[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WKfzkA3.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210426/ca1388474cfe29340a3a01cbbe7c0750.png[/img][/center][hr] Calven shifted in his seat, feeling uncomfortable as he watched Anise get ready to leave. Thankfully, Selena’s request to touch her horns brought her back. For several minutes, the feast went on as normal. Arm had decided to introduce himself to the group. Even though their earlier introduction proved to be quite awkward, he was sure they’d warm up to each other as time went on. Right after, Karya sparked up a topic of conversation that Cal would have loved to continue, before a loud [i]BANG[/i] cut it short. The scene that followed was a mess. A small sigh escaped him, followed by a thought that deemed the whole thing tiring and unnecessary. Earlier, he spent his time blushing like a young schoolgirl at all the different interactions. It was nice then. After all, they were here to eat well, get to know each other’s names, and get a good vibe going before classes began. And yet, this clown decided to pick on the easiest possible target? For what joy? he had no reasons to come up with. The boy clicked his tongue at the thoughtless course of action. Selena was hurt for practically no good reason! Upon Finn, Karya, and Lorelei’s fierce intervention, it was clear that the brute did not think any of his plans through. Calven rolled his eyes. Bump into a helpless girl, then what? The guy was reprimanded right then and there, by sir Vermont no less, and now he had to deal with fighting Finn the next day. [color=#BEE3FF]"Good for him."[/color] From the corner of his eye, he spotted Rodrick taking huge gulps of wine at a time, and stifled a laugh. There was a reason why many people encouraged mindful eating and drinking. With Rodrick behaving like a long blade of grass on a windy day, Calven started to understand why. [color=silver]”The feast will be ending soon. I would suggest not staying up too late. Your first class will be at dawn, bring any equipment you have with you.”[/color] Before he could do anything, Ixius had already got up to leave. The mage frowned in his direction and wondered where was planning on going, and if he could come along… but the tower of food still on Cal’s plate was not going to eat itself. Since matters were resolved and it was getting late, he started to carefully arrange the food into a neater, more organized tower. The boy was past the point of fullness, and he didn’t want to be left alone waiting for his food to digest, so he took the next leave. He stood up, plate in both hands, and turned to wish the group farewell. [color=#BEE3FF]”I’ll get going now too!”[/color] the boy placed the plate in the crook of his elbow, cradling it, and proceeded to give them a wave. [color=#BEE3FF]”I’ll look forward to meeting you guys as my classmates tomorrow. [i]Adieu![/i]”[/color] On the way, he cycled between looking for Ixius, or calling it a day. The boy was eager, but he was not too horribly inconsiderate. At least he’d like to think so. With a newfound ability to think for his roommate, he returned in the direction they came from. The walk back was made easy thanks to Athena. Even their room door had the heart to welcome him in. Thankful about not having to struggle with the huge plate of food in his hands - it was clear Hoseforn’s convenience knew no bounds. He hummed a made-up tune as he opened the windows to welcome the evening air. The melody was finished off with a light spin, before he greeted his dinner and finally sat down. Tonight was a good night. Many names were willingly shared that day, and he was eager to make use of them starting tomorrow. Not only that! In front of him, in that little tower of food, there was knowledge to be had. So, with every bite from each new dish, his hand busied itself and neat notes began to stack up the night went on. The student chef's day ended as he promptly remembered to finish all the food and get rid of the evidence before Ixius returned.