[Center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/684444351199576076/831487025180835850/cooltext381473884215423.png[/img][/center] [center]& [color=salmon][h1]Astella[/h1][/color][/center] [hider=Recap] Wyn met some humans and made them prettier near the Sea of Reflection, and even made them a bit of fresh water so they wouldn’t die. [/hider] [hr] Wyn drifted in the air above her lands, relaxed as any could be. With ankles crossed and hands behind her head, she basked in the sunlight again and felt the wind upon her being and all was good. The only pressing matter at hand was seeding more life for the world to become shapely and defined, as it should be underneath her gaze. Yet the Goddess was still feeling a tad bit tired, as those ugly humans had awoken her from her nap. Beauty needed its rest after all, but where would she go to continue it? Or perhaps the question was, should she continue it? With a long, drawn out sigh, Wyn snapped her eyes open and reorientated herself. The goddess looked around some, her eyes falling upon the distant sight of that pesky mountain where the water had come from. Wasn’t Ze’kelia heading there? She touched the ring upon her finger, wondering if the other goddess had found the ones responsible for hitting her with a river. Perhaps she should go check out that mountain as well? It wasn’t like the humans she helped would multiply that quickly while she was away. Not that she really cared what they got up to. But what of the Crystalline Expanse? Could that wait? If she was capable of creating life in her own image, did that not mean others could do the same? The humans were an example of this. So what if… What if someone seeded life there that wasn’t to her liking? Wyn thought upon this for a long while and came to a realization. It did not matter what came to live there, for she would alter them to her own image. She had a perfect plan incase that did happen, and who knows, maybe she could cry foul, make a fit, and get something more out of it. If the God or Gods in question were civilized, that was. She smiled, for either way, it would be taken care of. Wyn was beauty and beauty would always endure, even if it has to be forced. So she flew off towards the mountain, wondering what she might find. [hr] The journey was quite boring for Wyn. Nothing really happened and she watched landscapes go by, slowly changing to green as she neared the mount. Others were at work here, weren't they? She would have gotten closer to inspect the land down under but her goal was elsewhere. For the mountain before her was impressive. Larger than any she had seen yet and grander then any that would yet come. This she knew, for the sheer magnitude of it was astounding. Add in the majestic waterfalls splitting from the crown, and it was truly a sight to behold. She neared the top, well above the clouds, where the air had grown colder and when she at last ascended above the mountain- Wyn was befuddled by what she saw. A bubbling lake of water, some sort of made structure with scampering beings that swarmed over it, makeshift shelters next to that and… Not much else beside the stones. It was a rather dull sight compared to the rest of the mountain. Wyn descended. Her feet touched, what she thought, was a pavilion and she got a better look at the creatures that were busy building it. The goddess was appalled, for they looked dreadful and whoever had made them had terrible sense in design. They also didn't feel… Alive? Rolling her eyes, she became aware of other presences and scanned the area, before landing upon an unmoving rock that vaguely resembled a person. Or a brute. Was it alive? Why wasn't it refined to a more pleasing state? She crossed her arms and placed a hand underneath her chin as she looked to the shelters where humans lulled about watching her. Why were there humans here and why did they look so terrible? She shook her head and looked away. There was another presence too… One that reminded her of Ze'kelia. Another god? The presence however made no attempt to approach Wyn. It moved to and fro all over the area, always narrowly avoiding any path that would have it stumble upon Wyn herself. Was she being ignored? Eventually, one of the raggedy humans who’d taken refuge in the half-built structures shyly walked out of his temporary home and walked up to Wyn. His light brown hair blew slightly in the breeze that traveled through the main street where the human and the goddess were standing. With wide eyes he dared to look at Wyn and speak, “H-Hey. Are you, uh… N-new here? I can show you around. If you want.” He flinched and then looked at Wyn with an unexplained fire in the depths of his eyes, something that definitely did not fit in with the rest of his demeanor. It took several seconds for Wyn to acknowledge the human and when she did finally look at him she frowned as he spoke. Did this creature really think it could even approach her? Nonetheless, speak to her? She would have smote him then and there but with the other god being aloof, or perhaps watching from a safe distance, she decided against it. Better to let things play out, see where they go. Her frown turned into a bemused smile. [color=thistle]”So there are more of you.”