“I am Arira, Goddess of Cycles, and by mine power hath I seeded this land to stand as an example of what I pray the rest of the world whilst receive in due time. Pray tell, however, what are you, and how did you come to be in this Shard of Creation?”[/color] She’d just done the things the other gods had done to her people, but to these ones. Ironic. Realta, while initially calm, soon started to become a bit more tense as the goddess started to speak. She was expecting a god but a polite one just meant she had to put an effort into what she had to say. She fiddled with her wooly poncho and her tail moved about nervously, almost in a wag. “Ah. You see… We are the uhm. Coilbrywen. We came here… by accident?” Brynn, a short Coilbrywen with fluffy white hair, a pair of ram-like horns and olive skin, soon peeked from behind her friend and leader, and soon seeing the situation, advanced to also greet the goddess. “We who stand in front of you, oh graceful goddess, are the Coilbrywen. We were stuck in a world of wilderness for countless generations, our homeland lost even to our memory. Recently, however, a sister of yours, the goddess of storms, Paratiri, entered said realm and in that way she opened the path for us to come into this world of yours.” she bowed cordially to Arira, crossing one goat leg over the other The young elder sighed in relief as her friend did a proper introduction. She took a long breath and calmed herself. “There are not many of us. Only my band and two more very far away, I am the leader of this group, Elder Realta the Lucky. I hope our presence here is not troublesome to you, oh uhm… awesome…? Goddess.” As she talked, the rest of the group left their hidey places, a band of small fluffy humanoids, many had furred limbs and bodies, some were mostly smooth skinned like humans, all of them had tails and long ears. They did not have much at the moment, a cart with jars of water that emanated an alien magical aura, a bit of food. Some wore rags while others even lacked clothes. The goddess gave a nod as Brynn introduced herself, but even so listened intently to the two females as they explained their peoples’ situation. Arira even put a hand to her own chin, however, as her brows would soon furrow in deep thought after the two Coilbrywen spoke and the other emerged from their hiding. Yet soon she would let out a small sigh, lowering her hand to her side once more and gently smiling at Brynn and Realta. [color=FFE4E1]“Your journey has been long and arduous indeed, little ones, though I must confess Paratiti and I have never had the chance to be acquainted. It seems, however, that she left you wanderers in a strange and devastated world by consequence of her actions. Yet all has led to your arrival here, and such is a blessing indeed. Wherefore, fear me not oh Children of the Wandering Wood, Coilbrywen, for I have an offer to make to you if you all are willing.”[/color] Soon the whispering and chitchat started behind the young elder and her loyal friend. Small voices talking about how this goddess was totally better than the last one they met, how she was so nice and pretty and not murderous, and that they should agree to whatever she asks, but Brynn soon stared at them and did a little gesture with her hand saying they should keep it down. Realta took a moment looking up at the goddess, “The journey was long but we never lost hope, yet never even in my dreams had I hoped to stumble upon a land of such beauty. What is your proposal, goddess, we are small but willing to help anyone who shows us generosity.” Arira simply smiled a little wider in return. [color=FFE4E1]“Then I shall give thee mine blessing, a transformation that will shape thee into something familiar yet greater. Something similar to thine selves as thou art now, but which shall allow thee to yet greater prosper. I shall also take a few of thee after, a few to grow and prosper in mine own paradise. That is all I asketh of thee. In return, thou wilt have reign to live upon this land and prosper for er’more. To have homes and places to build, to make mischief and peace, and so forth as thine seed shall do from this day hence. But know this, that others shall be seeded here as well over time, and there wilt be other peoples who come to live here. Such are the ways of mortals. Not always shall there be peace, not always shall there be war. Not always a feast, yet naught always a famine.”[/color] The goddess then spread her arms widely, as if to gesture out to all the Coilbrywen, [color=FFE4E1]“So...what sayest thee, oh Children of the Wandering Wood? Wilt thou make this pact with me, and be among those peoples that shall be mine children evermore?”[/color] The proposal was quite radical, even though they were mesmerized with all they had seen so far, the Coilbrywen in general seemed to have many doubts. Brynn thought about saying something, but instead she just smiled at Realta, knowing their rightful leader would talk sense into the others. “It is understandable that there is doubt among you.” the young elder spoke. “But I have faith that Arira means well for us, I have few qualities but seeing the good in others is one of them. Also uh… if she wanted to kidnap us or do something evil she could just do that so yeah…?” the other Coilbrywen were forced to nod, their leader did speak with wisdom. “Still, I will not force any of you to take this oath, it is not our way to force this upon others.” but as she looked back at her band, she saw that all of them were in agreement at this point. With a sincere smile, Realta turned back to Arira. “We, the Coilbrywen, Children of the Wandering Woods, will accept your generous offer, Arira.” the elder said politely. Brynn laughed, wiggling in place as she became excited at this. “Transforming sounds so fun. Now that will be some good material to add to the chronicles.” she whispered in a more brattish tone, nothing like the polite one she used for the goddess. Arira’s smile seemed to be beaming at this point, yet with a solemn nod she would gesture for the Coilbrywen to follow her. All the way she would lead them to the side of the great lake, into a patch of woods on the southwestern side of its banks. Here she would arrange them about her in semicircles, as a mother might arrange her children to tell an old story. [color=FFE4E1]“Oh little ones, take this song I shall sing into your hearts. Pass it down to you children, and you children’s children. Let this song be sung in times of plenty, and to bring hope in times of great sorrow. Let it be sung to herald a new birth, and yet to see off a life whose cycle has ended. Let this melody be the very song of your people, that by which you shall always know each other and remember where you came from. Let iit stir the memories in your blood of generations that will one day be long passed, that even your descendants shall give heed and respect to what once was.”