[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/ObfXRuxb6cIycBndF6yb4wfoMPCaSkClHh6nJ7k7w1E/%3Fcb%3D20190315052123/https/static.wikia.nocookie.net/control6745/images/f/fe/Pyramid2.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340[/img] Level 1: 5/10 Word Count: 645 Location: Al Mamoon, outside the museum --> Museum Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- Level 1: 6/10[/center] For a moment Jesse was worried she was about to be told to go away. But the guards were open-minded enough to test some of the claims that she made. Jesse was glad, in a way, that the paracriminal had gotten the door stuck like she said. It was only a theory based on the doors left behind at previous crime scenes. It was a very powerful ability for a thief- the ability to silently weld any door shut? Even this very basic use was annoying. Turns out, they could fly. That would be great, but Jesse couldn't help be feel a little annoyed. [i](Damn it. I can fly! I know I can. The Board told me I would start getting my powers back, but its been months. The only evidence I have to go on that I'll get them at all is that other people seem to have all their powers. Maybe it's just luck. Anyway- here we go.)[/i] Jesse turned around and let herself get picked up. It was awkward, there being tension in her shoulders, her legs dangling behind her. There was no comparison to the graceful weightlessness of her own Levitation. What was revealed to her was...aesthetically displeasing. This half of the museum was gaudy and over-designed. It was just asking to be robbed. Some of it was pretty cool, but there was just so [i]much.[/i] It was drowning itself in color and presentation. Design like this wasn't really something she had cared much for until she owned a big building. Something like that changes someones perspective a bit. She made her way inside, through some Japanese doors and into the lobby. What was inside was pandemonium. Jesse jogged forward, eyes wide. [i](This is something else.)[/i] Paracriminals had a way of spicing up everyday, mundane art heists. That was for sure. She didn't really have a good way of approaching. Instinctually, the Service Weapon pushed itself into her hand, its weight cold, stern, reaffirming. her trigger finger wasn't itchy yet, though. It vanished after a moment of consideration, its presence barely known for now. Though her eye was drawn to that painter woman from earlier who seemed to have been a little injured, mute, laying low to the ground. That deducted some mercy points from the scientists punch card. Now, those finely dressed young adults from earlier proved to be good samaritans. Or, perhaps just vigilantes. One thing they made very clear was the fact that they were parautilitarians as well. They possessed the ability to command some kind of floating, ghostly apparition. Impressive, to say the least, but they were no doubt from another world. As much as Jesse wanted too, she had no time to muse on powers. The scientist created a mad display. Thrusts and balloons were sent everywhere. She lost track of him a few times. He was placing some balloons on the Infinite Spring itself, and it began to float up. She knew she wanted it, so she found her eyes attracted to it. Perhaps she could pull it towards her with Launch- no. Right. Not that. But, however, she did see something useful. The paracriminal was there, hidden within the modern art. The vigilantes couldn't see it from there angle. "There! On the Infinite Spring!" Jesse called out, pointing to it. For a moment she considered firing her gun. But she doubted her bullets would be better at destroying balloons than the explosive spirits those parautilitarians possessed. Moreover, her bullet would pass right through the balloons and potentially shatter the glass dome, allowing the paracriminal an easy escape. "He's going for the roof!" She turned around to face the two guards. "Wanna carry me up there? We could cut off his escape." She suggested. Those utilitarians seemed to know how to protect themselves. They just needed to stay out of her way.