After some negotiation it was agreed. Mave and Ali spent the night in one of the inns nearby. Given the rabble of drunken hunters who inhabited the place, laying down wards was a difficult task, but after the encounter with the Gray Man she wasn't willing to take any chances. They took a room with a single door and slept in shifts. As she sat awake watching, Mave wondered if this was what it was like to be an Aes Sedai. Most sisters more or less remained in Tar Valon from the day the put on the White till their deaths. Was it fear of this kind of stalking, of these unseen enemies all around? Even when Ali relieved her she found it hard to close her eyes. They woke early in the morning and ate a spare breakfast of stale bread and ale before heading out. Coin was beginning to run low but Mave spent some of what she had on outfitting their small party. They purchased a pair of hardy ponies, of a kind with those the prospectors who worked the foothills of the Damora mountains were familiar with, as well as some rations, waterskins and other necessities. Darius, as well as Tanil and Deslan were waiting for them by the saddlery as agreed. Tanil kept largely silent and Darius looked as though the wine he had been enjoying last night had taken its toll. Deslan on the other hand was full of life, chatting with an enthusiasm which which was setting Darius' teeth on edge. All were wearing armor, mostly leathers though Tanil had a chain shirt that clinked beneath his cloak. All carried swords and Tanil had a powerful short bow and a quiver of arrows, though it lacked the impressive length of Ali's weapon. Darius was full of ideas as to what Mave should spend her coin on, full or dire warnings of what would befall them if they attempted the trek without them. For the most part she ignored his advice, relying instead on Ali's experience of woodcraft. Each suggestion she took from Ali seemed to make Darius grind his teeth and she made a few minor purposes just to mollify the Mundarian. The sun was well up by the time they rode out of the northern gate, taking the long road north towards Murandy. They guards asked their destination, to which Mave replied they were headed north with a nod at Darius. The Mundarian had preened and the guard had jumped to the conclusion they were bound for Murandy, another misdirection without an actual lie. "Best be careful miss," the guard told her as she tossed him a coin, "road be lousy with bandits." The guard pulled his pot style helmet down over his brow and cast a skeptical look at her companions. "Every second man who says he is a Hunter for the Horn is a bandit the moment your back is turned."