Yuri frowned at the mention of their guardian being reduced to nothing more than a pet. How dare she even speak of him. He was the reason they all got together and defended the world from evil. He was like a big brother to Yuri, and possibly the others. Scheherazade was a friend, and Yuri would protect his friends with everything he had. This new girl did not cause him to fear as Scheherazade seemed to. He wasn't afraid of what she was capable of, nor was he opposed to fighting her to keep the world safe. She had launched the initial attack on his friends and like any friend would do he would fight back. "[color=7bcdc8]Darkeepers you say? Seems rather weak to ambush and not fight head on, but alas that is what your kind is known for, HIDING in the shadows like loose lip wanna-be predators waiting for something you'll never get.[/color]" Yuri didn't have a chance to say more as the flash of blinding light from Merlin's staff filled the area. Yuri had acknowledged her want for him to create a portal and he had created the mini-portal in his hands, but by the time he'd done it, Ayaka was under attack. This would be a challenge, as was every fight to protect the light, but he would never back down, he would never quit. [i]Scheherazade, I still say you worry for nothing.[/i] Yuri had already begun calculating ways to get them out of this situation. His grip never wained from his staff, and when the Scorpion girl reared back to kick Ayaka in the head, the staff acted on its own to protect Merlin from harm. Even though he was still learning his powers, there was one he had tapped into before that would surely land them victory, but the feeling afterwards was something he didn't want to experience again. He'd felt dark, almost sinister to a degree, but the power had protected him which confused him even more. Still, now was the time for action and not running. If the Darkeepers wanted a fight, then it was a fight they'd get. Yuri's senses picked up on the Scorpion girl's tail which resembled a serrated long whip with a pointy tip. He would need to be careful not to be impaled by it. "[color=7bcdc8]Where she's going is no concern of yours, and quite frankly that visor clashes with the rest of your eyesore of an outfit. It makes you look chubby and unpleasant. Now, get away from my friend,[/color]" Yuri said as one of the crystal luna moths began to glow. The Scorpion Girls kick would crash into a barrier sending the same energy back into her body. At the same time, the small portal had transformed into 3 butterflies. 2 purple butterflies and 1 blue butterfly. He slapped one of the purple butterflies onto Merlin's back. The purple butterfly would fuse with her, if only temporarily, but she would feel an increase in her powers and abilities and senses. The other two butterflies fluttered protectively around Yuri as the Scorpion Girl's tail flicked through the air towards him. Beautiful blue light filled the first floor as the serrated tail smashed against the wings of the blue butterfly that covered Yuri sending him rocketing through the wall behind him. In shock by the power of their opponent's tail, he quickly got to his feet as the blue butterfly unwrapped its wings from around him and positioned on his shoulder while the purple butterfly fluttered around angrily. "[color=7bcdc8]That hurt[/color]," he yelled from the hole.