"Serena is right. We can handle this one, someone needs to keep Kay out of the loop with this and even I can tell out of all of us, she'll probably listen to you if you told her to stay back" Chas explained, he didn't want to explicitly say 'I get the feeling there's a connection growing between you two' but he sure did think it. In his mind Serena made some very valid points herself and he hoped that John would back down on this one. He looked at Serena when she turned her next remarks to him, nodding in agreement and trust of what she can be capable of. Hitting him where he works made sense to Chas as it meant they could guarantee finding him. "makes sense and yeah, some of them are. From what I can gather some of his patients are in patients and some are out patients." he replied. "like most asylums basically" he added. "though how do you suppose we even get in? Places like that are usually so high with security, it'd be like getting into Fort Knox" he commented.