She knew that he'd treat this with suspicion, but...not like this. This wasn't merely Ren Amamiya she was talking to, right now, but rather [i]Joker[/i], and Joker was treating this a little like a Hold Up sort of moment. That bothered her, and he could see that she hadn't expected a reaction quite like that. She had to accept it, though. As soon as she'd exposed particular knowledge of his past, including the presence of Morgana, it was undoubtedly going to be more of an [i]interrogation[/i] than a conversation. So bet it. She was prepared to face that. Firming her gaze into something more serious, she replied "Alright, then.", and began. "My name is Ryoko Yumekishi. I was born not too far from here, actually. I'm heavy into psychology, and I like foreign culture. Most importantly, though, I have a Persona and access to the Unconscious World, or what you termed as the Metaverse." There it was, then. Not only a name to the face, but a clear-cut reason for why he should know her, and vice versa. She confirmed that this was not a mere social call, but something bridged upon that aspect of his life that was simultaneously the most interesting and most dangerous. More to the point, there was no beating around the bush that she specifically knew him, that they had met and talked and potentially worked together. One thing was for certain, though. This all had the hint of familiarity, but again it was under a pile of dirt, waiting to be excavated. So far, she was only confirming suspicions, but it seemed clear that she had details, that she could and [i]would[/i] clear this up for him. Or else, why even invite him? Ryoko continued. "I'd always worried you wouldn't remember back then, partly because you had alot on your plate, but [i]mostly[/i] because we didn't meet under any normal circumstance. Seven years ago, you were living far from here and not by choice, and that was when you were [i]attacked[/i] in your sleep." Another flicker, all too brief, when she said he was attacked. Just a mass, a gray liquid mass - shifting and massive - filled with huge drowned corpses. It was a nightmare creature, a midnight horror that defies understanding or reason... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=silver][center][i]"You were attacked by the Dreamer."[/i][/center][/color] [center][youtube][/youtube][/center] [color=silver]It came from the grayed-out edges of his memory in the midst of his slumber. Whatever he was dreaming about abruptly ceased. In the real world, he might've turned in his sleep, disturbing Morgana, but nothing more than that. However, [i]inside[/i] was a different story. Inside, his Phantom Thieves outfit appeared on him, and he knew without question that he needed to defend himself. A gelatinous [i]wall[/i] of horror lay before him, spreading its mass around to try and surround him. The mass was filled with drowned corpses with sunken faces in terror, too large to be even remotely normal. And somewhere in the midst of all that, the presence of thought and desire to crush him - to eat him - was in there, as well. The surface of it all gave way to glowing eyes, terrible ragged teeth made of bones, and even a...smell? [center][i]"You were attacked in your dreams by a creature which feeds off of them, feeds off of YOU, but unlike the other victims in its path, you could defend yourself."[/i][/center][/color]