Caber slunk in, not generally one to hurry unless he felt the rush of his fae spirit about him. Even seeing a friend and a delectable woman trapped, he wanted to best know how to help them first so he kept his cool. He decided he would try and [b]figure them out[/b] with a look from his keen eyes. He wanted to guess their intentions. Clearly they meant harm, but not immediately. What would they need Barley and a woman for? He kept quiet, leaning against the wall near the door and the bigger tables beside the small foyer. Anyone looking his way would see a casual, strikingly dashing youth, appearing barely out of his teens. His hands in his pockets, he simply gauged what was happening as the fellows talked amongst one another. Before they truly got their hands on one of the two behind the bar, he smirked. "So..." He said, his voice carrying across the floor. "Is it happy hour yet or did I catch some bears looking for a den?" Caber's smile showed his white teeth, knowing full well the insult wouldn't go over most of their heads. 'Good Old Boys' like those in the order weren't keen on being confused for homosexuals, which Caber found strange. He might not partake, but people didn't have any qualms about delving into such acts for thousands of years. America certainly was a strange land. [hider=synopsis] Checks them out, and then gets their attention. Rolled a 6 (4+2) on Figure them out.[/hider]