The interior of the dining room, not surprisingly, is richly decorated and furnished as anywhere else in the house. To the left wall, a series of colossal clear-glass windows - embellished with golden ornaments - allows bright moonlight into the room, acting as the sole light source, and causes a blue hue to cover the whole space; a product from the moonlight shining in. To the right wall, a mural displays a modified Last Supper. Satan has taken over the middle-position of Jesus Christ on the table, and the apostles have been replaced with the lesser and greater demons of the Dark God. In the middle, a massive oval table stretches from one end of the room to the other end. Food of all kinds covers the whole table with no inch wasted: pies, cakes, meats, cheeses, fruits, vegetables, and more. Both floor and ceiling are also furnished with white marble. Only two persons, one at the windows and one at the piano, can be seen. The man standing by the window holds a glass cup of red wine in his right hand. He appears to not acknowledge the existence of the Exorcists, especially Ekaterine, for the time being. The individual at the piano, playing the rendition of Nocturne op.9 No.2, is not so much a man but a suit of armor. A moment of silence fills the air as the satanist by the windows continues to drink his wine. Only with the last drop of his drink, does the man turn around and greets his guests. “You didn't have to kick open the door. It is quite rude to do so,” the satanist states with a smooth deep voice. “Nevertheless, I welcome you to our humble mansion. Are any of you hungry? I have plenty of food prepared for all of you,” the satanist says with a big smile on his face. The apparel of the satanist, as with most servants of Satan, is overly fancy and proper. The suit and tie that the satanist currently adorns himself with, have no show of wear or tear, creases, dirt, or anything else that would spoil the richness of the black suit and the underlying blue waistcoat. For the actual man himself, the satanist is quite the beauty to behold. A very handsome man with a well-defined jawline, cheekbone, and smooth dark skin to boot. “Let’s be civil for a few minutes. We can kill each other soon enough. Take a seat, have a drink, eat some food, or just rest for a good solid minute. We might even have a nice discussion before we start our fight,” the satanist notes as he walks towards an open chair and takes a seat. Grabbing a bottle of wine, the satanist pours another stream of wine into his glass. [center][i]“How rude of me! I almost forgot to tell you my name. I'm Ryan Chambers. What about you?”[/i][/center]