[/color] she began, arms behind her back as she walked around him, taking the full picture of this pitiful sight into view. [color=thistle]”Not surprising in the least, no. Even more so, I take it that a divine brought you here, so high above the clouds?”[/color] She stopped before him, gazing down into those wide eyes of his. [color=thistle]”Was it courage, foolishness, or perhaps something else that compelled you to speak with me?”[/color] she leaned in closer, smile growing wide as he seemed to shrink. From her lips came but a whisper. [color=thistle]”A desire?”[/color] The word lingered in the air for what seemed an eternity before Wyn straightened herself. [color=thistle]”Your name?”[color] she asked. “L… Lilac. I-I thought approaching you would be ok--T-The other one is um, c-casual.” He practically muttered, now looking away with a slight blush gracing his red skin. [color=thistle]”You will come to understand, Lilac, that not all of us are casual. Some require a different approach, a finer touch. Now, this other one, who are they?”[/color] Wyn asked, inspecting her nails. “S-She’s-” A sudden gust of wind blew through the main street, kicking up dirt and debris everywhere as a form landed abruptly behind Lilac. The young man yelped and stumbled forwards, almost falling on top of Wyn. The form’s large white feathery wings disappeared in the blink of an eye, and as she straightened her posture and stretched her arms, Wyn could see that it was a woman. Much shorter than Wyn herself, with bronze skin, jet black hair and a pair of golden saucers for eyes. On top of her head floated a large halo made of an unknown metallic material. The woman put her hands on Lilac’s shoulders and gave him a slightly-too-rough massage, making him wince. She was only tall enough for the top of her head to peek out from behind Lilac, but even so he froze as if he knew exactly what kind of expression she had on her face. [color=salmon]”[i]’The other one?’[/i] At least call me by my name, Lilac! Have some respect for the girl who feeds you and your entire entourage. Jeez!”[/color] Quickly, the short woman sighed and walked out from behind Lilac, giving Wyn a quick once-over, then a smile and finally stretching her hand towards her. [color=salmon]”Name’s Astella. Yours? You also have to tell me who did your hair, and makeup and.. Well, [i]everything[/i].”[/color] She said with a smirk. [color=thistle]”My…"[/color] The Pale Goddess’ gaze seemed to undress her, something that had Astella chuckling nervously. [Color=thistle]"What a pleasure it is to meet another divine, Lady Astella.”[/color] she said, her voice dripping with honey. A much different tone then the one she had used with Lilac. Wyn gave a small bow. [Color=thistle]"I am Wyn and you flatter me so. Believing I wear makeup, how charming. Beauty is my domain and everything you see is natural. But I am far more curious about you. That dress, how I like it so my lady, it suits your unique aesthetic. Though is that halo always there?"[/color] she asked, placing one hand on her hip and other on her chin. In reality, Wyn really only liked the dress. Astella was too short and too tan for her liking. At least her skin had a healthy glow to it. Astella smiled a bit uneasily, a bead of sweat dripping down her brow. [color=salmon]”No need to call me ‘Lady’, I’m just Astella, y’know. You really are pretty though, so I’ll gladly accept any compliment!”[/color] She grinned wide, [color=salmon]”I designed my dress myself, you know. And yes the Halo is always there. You’d think it’d get in the way of things, but it surprisingly doesn’t.”[/color] She said with a shrug. [color=salmon]”So Wyn, why are you here and flirting with Lilac?”[/color] She asked suddenly, pushing past Lilac and putting herself between the young man and Wyn. Lilac cringed to himself and turned away from Wyn, holding his face in his hands. [color=salmon]”He’s way too fresh for you! He just had his first Nitt’Dori’n a week ago. Honestly, he can’t handle your level, I told him this already.”[/color] Astella said with a roll of her eyes, prompting Lilac to slump further. [color=thistle]”As you wish, Astella.”[/color] Wyn’s body relaxed but she still carried a dignified posture about her. She tilted her head to look at the human briefly before going back to Astella. [color=thistle]”Oh, I would hardly call that flirting. Human males are lustful creatures, a bit dirty too. Quite sad really that they often think with their other head.”[/color] she said dismissively, Lilac sighing and walking off. [color=thistle]”I would like to say I came here out of curiosity but it was boredom. Why not see where the water that birthed me came from? So here I am, and it seems I have you to thank for that?”[/color] Astella smirked, [color=salmon]”It was a team effort, but it was definitely me who found the clog first, so yeah I will accept all the compliments and all the praise you have for me.”