[hr][hr][center][h1][/h1] [img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/rJcM6MFwDjwmkfpDSNW78NyqoAWsGk19D-c8CJE-_Ys/https/i.postimg.cc/SNfNnRKj/image.png?width=285&height=286[/img][hr] [color=9e005d][b]Location:[/b][/color] Apollo Cabin [color=9e005d][b]Skills: [/b][/color][/center][hr][hr] Leandra continued to hold her shirt to the side for Alexandra as she came over with needle and thread, leaning down to close the distance between her and the wound. As she felt the needle pierce her skin, she let her eyes drift up to the medical supplies off a few yards away. Her mind went into overdrive, immediately looking for any equipment Alexandra and her co-medics might not have in stock. She was pulled out of her mind when Alexandra spoke, causing Leandra's eyes to dart down towards hers. [color=9e005d]"Oh, yes, yes I did. I tied it to an arrow, hoping to give the creature a taste of its own medicine, but unfortunately it missed. Had it hit, it would've been one for the books, let me tell you,"[/color] Leandra said with a small chuckle, lips twisted up in a smirk. When the oracle pulled back, the job done, Leandra slipped her sleeve back over her shoulder. She graciously took the nectar from Alexandra, sipping a mouthful, letting the taste of expensive French champagne fill her mouth, the phantom bubbles prickling softly at her tongue and down her throat. [color=9e005d]"Lovely...Now while I'm here, Alexandra, is there anything you need in terms of supplies or equipment you don't have or are running low on here?"[/color] As soon as she was patched up, Leandra hopped right back into her mama lion business mode, looking down to pull out her notebook, only to quickly catch sight of the bright red hole left in her shirt. [color=9e005d]"Oh and...you wouldn't happen to have an extra top I could borrow, would you? I'm not sure blood-soaked chic is really my style..."[/color]