[/color] [center][hider=Listen To This As You Read][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vP8AB3EtyU[/youtube][/hider][/center] Then...Arira began to sing. Her voice at first was soft, and yet as it moved on seemed to take on an enchanted tone as the words passed her sweet lips. The tune was gentle to the ears, like the breeze that now began to blow, and though still as soft as the grass the Colibrywen sat upon. Yet to the minds of those hearing it brought back, something began to stir to the front of their minds, like lingering things that had ever sat upon the edge of their minds but were returning in vivid detail. Emotions. Memories. Songs their grandparents used to sing to them near the fire, which brought them comfort in dark times. The smile of a long-lost friend or sibling who had perished, and the joy that leapt into their breast when playing with them. Gentle lullabies their mothers would give them, easing the tired body and mind and soul as they drifted off into a sweet slumber. The warm smile of a father showing them the world for the first time from the comfort of his arms, and the wonder of feeling the air upon their faces for the first time and seeing the brightness of the beautiful sun. Such were the things that were stirred up within them, and more, but even as such went on they would notice more about them. Sparks of minute white light, and greens and reds and blues and so forth in time, began to appear above the water and flitter about the top of the lake immediately behind Arira. They seemed to dance upon the water with joy, to flit about without a care about the apocalypse that lied beyond those borders. As these dainty sparks danced, so too the more things come. Golden drops of light, like an aetherial liquid, began to appear float upward from the waters of the lake...even from the ground that the Coilbrywen sat upon and ground round about that. More and more the goddess’ voice too seemed to echo about the air, as if the winds and trees and grasses and world were beginning to sing along with her. A warm feeling began to spread throughout the bodies of the people in turn, and if any paid attention their bodies would begin to glow with a faint but spreading silvery light. Images of beautiful vistas and open plains, of forest untouched and seas uncharted would begin to flow into their minds as well, even more beautiful things that tugged at the heart like a musician to the strings of a harp. The good, the bad, the ugly. The suffering, the salvation. All of it seemed to bubble up all at once more, like a great chorus within each of them. The silvery light too would spread over their bodies all, and the warmth would sink into the depths of their souls as it did so. Yet...before one could blink, before any might realize, it would suddenly dissipate about each of them in a shower of celebratory but soft silvery sparks that would quickly vanish. Arira’s voice and the ringing out of the song would soften again to quiet. The sparks on the lake and golden light that floated up to the heavens would eventually fade and disappear. Even the emotions and memories too would return to where they once more. ...And so it was done. Though only after a moment of still, soft silence did the goddess speak up once more, a single tear rolling down one of her cheeks. . [color=FFE4E1]“Rise...my children. First of my beautiful children made on this land, oh Children of the Feywoods, oh sweet...sweet Brynlic…”[/color] she said, even as a few more small tears began to roll down her cheeks, [color=FFE4E1]“Oh my...t-this is a most welcome warmness I feel within mine breast…a beautiful thing, though it brings me to tears...oh my children...”[/color] The Brynlic were dazed for a moment, their minds still returning from the moment of memories and wonder they had just experienced, their reflexes adapting to the new aspects of their bodies. While there existed some Coilbrywen that were fully furred before, the shape the goddess had gifted for them was far more consistent, a full coat of dazzling beauty, fluffy and warm. They took a long moment marveling at it as they looked at their reflection upon the lake waters. Brynn was the first one to look up, towards Arira, with a satisfied smile at her new puff cloud aesthetic. She saw the goddess crying in joy and decided to casually approach her, unlike any other of her band could. “Hey. This is pretty great. You are truly amazing… and I want to give you a thank you hug.” she extended her hands towards the goddess, simply ignoring the hierarchy like only a trickster brat could. Arira would gently go down to her knees, only to accept the hug from Brynn wholeheartedly and silently. No talking, just a hug. A warm, fuzzy hug from what was now a magical fey folk...but also her children. She was simply so happy, however, that one question didn’t exactly come to mind yet… ...How would her parent react to this?! [hider=Summary] A group of the Coilbrywen entered the territory Arira fixed up, which really has no official name as of yet, and were rapidly noticed by the goddess. She noticed them as she surveyed the land, doing so to double-check her work after a brief resting period post-revitalizing-the-region-around-the-Ariran-Paradise. She managed to naturally spook the poor little folk, which she found ironic, but ultimately heard of their tale of travel and how they got onto this Shard of Creation. Taking pity on them, but also needing to put some peoples onto the land of her region to settle it, she made the group of Coilbrywen an offer: Be transformed by a pact with me, and you can settle on this land. Of course she let them know life wasn't guaranteed to be perfect, but in the end of the group accepted. Arira then sang a magical divine song that transformed them, and got a hug afterwards. [s]Also Chak has an unofficial adopted mortal race as grandkids now, so that's both exciting as well as terrifying.[/s] [/hider] [hider=MA Summary] 1 MA (0 from Apocalypse) - Arira created the race of the Brynlic (a race she considers among 'her children') out of a group of willing Coilbrywen, and has allowed them to initially settle in the north of the region she revitalized. [/hider]