[/color] She said, leaning forward ever so slightly while somehow pulling off an even more smug look. Wyn smirked. [color=thistle]”Ah a team effort, wonderful.”[/color] she mused, clasping her hands behind her back. The goddess leaned forward, [color=thistle]”But it’s a shame now that I know you had help, the praise becomes less after all. One who takes such credit, I find to be… Oh what’s the word...”[/color] Her expression became thoughtful as her hand stroked her chin. She then shrugged. [color=thistle]”Oh well, no one else is here are they? So thank you ever so kindly, Astella, for giving the world water.”[/color] She flashed a smile at the shorter goddess, whose smugness had somewhat worn off. [color=salmon]“... You’re welcome? Though it doesn’t really feel like a compliment anymore... “[/color] Astella sighed and turned around, beginning to walk down the main street toward what looked like a really open part of the city. [color=salmon]”Come along for a quick tour, if you’d like. Can’t promise no one else will try to hit on you, though! Humans get frisky when they feel safe, you know.”[/color] Wyn narrowed her eyes as she watched Astella walk away. Perhaps that had been a bit too pushy? It wasn't her fault really, testing the limits of what she could get away with was ever so much a thrill. Best to keep things cordial here on out. She followed after her, catching up with long, elegant strides. [Color=thistle]"Hmmm, they may try. Oh and I apologize for what I said, Astella. I find myself still a bit new to meeting fellow divines and with what the proper words should be when in conversation. I meant no offense I assure you."[/color] she said, a bit quieter as she looked at the buildings and the human faces that stared at her. She became quickly disgusted. [Color=thistle]"Is this… Did you build all this, for them? It seems a bit… Lacking, right now."[/color] she inquired, keeping innocence in her voice. Astella froze in her tracks for a split second before continuing to walk, a bit faster than before. [color=salmon]”You didn’t say anything bad, no need to apologize. As for this place feeling like it’s ‘lacking’, well, that's what happens when crazy gods bring hundreds of humans to a place that’s only about one third done! I mean, we haven’t even finished the Central Towamid! That’s Tower plus Pyramid, by the way. I invented that word.”[/color] As soon as Astella finished, they came out onto a beautifully open green space There was an abundance of soft grass and cordgrass, and several young trees were planted everywhere, some in wild patterns and others in more controlled ones. There were hundreds of different colours as flowers grew everywhere, and lesser critters and insects lived happily in the park. They were currently in a wide dirt path lined by stone benches, and at the end of the path there was a very barebones-looking yet massive triangular tower. Scaffolding covered almost every square inch of its surface, and several large cranes brought materials to the top. Upon seeing that structure in the distance, Astella gestured everywhere around her, spinning around as she walked with a proud smile on her face. [color=salmon]”This is the Central Plaza! Trees are still growing so there aren’t many leaves and I’Iro’s spidercrabs don’t really know much about gardening so the flowers are everywhere, BUT! It’s very pretty, it smells good, and it helps dispel the heat whenever the sky becomes lava. The structure you see there-”[/color] Astella pointed at the half-finished massive structure at the center of the plaza, [color=salmon]”Is the Towamid. It’s going to be where we Gods will have meetings whenever necessary to get our super-formal business done. Everyone will be assigned a whole floor to themselves, so it could even be used as an HQ if you’re frugal enough in terms of space. Waddaya think?”[/color] Wyn took it all in, again. Still dumbstruck by what was in front of her. It wasn't that it wasn't ugly, because it was, but it was moreso the fact Astella was using manual labor to build whatever a Towamid was supposed to be. [Color=thistle]"It's very… Up and coming, yes!"[/color] Wyn forced a smile. She couldn't be too mean to the poor girl, something was obviously not right with her. [Color=thistle]"But I must confess I am puzzled by all of this… Construction? Why not just build it yourself?"[/color] Wyn asked with concern in her voice. Astella raised an eyebrow and tilted her head, still walking backwards. [color=salmon]”Build it… myself?”[/color] Wyn turned to her, her own eyebrow raised. [Color=thistle]"You are a divine, yes? Have you yet to create anything? A simple snap of your fingers and this project could be done in an instant. I do admire the effort, don't think I am belittling you. I am simply confused."[/color] [color=salmon]”U-Uh… Right, right! We can do that, yes. Definitely. Uh, I just um, [i]choose[/i] not to, that’s right. In order to… Make the humans appreciate the amount of work that goes into construction? Yeah, definitely.”