A busy day indeed in this city. For this farmer turned adventurerer the hustle and bustle of the city was still something he did not fully adjust to, but at least it was direct and efficient. The doors to the guild opened with a small quiet creak as the giant of an ingvarr entered the guild to inspect the jobs posted on the board along with the rest of the crowd. [i]A dragon's still a bit....I'm not ready to test my strength against one of those yet...[/i] His mind concluded about one of the requests silently. He had built a slight reputation in the area by now but even still he had to accept jobs just like anyone else. [i]Mm...maybe i'll help out a newbie group with a goblin extermination...though the pay is low i'm confident i could get it done quickly and take on another quest to keep my money up...i need to save up a good bit still so i can have my armor looked at and worked on..[/i] just like that he was losing into his thoughts.