"Indeed" Rintin arched an eyebrow. His sight moved through the man, drilled through him like a scalding flathead bit through warm butter. "And I suppose it takes three of you strapping gentlemen to do nothing to a chained lady?" The large stranger's vision turned to the man who slapped the prisoner. "I see, and of course someone happens to come in and see you acting like this the one time it slips out, huh?" Frowning Jasper strolled up to the perpetrator. He stopped in front of him and stared down at the little man. "Look" the marine began, but stopped when Jasper's hand wrapped around his and there was the eerily loud crunching sound of dozen little bones being pulverized into dust. The pain in such a flash the marine didn't even have time to scream. He just went white and flopped down on his knees. All of him would've crumbled if not for Jasper retaining his hand. "So which one of you outstanding navy marines has this young woman's key?" He held out a hand and the key appeared. It was from the one soldier who hadn't been mauled. "Good. Glad I didn't have to ask again." With that he dropped the lead marine on the floor as a wet heap and moved to unlock the prisoner. "Look." He whispered as he got rid of the first shackle. "I know what you're thinking and I don't blame you, but remember there's a lot of soldiers here and it won't be long before the whole place comes down on us."