[h2][center]Gillian[/center][/h2] [i]Interacting with: [/i] [@VitaVitaAR] [color=00aeef]"Yeah, calling seniority dibs on not searching the corpses..."[/color] Gill huffed, shooing the closest rose away from him as he dismounted. The reliquary rolls his arms a moment, jostling free of the stiffness which had settled in during the ride. Casually, he sauntered over to the captain and the mercenary, content to keep his guard only halfway up. [color=00aeef]"You'll have to forgive the southerners Alette."[/color] he said, limply offering a hand to shake in greeting. [color=00aeef]"No fucking manners in the lot of them, and half as friendly."[/color] He added with a laugh before dropping into a dramatic bow. [color=00aeef]"On their behalf, greetings. I am Gillian Reynaud of La Reine."[/color] he says, voice rich with mocking formality and a lilting imitation of the accent of Thaln's aristocracy. [color=00aeef]"Living Reliquary of the Iron Roses and Lord of Schmucks dumb enough to cut their arms off and all that."[/color] He adds, rising from his bow as his eyes scanned the battlefield, content enough with the Shark's reputation enough to not be too concerned with a sneak attack. [color=00aeef]"And for what its worth..."[/color] he drawled, brusquely kicking a corpse onto its back to make some room to stand comfortably, dimly catching glimpses of the tattoo's his juniors were starting to uncover. [color=00aeef]"Thanks for clearing out the chaff, saves us the trouble at least. And fucking fair play to you, seems you live up to every bit of ferocity the rumor mill throws at ya..."[/color] He says, idly noting that none the soldiers had been liberated of their purses while he let the compliment settle in. Not that he would stoop so low as to rob the dead, but that in and of itself was telling. [color=00aeef]"But The Shark aint exactly a name that inspires image of generosity and altruism. Not saying you should give up your employer."[/color] He said, waving away the issue and knowing she likely wouldn't anyway. You didn't get a reputation like Allette's by being unprofessional and, as far as Gill was concerned, it'd be a waste of time to test that. [color=00aeef]"But it'd be helpful to know what you ARE here for? Can't imagine you come knocking down the door of a Thaln fort to get your rocks off. Unless you do, in which case, kinky but I'd suggest Fireheart instead."[/color]