[/color] Astella quickly turned away once more. Wyn frowned. What was wrong with this one? Were all gods like her? Surely not? Perhaps Astella was just suffering from some ailment? Of the mind most likely. Wyn cleared her throat. [Color=thistle]"Ah I see what's going on here. Not to worry Astella your secret is safe with me. Performance anxiety can hamper even the gods of seems, but that's alright. However I do disagree with your logic here. These humans have suffered enough, let their children's children worry about building. Besides…"[/color] she dropped her voice to a whisper and scooted in closer to the smaller Goddess. [Color=thistle]"A meeting place for gods should be made by gods. If they built this place it might bring unsavory thoughts into their heads. They need us, we don't need them. Therefore this Towamid must bring inspiration and clarity, don't you think?"[/color] Astella inched away from Wyn, [color=salmon]”But we designed it! Me and I’Iro! The spidercrabs are just in charge of making the design a reality. You can even look at the finished design if you go to the pedestal near the Wellspring.”[/color] Wyn tilted her head. [Color=thistle]"It's quite alright dear. I can tell this means a great deal to you so I shall say no more. Though, you wouldn't mind if I had my own embassy separate? I'm really not much for sharing a building with others, too crowded you know?"[/color] Wyn said, smiling. There was absolutely no way she would settle for such a place when she could very well make her own. She didn't even need to see the full design to know it would be subpar at best. Better to get her point across, alone. Astella sighed and shrugged, [color=salmon]”It should be okay. Just make sure not to disrupt the plaza’s green areas too much. I’ll make sure the spidercrabs don’t go knocking your stuff down, too.”[/color] [Color=thistle]"Ah wonderful darling!"[/color] Wyn gushed and looked around, her keen gaze landing on an area that sat on the outskirts. Without further ado she flew off as Astella stumbled and called after her. As soon as she arrived at the chosen spot, Wyn snapped her fingers and where she walked the stone turned to marble and formed a pathway. When the pathway hit the area she had deemed worthy for herself, the land began to grow. Long curved arches, pillars of marble, overhangs and stairs began to etch themselves into the mass. More walkways were formed, with fountains of Astella and Ze'kelia popping up as water features amidst gardens of flowers so majestic and beautiful the wind cried as it blew through them. She walked upon the growing steps to where the true building began to form as a long temple, held up by pillars and a roof with golden veins. The area inside was enormous and a second floor was in the process of arranging itself when Wyn stepped within. Right in the center of the entrance rose a statue of Wyn, standing above the dead creature she had slain. Wyn paused to gaze upon her sheer majesty. She cracked a smirk and walked on, filling the walls as she went with reliefs telling the story of her life so far. Embellished and grand, she left a great deal more to be filled as the rest of the rooms came to be. When all was done she sighed happily. [Color=thistle]"Now that, is how gods work Astella."[/color] she turned around only to find that she was alone. Oh, had she left the smaller goddess behind? She shrugged and went to her chambers. Therein she found the furnishings befit a God and an overlook that would make any jealous, in time… For now the view looked out upon the fledgling, shanty filled town. It was a little disappointing but it was that or clouds. Her reverie was interrupted as a small, furry little creature entered her room like it owned the place. Its white fur was pristine, but it lacked an eye and half its tail. It looked at Wyn for a few seconds, then hopped up onto her luxurious bed and lied down. Wyn looked upon the creature, tilting her head. Such gusto, even if it was disfigured and small. To walk in without care and lay upon a gods bed? She would kill anything else but this creature… She would allow it for now. For no other reason that it amused her. That and it probably belonged to someone. [hider=Summary] Wyn grows bored and goes to Divinus Mons. She laments that the area is ugly and meets Astella, who she finds a bit underwhelming. She takes a stroll with her and realized that Astella must have something wrong with her because she’s making humans build stuff for her- and robots. So, abandoning Astella once she got permission, Wyn goes off and makes her own embassy. A grand thing of glamorous marble, exotic flowers, statues of the goddesses (but only the ones Wyn has met) and an interior befitting a God in size and stature. There is even a statue of Wyn standing over a defeated Drakhorey in the main lobby. Wyn goes to her room and looks out at the depressing view because the city looks terrible compared to her own work. Then Snowie the Cat comes in and Wyn allows it to sleep on her bed because she likes its gusto and perhaps finds a bit of the same soul as her own, within. [/hider]