[color=darkviolet]'Holding the string.' I keep hearing that. And Kite thought he could 'rely on me'?[/color] It was a lot parse through, maybe not in content but it did open up a lot of doors. Maybe now she could finally get an answer as to what holding the string meant. Given how much it came up, it had to be important. Jasper continues to say how 'Jasper' is their master's name. Violet almost feels a bit foolish since she's the only one who led with her real name. She'd think about switching to one of her pseudonyms but it may be weird to her party members. [color=darkviolet]Eh, they'll get it. Especially Walker, He's all about that mystery and vagueness and that... dark... brooding... stoic hero type of stuff.[/color] She was trying to rationalize it in her mind a way to do it casually to not make her stand out. Jasper would continue on about Kaath but it was more things Violet could already pick up on. She'd take a look around and enjoy the scenery while Jasper would talk. After being in the dungeon-like cave for so long, it was nice to be out in the open, the fresh air, the sunshine, the trees, it was refreshing. But now she could see what Walker was getting at. Ignoring Keepa's presence, that cave was safer. Not too many places they could be ambushed from. Now, however, an attack could come from anywhere. She'd have to keep her guard up at least a little bit. Remembering how someone almost snuck up on them, maybe a bit more. Violet would catch herself off in her own mind to listen back in on Jasper talking about protecting their name. Although, it seems Jasper knows Walker's hiding his name, at least with how they concluded their thought. Walker would respond, but as usual, he talks in really weird phrases and idioms that sound extremely strange but, for the most part, makes sense. Jasper would continue to bring up the person who was listening in on them. apparently he belonged to a group of poachers. Despite their ridiculous name, they could still pose a problem. Violet still wasn't suited for a full on battle. Looks like Jasper is a bit fragile for a battle too. The team isn't much better off and with Kaath gone, their main muscle, that they never even got to utilize, is gone. If they get ambushed, they are in serious trouble. Violet would tense up a bit and keep her eyes and ears open for anything to be out of the ordinary. Walker's strict approach might actually be of use here. This situation did bring up a question Violet didn't think she'd get an answer to, but something she did want to ask. They'd reach their tentative destination. Looks like there was still a bit more to go but at least they saw the goal so to speak. There was a lot on Violet's mind so she needed to say something. Walker would start to comment on the scenery but Violet would speak up right after. [color=violet]Hey Jasper... I'm not sure if you'll be able to answer these but I really want to ask them. First question is what does it mean to 'hold the string'? I've heard this so many times and I know it has something to do with Kite. I... can piece together it might have something to do with his apparent immortality. It's a guess but if that's the case I don't want to lose him. I need to know so I don't ever let go I guess. My second question I'm not expecting much for but I suppose it's wishful thinking that I'll get an answer from this. Why us? Only one of us is a fighter, I'm sure there's plenty of people in the multiverse who would be much more capable in a fight than I would. So what's so special about us that made us the destined heroes to save this world?"[/color]