Kaizo was sat in the Onmitsukidō/Squad 2 training grounds along with other Onmitsukidō members. He like the other wore the same uniform the Onmitsukidō wear then he heard the alarms sound then he shot up to his feet and began walking off to the direction of the many Spiritual energies when a voice stopped him "[b] Kaizo! Where the hell do you think you're going!?[/b]" Kaizo turned and looked to the teacher then spoke "To do my duty as a Shinigami...you can punish me for leaving the lesson later but right now I think some battle experience will do me some good" Kaizo then shunpoed off before the teacher could say another word to him "[b]There's always one...Well? what are the rest of you waiting for!? we are under attack! GO![/b]" the rest of the Onmitsukidō shunpoed off to follow Kaizo to the location he had gone to. Kaizo appeared on the wall of the Seireitei as many Onmitsukidō members appeared around him, this made him grin behind his mask "Half of you take the right and the other half follow me! we will execute a pincer movement and take out any stragglers whilst Squad 11 and the other divisions push them towards us! this allows us to stop them from retreating! Let's go! split!' Kaizo then shunpoed off across the wall followed by half the Onmitsukidō members. They had begun to make their way around the Seireitei then they moved through the the districts taking out any hollow that had tried to escape or had gotten split from the group, they continued to do this until they finally got behind the massive army of hollow and met up with the other half of the Onmitsukidō members, they then began attacking the hollow from behind, forcing them into the swords of the other divisions and preventing them from retreating